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proper grammer

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  • proper grammer

    Im tired of these god forsaken people who are so g'dammed bored they check ppl's grammer n shyt, remember this is a martial arts form not a fucking school stfu and deal wit it dammit.

  • #2
    whoa! people dissin jubaji in two threads at once...Its his shining moment for sure


    • #3
      U goodly eyedeer

      Originally posted by JkD187
      Im tired of these god forsaken people who are so g'dammed bored they check ppl's grammer n shyt, remember this is a martial arts form not a fucking school stfu and deal wit it dammit.


      Good one! I especially like the thread title, that was a nice touch!


      • #4
        Boohoo! Cry about it man, you're one o' the worst of 'em JKD187. You are simply a grammar offender. Notice how I spell words correctly?(when I mean to that is) While this forum is focused on martial arts, I believe that people should still follow proper grammar and spelling. Not only is it common(or so I wish) courtesy, it makes it a lot easier to read and understand. Of course I am going to cut up on people who type like a complete moron...(I believe it was robertlee who I just nailed for typing like so: I.dunno liek. a norml.pers.on.)


        • #5
          I may not be able to type So good But At least I do not throw rocks at someone for small things. You may learn someday when you grow up its better to be wise then be a wise/// I can take being told about the typeing. BUT can we go on from here and contribute to a post. Rather then voice repeatedly on small matters. Thank you for your words I agree. Perhaps I will improve on the typeing.


          • #6
            Originally posted by robertlee
            Perhaps I will improve on the typeing.

            On the 'what'?


            • #7
              Originally posted by jubaji
              On the 'what'?
              That extremely peacfull city in China....


              • #8
                Grammer indeed

                Originally posted by JkD187
                Im tired of these god forsaken people who are so g'dammed bored they check ppl's grammer n shyt, remember this is a martial arts form not a fucking school stfu and deal wit it dammit.
                How about spellng?

                Hmm... Not another "typeing" rebellion?
                Last edited by aseepish; 09-21-2005, 01:54 AM. Reason: Didn't make a spelling mistake the first time around.


                • #9
                  Remember folks, as long as you are able to successfully convey your opinion, and others can understand you, then there is no need for correct spelling and grammar. All we are trying to do is communicate. The 'how' doesn't matter as long as people understand you....

                  ...that reminds me, people who use long fancy words, when there is a perfectly good shorter word, why? Why do people do that? Surely using shorter simpler words is better for everyone; easier to spell, quicker to say and write, and more people will understand you so you can be more successful at communicating. Perhaps they want to show off their 'supierior' intelligence. Remember folks, this is a JKD forum, it doesn't matter how pretty it is as long as it gets the job done!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Freedom
                    Remember folks, as long as you are able to successfully convey your opinion, and others can understand you, then there is no need for correct spelling and grammar. All we are trying to do is communicate. The 'how' doesn't matter as long as people understand you....

                    ...that reminds me, people who use long fancy words, when there is a perfectly good shorter word, why? Why do people do that? Surely using shorter simpler words is better for everyone; easier to spell, quicker to say and write, and more people will understand you so you can be more successful at communicating. Perhaps they want to show off their 'supierior' intelligence. Remember folks, this is a JKD forum, it doesn't matter how pretty it is as long as it gets the job done!
                    Because, though there may be shorter words that are SIMILAR, no two words mean the EXACT same thing(atleast in the same language). As an example, take the word "good" and compare it with "well". They are similar but one may be more appropriate for certain purposes. Also, the word that you are spelling "typeing" should be spelt "typing". Sorry, I know that it doesn't make you a lesser person because your language skills are not as good as another persons, it just makes you very hard to understand, usually taking me a lot longer to read your posts. Sorry r.lee, I didn't mean to offend or insult you. And best regards.


                    • #11
                      No offence taken


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Maidenfan
                        no two words mean the EXACT same thing(atleast in the same language).

                        Well, that's not really true.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Maidenfan
                          As an example, take the word "good" and compare it with "well". They are similar but one may be more appropriate for certain purposes.

                          That's not a great example, as those two words are different parts of speech.


                          • #14
                            Not necessarily. Well can be used as an adjective as in "Do you feel well?" or "I'm doing well." Good is also an adjective. No two words do mean the exact same, they can be very similar and some lower dictionaries will list them as meaning the same thing(typically the same dictionaries that list "bling" as a real word...).


                            • #15
                              Well Maidenfan, i also misspelled superior. Oh and you typed persons instead of person's.

