Hi to all and firstly a note to all, don't constrew this into me being as some ego driven person trying to show up people and the such... as I honestly feel as if on the outside looking in, a lot of the time, seeing so many people trying to force something from themselves when all they need is to let themselves go.
Now back onto it...
I am 30 years of age this coming april and am a 150 - 160 pound caucasion and have been studying martial arts on a broad scale for about 21 years. Now in this time I can say that I fell prisoner to many of the "styles" constraints, believing one thing better than another and all the time never really gaining true knowing of my own artistic abilities. In my late teens I began to realise that despite all that I had learnt had done for me was nothing more than tune me into the mechanical reactor as planned by the styles/techniques, so instead of continuing with any particular style I stopped from study to try to find out where I had gone wrong and why I was so slow and sluggish in my movements, I then turned back to Jun Fans knoweldge in order to try to know it for myself and after some time (I can say years of thought went into it) I discovered something within myself that I can not bring into words with full meaning but to simplify it the best way I can... I feel energy charge my body almost upon every thought my mind conveys which feels like a jolt of electricity surging along every nerve in my body and releasing into every muscle. Like taking an electrical jolt from the mains yet there is no pain, just a feeling of strength and well damn it feels good to put it really plainly, also giving me the desire and ability to strive for anything with no boundries or obstructions.
Now why did I post all that about myself ????
Because... I am really getting frustrated at how so many people associated with Jun Fans teachings have either misinterpreted, lost, forgotten or merely held back their true meanings.
Lose the styles and techniques people, the only way to be 100% with yourself and everything around you is to forget about planned stratergies and techniques and instead go back and look at the simpliscity of yourself. Be natural, feel natural... stop trying to conform to some style or technique of doing something even the "so called" style of Jun Fans Jeet Kune Do... damn that "style" is such a contradiction of itself as conveyed by a lot of people.
Be Free!
Get off the ego trip ride of trying to be the greatest or best at something etc etc. For example, I can honestly say that since I started my journey along the path toward freedom into and out of myself with Jun Fans teachings as my guide, I can say that confrontation is either solved out of combat which is the calmer approach, or, if it does come about due to who knows what, then it only lasts at most a few seconds (holding back will ultimately slow your advance) with thinking combining with movement to become one. I do not ever plan an attack or a defence, but I am aware of both, not seperately, but as one. I do not ever go looking for fights or violence but I will defend myself and my loved ones with all that is me. Otherwise I only strive to understand and know myself to the fullest and let myself do what I do best.... Move, Think and Be! I also do not enter tournaments nor do I actively seek competition in any form to express my abilities, why should I, the only person I have something to prove to is myself and so it should be with any person, its not a popularity contest or a competition of ability, but an understanding and freeing of ones self.
... Let nature take its course in a combat, don't try to predict the outcome of a fight or you will surely be punished by the unexpected. If you are meant to win, it will become apparent after the fight not during.
Whoa down... where am I going now, I think I'm taking you to far in now so I shall leave it at that for now with a hope that the many of you out there not following the true teachings of Jun Fan will awaken to your mistakes and truely begin to strive toward true freedom within yourself and from yourself.
Freedom to all...
PS: sorry for the length of it, that was as short as I could make it...
Now back onto it...
I am 30 years of age this coming april and am a 150 - 160 pound caucasion and have been studying martial arts on a broad scale for about 21 years. Now in this time I can say that I fell prisoner to many of the "styles" constraints, believing one thing better than another and all the time never really gaining true knowing of my own artistic abilities. In my late teens I began to realise that despite all that I had learnt had done for me was nothing more than tune me into the mechanical reactor as planned by the styles/techniques, so instead of continuing with any particular style I stopped from study to try to find out where I had gone wrong and why I was so slow and sluggish in my movements, I then turned back to Jun Fans knoweldge in order to try to know it for myself and after some time (I can say years of thought went into it) I discovered something within myself that I can not bring into words with full meaning but to simplify it the best way I can... I feel energy charge my body almost upon every thought my mind conveys which feels like a jolt of electricity surging along every nerve in my body and releasing into every muscle. Like taking an electrical jolt from the mains yet there is no pain, just a feeling of strength and well damn it feels good to put it really plainly, also giving me the desire and ability to strive for anything with no boundries or obstructions.
Now why did I post all that about myself ????
Because... I am really getting frustrated at how so many people associated with Jun Fans teachings have either misinterpreted, lost, forgotten or merely held back their true meanings.
Lose the styles and techniques people, the only way to be 100% with yourself and everything around you is to forget about planned stratergies and techniques and instead go back and look at the simpliscity of yourself. Be natural, feel natural... stop trying to conform to some style or technique of doing something even the "so called" style of Jun Fans Jeet Kune Do... damn that "style" is such a contradiction of itself as conveyed by a lot of people.
Be Free!
Get off the ego trip ride of trying to be the greatest or best at something etc etc. For example, I can honestly say that since I started my journey along the path toward freedom into and out of myself with Jun Fans teachings as my guide, I can say that confrontation is either solved out of combat which is the calmer approach, or, if it does come about due to who knows what, then it only lasts at most a few seconds (holding back will ultimately slow your advance) with thinking combining with movement to become one. I do not ever plan an attack or a defence, but I am aware of both, not seperately, but as one. I do not ever go looking for fights or violence but I will defend myself and my loved ones with all that is me. Otherwise I only strive to understand and know myself to the fullest and let myself do what I do best.... Move, Think and Be! I also do not enter tournaments nor do I actively seek competition in any form to express my abilities, why should I, the only person I have something to prove to is myself and so it should be with any person, its not a popularity contest or a competition of ability, but an understanding and freeing of ones self.
... Let nature take its course in a combat, don't try to predict the outcome of a fight or you will surely be punished by the unexpected. If you are meant to win, it will become apparent after the fight not during.
Whoa down... where am I going now, I think I'm taking you to far in now so I shall leave it at that for now with a hope that the many of you out there not following the true teachings of Jun Fan will awaken to your mistakes and truely begin to strive toward true freedom within yourself and from yourself.
Freedom to all...
PS: sorry for the length of it, that was as short as I could make it...
