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Who is the fast wing chun guy in this video?

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  • Who is the fast wing chun guy in this video?

    Guys, have a look at this. real or enhanced? anyone know how you reach this guy or get a copy of this video in its entirety.
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  • #2
    That's tommy carruthers, and I was asking about him in my gym, by all acounts he is supposed to be that fast.


    • #3
      Tommy Carruthers is probably that fast. But from another video clip of him, and also watching this one, i notice that he puts a lot of fancy arm twirls to make his movements all look like strikes. And about his strikes, he does have a few strong punches, but the rest looks as if they are suposed to be strong. I also notice that he his striking routes are very economical. He strikes and retrieves with the least movement. That is probably the reason why he can hit at his speed. But really, hes not amazingly fast--just faster.

      -JON =D


      • #4
        It could be real I just said it looked fake because something was wrong with my media player, after I looked at it a second time it looked more real.
        given, if it is real congrats to the practitioner looks like aswell as being fast he has very good control.


        • #5
          Yeah he is really fast. His punches and strikes are the real deal I have seen other videos of him, He can kick fast aswell but he is not the fastesI have seen some guys in Vancouver train in Mok Gar i think those are the fastest Kicks I have seen to date.


          • #6
            Originally posted by BeingAtOne
            Yeah he is really fast. His punches and strikes are the real deal I have seen other videos of him, He can kick fast aswell but he is not the fastesI have seen some guys in Vancouver train in Mok Gar i think those are the fastest Kicks I have seen to date.
            Hmm Vancouver BC, Canada? where might you find this Mok Gar style? I want to check it out

            -JON =D


            • #7
              Well there where to schools One was in richmond which my dad believe it or not was the head instructer but its closed and there was one in West Vancouver actualy It was at that school I saw one of there instructers do a demo I cant remeber his name I was 6 years ago but the guys was amazing not just hs speed but his accuracy. Sorry I cant give you anymore Information.


              • #8
                Originally posted by BeingAtOne
                Well there where to schools One was in richmond which my dad believe it or not was the head instructer but its closed and there was one in West Vancouver actualy It was at that school I saw one of there instructers do a demo I cant remeber his name I was 6 years ago but the guys was amazing not just hs speed but his accuracy. Sorry I cant give you anymore Information.
                ohh.. would it be possible if you helped me find out? or if you dad still has any idea where it is? =)

                -JON =D


                • #9
                  This is weirdest thing! I just asked my teacher about that guy a while ago. I've got a bunch more clips of him. You can see them here. If you've got any to add they'd be much appreciated. Oh yeah, obviously I have to change the "Uknown Fighter" title.

                  *Don't rape my bandwith!*

                  Anyway, my teacher conceded that he was fast but also pointed out that if you go frame-by-frame, he slaps himself a lot in the chest and arms to get the sounds you hear, so some of it is for show (probably because he's demonstrating it).

                  As for the other vids, one of is of a young Bruce Lee doing some Wing-Chun and the other is of a young Steven Segal; obviously he was very talented at Aikido, something I would have never have guessed from some of his cheesy movies.


                  • #10
                    I thought the "example of speed"-clip wasn't anymore in the web. Thanks for that. The "Train attacking"-clip is not complete, but thanks for posting the original clips!

                    The speed on the videos is not faked. I created them, and got the original VHS material. The extract linked in the first posting, converted to .wmv-format, is not the original one, therefore the quality seems to have suffered a bit, and it looks a little bit more tricky / faster. You can compare it to this original one: I made the clips with a relative simple software, Ulead Media Studio 5, plainly in MPEG 1-format, without any special effects or file compression.

                    Tommy is not unbelievably fast, he's just human, but his combination of crispy speed, strength to weight ratio and power is on a high level. I don't know that by just watching a video, but through personal experience...he trained hard for that, I would say it is his life!

                    Altogether there exist 24 you'll find a few more, like a push- and two pull up-clips:

                    Tommy Carruthers - Instructor of Original Jeet Kune Do, UK - Intercepting Fist Organisation - News - Online JKD Courses - Seminars - Webshop



                    • #11
                      seems all well and good but what about when the other guy is punching back.. that might make a difference... looks a little to fancy...


                      • #12
                        I like the guy..reminds me of me..


                        • #13
                          How hard can he hit?


                          • #14
                            Probably pretty damned hard. Speed and Velocity is a very big factor on how hard something hits. Look at a bullet, if I throw it at you it's not going to do anything. Now if I shoot it at you... well you get the point.


                            • #15
                              Xee, thank you for the link. I spent hours there. thanks.

                              I dont know tommy carruthers, and I have never met him. I'm sure if he set a punch up properly he could knock out anybody on this forum. Nobody's immune to being Knocked out, and it looks like Carruthers has practiced a little bit.

                              Speed = scalar, how fast an object is moving.
                              velocity = vector quantity, how fast an object changes its position. East, West, North, South, up, down, etc.

                              If a person moves forward and then back to where he was standing. No matter how fast he is moving, his velocity is 0. Velocity doesnt really build up power. Speed alone doesnt equal power either. Looking at the clip you see a lot of Carruthers slapping himself on the chest to make noises, and moving really fast to be distracting. These aren't hard hits, but quick ones, like slaps. Some aren't hits at all, but simple distractions. He could definitely use these to set up really hard punches. These harder punches wouldnt' have to be this fast because they had already been set up.

                              But I did find this quote
                              "Thats Tommy Carruthers and he does Jeet Kune Do...He is very, very hard and some of Bruce Lees original students (Jesse Glover in particular) have said that he is now faster, better conditioned and hits harder than even Bruce Lee could. "

