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Straight Blast, how to?

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  • Straight Blast, how to?

    Hello everybody I'm new so bare with me here.

    Does anybody know of a good online tutorial for the straight blast? or can at least describe it to me sufficiently themselves?


  • #2
    Look up at that menu that has the word 'Search', and type in "straight blast". There is actually a lot of newer threads about it.


    • #3
      Parallel Feet.

      Originally posted by Tibriel
      Hello everybody I'm new so bare with me here.

      Does anybody know of a good online tutorial for the straight blast? or can at least describe it to me sufficiently themselves?

      We are taught to stand with parallel feet- so that we can run at the opponent.
      They also tell us to, when running land on your toes so as no to slip on any stray bannana peels.
      Thirdly to keep low. Don't let your feet come to far off the ground. The shortest distance is a straight line, so don't curve it by playing leap frog...this is the "stealth mode".
      We learn to keep three step's of diatance so if they move forward you meet them on your second step.

      Now the bit that scares me is we are told not to worry about kick's. Maybe they mean..."at the Beginner stage".

      ..but I think we are being shown how to use the straight blast as an essential technique..?

      I've only been doing Kung Fu for a year, but I think that is what we are being shown? How does that sound?


      • #4


        • #5
          Now the bit that scares me is we are told not to worry about kick's. Maybe they mean..."at the Beginner stage".
          Your not worried about kicks because your running over somebody while punching them. They will have a hard time keeping balance, let alone throw a kick. your post kind of scares me. Banana peels and stealth mode? Seems like level4 of Frogger.


          • #6


            Don't worry about the M. Thai kick or the push kick or the fast hand's of a boxer..yeh-I'm a bit worried maate..?

            What about the 'ol Rugby tackle- or the poke in the eye's ...forget the armed assailant...,...,.... ... .


            • #7
              Ht: I know what you mean...

              Like Vitor Belfort when he beat's de Silva...but ...I'm not Vitor Belfort...


              • #8
                straight blast...

                So what is the straight blast..?


                • #9
                  look at this ,it is an example of the straight blast.Hope to be helpful.
                  sorry for my bad english.


                  • #10
                    The video doesn't work...(for me

                    Is it basiacally running at the guy in a certain way punching as you go?



                    • #11
                      I'm not sure(I s'pose so...)

                      ...but you have to see Vitor Belforte V's de Silva...a famous UFC fight.
                      (I don't know what number it is)but he just "get's it right".


                      • #12
                        Strait Blast

                        Originally posted by bbbb
                        ...but you have to see Vitor Belforte V's de Silva...a famous UFC fight.
                        (I don't know what number it is)but he just "get's it right".
                        Also, as I have said in previous threads, Vitor Belfort VS Marvin Eastman also demonstrates it very well. Belfort uses it to back up the very aggressive Eastman and delivers the most brutal knee strike I've ever seen in the ring from the neck tie.


                        • #13

                          What number's that then?


                          • #14

                            Not sure what number it was. I watched it last year. should have some info on it for you.

