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a JKD'ers take on Muay Thai roundkick

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Roland
    I haven't used the Thai kick in self-defense but I've talked to an experienced Muay Thai practitioner who used it twice in self-defense and witnessed an altercation in which it was used.

    In all three cases, the person who was being kicked either didn't see it coming or fell victim to the "deer in the headlights" syndrome and ended up eating the kick.

    1st "victim" got dropped by the kick and his only response was to crawl around on all fours shortly before the second kick hit him in the head and knocked him out.

    2nd "victim" got knocked head over kiester by the kick and didn't get back up.

    3rd "victim" got knocked down by the kick...and started to CRY (he was a teenager).
    I've been training in Kickboxing for about 5 or 6 years now and i've seen big strong guys in there mid 20's to 30's break down and cry like a baby from a kick. as a matter of fact, i've cryed from a kick myself. also discriminating someone by age is uncalled for and has no place in rating skill or disipline!!!


    • #17
      I got Kicked with a round house once rate in the Liver i was unable to cry or speak or stand all i did was curl up into a ball on the ground the pain was so much i did not have the ability to to do anything i could not breath for awhile it was not a good feeling all i did was lay there on the ground in a ball and gasp. Liver shots suck way worse then a kick to the head.


      • #18

        liver shot are worse than kicks to the head?I got kick in the liver in a ring fight and all it did was slow me dow for a minuet. As for jkd and mauy thai and defending against thai round kicks, how come even experienced mma fighters with both stand up and ground experience have some trouble defending agaist the thai round house? Here's an idea, lets put a thai-boxer and a jkd guy in a room together and lock the door and come back 10 minuets later, guess who's standing and who's lying on the floor in a heap???


        • #19
          I apologise if my blatant age-ism offended anyone.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Blue Wave Gym
            Here's an idea, lets put a thai-boxer and a jkd guy in a room together and lock the door and come back 10 minuets later, guess who's standing and who's lying on the floor in a heap???
            Does the JKD guy know BJJ?

            Sorry. Couldn't resist.


            • #21

              well if he does then the thai-boxer is in for a real bad day at the office, cause he's going to the ground real fast(an there ain't shit he can do about it)(fondly remembering my transion from tma and kickboxing to mma training) see any of the first 20-30 ufc's
              and the funny thing is that the kick-boxers actually did better than boxers, boxers were immediately taken down were as kick boxers were able to throw 1 leg kick(which was usually ineffective) before they were taken down and mounted and had the shit beat out of them


              • #22
                RE: lol

                :-) Well that's okay.
                I don't follow your reasoning.


                • #23

                  it's not reasoing it's called functional training and aliveness and ring experience /common sense

