I was just talking with some peers of mine in our class about weather its better to attack the head or the body on a person. My beliefe is If the person is more then 3 inches taller then me i will hit him in the body like the solarplex or kidneys and if he is shorter then that i would perfer to hit his head(chin). I just wanted to know what you guys thought about attacking the body instead of the head and what you think the advantages are and disadvantages also if you have a good story about a fight that had a body shot in it let me know thanks.
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The body!
You have to attack what is open. Some people are great at covering up their heads, so you have to attack low. Some people are easy to fake out with low kicks and you can attack high when they reach to block. But if I get my way, I'd prefer to move in and starting at their bladder work my way up their body to the head, just bust 'em up inside. Of course that vary rarely happens that I can stay inside that long without having to move. Also, I like attacking their side, starting below the floating rib and working my way up to the back of their ear. Although I notice that I'm a big head-hunter, I find attacking the body to be much easier, both offensively and defensively.
we'll it depends
Originally posted by BeingAtOneI was just talking with some peers of mine in our class about weather its better to attack the head or the body on a person. My beliefe is If the person is more then 3 inches taller then me i will hit him in the body like the solarplex or kidneys and if he is shorter then that i would perfer to hit his head(chin). I just wanted to know what you guys thought about attacking the body instead of the head and what you think the advantages are and disadvantages also if you have a good story about a fight that had a body shot in it let me know thanks.
if it's a street fight you're talking about, then yes yes yes always the nose jaw or back of the head or neck,or ear drum, eyes,ect. pound pound pound.If I couldn't reach the face or jaw then the sternum,collar bones and don't forget to punch him in the balls or try to rip his balls off just for good measure.