Interested in finding out if anyone could explain why Bruce Lee made or added sound effects while in action. and please no stupid answers!
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sound effects
Because it's fun! LOL
Originally posted by HomeyInterested in finding out if anyone could explain why Bruce Lee made or added sound effects while in action. and please no stupid answers!
Self expression...??? Just my guess.
I have made use of the auditory tools but mostly I just yell loud and grunt sometimes...
Words at high volume tend to get reactions that are sometimes extraordinary. There are other good reasons to yell real words aside from the standard "COMMAND" voice it tends to get the attention of others (witnesses) and IMPRINTS a context for the event in their memories. It can help you in court. OR HURT YOU depending on WHAT you say. Sometimes the behavior is simply to add entertainment value.
It makes the other fighter emotional. It gets a reaction. You could probably read the reaction right off the other peoples faces and it could tell you when to attack, or when to duck and cover. I liken it to watching cats fight, or even dogs for that matter. They make the most wretched noises for apparently no reason. This must lead to a higher survival rate among those animals that are not vocal, less it would have been bred out already. He was a little guy, he moved alot and made a lot of noise. The movement and the noise can be pretty intimidating to people, expecially slower people. Also he could then train the opponent to associate certian movements with certain noises. In that situation he could feint by making a noise at the right time, and not have to actually move at all or even throw a unexpected strike. People are first born with the sense of sight, then hearing, then smell. If you cant fool their vision, maybe you can work on other strong senses; Fooling their basic instincts. Of course this is all just my opinion.
Even hearing animals fight can be intimidating, even from a distance. Loud sudden noises do scare people. They dont have to be swear words, they can be simple sharp noises. There was once a thread about feinting and drawing. It would be interesting to test training your opponent with vocalization. For example; make a noise everytime you go for the body, then out of nowhere make that noise and attack high, etc. The more you used it the more it would probably work. Of course I'm not that good yet, I'd be focusing on what noise I was going to make and get drilled.
OODA loops ain't for breakfast.
Originally posted by HtTKar...., I'd be focusing on what noise I was going to make and get drilled.
There is evidence that auditory perception is severely diminished under stress. People don't even recall hearing a gunshot in many cases. Even when they fired it! Words make people think and if they're thinking "Why did he yell THAT?" they're not thinking about covering their jaw or hitting you...
It was more for the movies he made. To bring more to the fight action. Just like some of the kicks they were to bring more affect to the fight. People like to see this in movies in a way. And Bruce liked to make a good looking fight for the movie.
I remember reading BL had a drill associated with sounds. If I remember correctly it was that you yell out when you see a strike coming and eventually you become perceptive enought to predict the attack - something like that. If anyone has time, I'm sure that drill is on the internet somewhere. The suggestion about it being used to feint seems pretty likely as well. You sure enough can hear the sounds of the other fighter during a fight.
I agree with robertlee. It makes the fight scenes more theatrical, and it was unique. Also many people try to rip it off these days, you know, most (untrained) people think of funny high pitched noises when you mention gung fu/kung fu.
When athelet's are in action, they also have this sound effect especially when giving their all. I think it gives them that extra push that comes from inside. The thing about Bruce Lee's sound effect is that it was unique. If these sounds were added into his fighting scenes for entertainment reasons, were ever the sounds came from sure fit his character. It's kinda hard to imagine that a talkative guy like Bruce Lee would be sound less during a fight when his ways were all about expressing yourself.
and thanks for the interesting response from everyone!