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2 Lineage of JKD

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  • 2 Lineage of JKD

    I have only just started JKD.

    From what I gathered there are 2 lineage to JKD.

    JKD Concept lineage: Sifu Dan Inosanto
    Original JKD/ Jun Fan Gung Fu: Sifu Ted Wong, Sifu Jesse Glover

    My question is, which lineage is closest to the final stage of development of JKD (Just before Bruce Lee pass away?)

  • #2
    Sifu Dan Inosanto is closer to the final stage of JKD. Sifus Ted Wong and Jesse Glover, interestingly enough, were never made instructors by Bruce Lee. Dan Inosanto helped Bruce to develop JKD, thats why he is Bruce's protege. JKD concepts, i feel, is more effective than original JKD as it takes greater influence from MT, Kali, BJJ, and Silat to give you more rounded combat skills e.g. kickboxing, weapon training, grappling/ground fighting and self defence.


    • #3
      I think Sifu Dan Inosanto is a lot of things.

      Perhaps I'm just expressing my own concern about it.Are they exactly the same?
      I think JKD concepts he or she feel is a lot of things.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Sensei Saki
        Perhaps I'm just expressing my own concern about it.
        Are they exactly the same?
        This is another question I want the answer for.

        Because I heard JKD Concept (Which is what I am studying, no Original JKD near me) has added BJJ, Kali and so on into the system.

        But the base system should be the same right? (Sorry I am going to my 3rd lesson tonight, don't know which about JKD, yet.)


        • #5
          Yes, all the original JKD is in the concepts curriculum, Guro dan teaches all the material from all the years.
          The thing i dont get is right in the tao of jeet kune do bruce says not to copy his style and keep evolving and exploring, so where do the original jkd people get the idea of just teaching what bruce taught and stopping? makes no sence. Insonato is the way to go.


          • #6
            Originally posted by kaliman33
            Yes, all the original JKD is in the concepts curriculum, Guro dan teaches all the material from all the years.
            The thing i dont get is right in the tao of jeet kune do bruce says not to copy his style and keep evolving and exploring, so where do the original jkd people get the idea of just teaching what bruce taught and stopping? makes no sence. Insonato is the way to go.
            I don't know of any original JKD teacher who says you should learn Bruce's JKD and nothing else. Some of them CHOOSE to teach only Bruce's JKD for various reasons. Some think that you shouldn't call something JKD if it's not part of the original art. But none of them, as far as I know, say that you should restrict your training to only OJKD.


            • #7

              IIRC only Dan Inosanto, Jimmy Lee, Taky Kimura, and Ted Wong were ever allowed to teach JKD. Bruce said to other people, teach if you want, but don't call it Bruce Lee arts. Joe Cowles, Jim DeMile, Jesse Glover, Pat Strong, Howard Williams, Leo Fong, Dan Lee, Alan Joe, would be qualified to teach their won stuff but infl. by Lee.
              Then there are people who studied under both Bruce and Dan I: Tackett,
              Poteet, Bustillo, Hartsell, Golden, Bremer, and others.
              Dill was Jimmy Lee's student and Chris Knudds (Kent) was Dan I.'s student, but neither Dill nor Kent worked with Bruce. Vunak and Richardson are probably Dan Inosanto's "post Bruce Lee" students.
              In my view, no one is right or wrong-- it is what works for YOU!!!
              Strong, DeMIle, Glover, Cowles, etc. teach a heavily Wing Chun influenced art. Fong, Wiiliams, Wong, and others from the Oakland time teach mainly a street version of kickboxing, as does Ted Wong from the LA time. Dan and others like him teach a broad-based curriculum incorporating kali, silat, jujitsu,
              nhb/mma, bjj, Bando, la savate, etc. into the framework.
              Again, all of these men are very highly qualified teachers; it boils down to what works for you.


              • #8
                Dan Inosanto, James Yimm Lee (deseased) and Taky Kimura are the only instructors certified by Bruce Lee.

                Dan Inosanto holds the 3rd rank (Instructor) Directly from Bruce Lee in Jeet Kune Do, Jun Fan Gung Fu, and Bruce Lee's Tao of Chinese Gung Fu

                Taky Kimura holds a 5th rank in Jun Fan Gung Fu

                James Yimm Lee held a 3rd rank in Jun Fan Gung Fu

                Ted Wong was never certified by Bruce Lee, however Dan Inosanto precented Ted with an honorary Intructorship after Bruce Had died, However Ted Wong holds a 2nd rank in Jeet Kune Do, directly by Bruce Lee

                although many donnot know this, Dan Inosanto is the only one certified by Bruce Lee to teach JEET KUNE DO, has he is the only one to be given the 3rd rank diploma. (James Yimm Lee and Taky Kimura hold ranks in Jun Fan Gung Fu, Not Jeet Kune Do, Taky Recieved his 5th rank in Jun Fan Gung Fu after the term Jeet Kune Do existed)

                also it is interesting that Bruce gave Dan all three diplomas, on the same day.

                There are two true Jeet Kune Do Associations, all others expand off these
                Inosanto International Martial Arts Instructors Association
                Bruce Lee Educational Foundation

                Inosanto's Intructors offer more for you to choose from, the BLEF only offer Bruce Lee's Fighting Method (techniques), it would be cheaper to find your own Jeet Kune Do threw Inosanto's instructors, in my oppinion although effective just learning bruce lee's techniques limits you, and jeet kune do is about no limitation.


                • #9

                  Okay, Wong was never certified to teach; Taky K. and the late Jimmy Lee were certified in Jun Fan, but only Dan was qualified to teach
                  Jeet Kune Do? This varies from other acc'ts- what is the source?

                  I would agree that JKDC is probably preferable to OJKD for combat purposes, but it would be too general to say that only the Inosanto lineage does crosstraining. For instance, Patrick Strong trains with Rickson Gracie and incorporates plenty of BJJ is his stuff. DeMIle teaches a Hawaiin influenced jujitsu system called WCD jujitsu.

                  Overall, I think Thai and Bjj are the dominant trends, and it would be foolish to train as if they did not exist. However, not all JKDC lineage instructors are equally qualified- CAVEAT EMPTOR!


                  • #10
                    That's the thing, what is the different between JKD and MMA?


                    • #11
                      JKD is in the details...

                      Originally posted by fenwick99
                      ....Then there are people who studied under both Bruce and Dan I: Tackett,
                      Poteet, Bustillo, Hartsell, ....
                      Again, all of these men are very highly qualified teachers; it boils down to what works for you.

                      Perhaps a bit more research is in order before you post information LIKE this?

                      Tim Tackett has studied many things with many people in many places for many years and he is an authority on JKD. He was one of Dan Inosanto's early "backyard" students but he didn't train directly with BL.


                      • #12
                        This is a little irrelavent but still interesting.

                        My instructer told us that Dan Inosanto told him that Bruce Lee used to show you a move or trapping move that may have been complicated only 3 times. If you could not do it after 3 times of Bruce Lee showing you Bruce Lee would say "You are still mine" lol. Thought that was quite interesting.


                        • #13

                          1. My understanding is that Tackett knew Bruce personally. Who says he didn't?

                          2. Is it true that ONLY Dan Inosanto was authorized to teach JKD, and if so, where
                          does that leave the nucleus?

                          3. Is it true that Bruce threw away much of the CWC trapping when it did not work against Kareem?

                          4. Did Bruce ever change his overall opinion about Muay Thai and fma?

                          5. Is Master Mark's acc't of his association with Bruce accurate?

                          statement_ MMA , though very advanced ,is still about a "one on one" fair fight. Jkd/jfgf incorporates mass attack scenarios, defense against weaopns, fighting with weapons, and defense from disadvantaged positions.

                          I apologize if I promoted any inaccurate info., but it is hard for someone who has never lived in Calif. and who is not close friends with any of the principals to know everything in exact detail. Like 99% of eveyone else who follows jkd, I peice together what I can and try to make sense of it.


                          • #14
                            I'm sure Mr. Tackett could reply to your questions himself. He has been kind enough in the past to post here on the JKD forum from time to time. My knowledge is also limited to individual lineages associated with our local JKD (associate) instructor. One Mr. Faulkner. He tends to not draw much attention to himself but he's a great guy and a living textbook of information. If Mr. Tackett did know or study with BL then I'm thinking it would have been mentioned in one of the JKD books that he was involved with... ? Or maybe he likes to keep it a secret? LOL


                            • #15
                              From my understanding Mr. TAckett studied under Guru Dan. But also trains and runs his Wednesday night group in Redlands with Bob Bremer who was an original Bruce Lee student.

