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anti- wing chun bias?

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  • anti- wing chun bias?

    I have noticed that several persons in these forums knock BL becuz of wing chun. This is idiotic for several reasons. I will give a few:
    1. I admit that if you did only, say MT, BJJ, FMA, and NHB, that would be enuff for the street. However, CWC and MWC develop attributes like
    super-hand-speed and short-range power that are worthwhile even if you never use WC in a fihgt.
    2. CWC and MWC allow you to steal a beat of time and get in two more strikes that boxing will not give you.
    3. WC training teaches you how to control an enemy with a minimum of effort, and that can translate into your life in a mass attack scenario.
    4. If you need to fight in a phone booth, WC gives you the internal energy surge to win instantly.
    Further, I would investigate the books and tapes of Randy Williams, Patrick S. and James D. and see if you think WC is worthless. Again, Bruce said to find the cause of your ignorance. Many of you blowhards would rather remain ignaorant. Suffice it to say that WC attributes are worthwhile evwen if you never fight like Wing Chun...
    and it does not matter who Bruce did/would lose to in a fight.

  • #2
    I did see a dvd by a Master Wong, who is from England and does WC - it seems like a pretty good system. The principles he discussed were all valid - keeping opponent at arm length, going with a push to get yourself out of distance for an attack, and I always like the block with one hand & hit with the other style of WC (whereas a lot of styles want you to block then strike).


    • #3
      If you look at any art. Its the person that has to get it working for them. And then A person has to round off to. Being able to defend on the ground also. W C is ok but if the person will not train ir well it will not work as well when its needed. Just like I said its up to the person To get it working


      • #4
        I have one student who never quite seems to grasp the WC/JF type trapping. He does extremly well in kickboxing range however. I suspect this may be a personal bias,and don't try to "force" it on him. My WC is more a Jun Fan Gung Fu thing,and I feel really comfortable applying WC type traps to many different situations. I think it's up to the individual,but I've often said you can't train NHB when you're 70,but sensitivity can be done your whole life!


        • #5
          Like Pat Strong suggests in his "Bruce Lee,Master of the Inner Game."video.Try using WC trapping and straight punching from the mount position.Opponent cant move out of trapping range if the ground is behind him.A lot of people bitch about things not working in the real world,stop the bitching and use your brains.Make it work by changing the enviroment its used in........


          • #6
            MWC = Malaysian Wing Chun?

