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  • F I S T

    What do you believe? What is your philosophy?..

    It is better to use the first two big knuckes when punching or use the big middle knuckle and the two smaller ones?
    Punching with two biggest knuckles
    Punching with Middle knuckle and two smaller ones
    Palm Strike
    Ridge Hand

  • #2
    Making a fist

    Big two knuckles baby, strongest of the knuckle bones. Do your best to hit with those big two but don't let that stop you from throwing barages at your oppent. Just keep the big two in mind when you fight. With breaking techniques. I would say for your hands sake use the big two all the time and remember to curl your fingers down to the pads of your hands and curl in. My friend Paul likes to call it the most uncomfortable fist you could possibly make.


    • #3
      depends on what I'm hitting.


      • #4
        We slap and palm strike for the most part. However our sun punches use the bottom three knuckles, our back fist the top two knuckles and the shovel hook uses the top two knuckles.


        • #5
          I decked some kid once and hit with my middle two knuckles and a little of the pinky. Got a cut on the middle two from his teeth. Knocked him silly, but I know that if I'd hit with my top two I would have done alot more damage, either knocked out some teeth or KO. I really feel there is a lot more force in a jab or hook with the first two knuckles. (and basic physics agrees)

          They stick out so much more (on my hand at least) that there's less chance for the fingers themselves (more tender) to get involved like when aiming with the bottom 3.


          • #6
            The bottom three knuckles offer better alignment, but the palm strike seems much more safe. The finger jab is terribly efficient though.


            • #7
              just look at your fist. look how much more your front 2 knuckles protrude and how much bigger they are compared to the rest. common sense will tell u these are more effective. immagine how easily u can cut people using the very tips of these against enemys eyes and forehead.

              hitting with the last 3 can cause injury and broken hands since they are weaker. my boxing instructer hit someone in a real fight on accident and broke his hand; some of the bone popping through the skin. use the front 2.


              • #8
                Originally posted by EmptyneSs
                just look at your fist. look how much more your front 2 knuckles protrude and how much bigger they are compared to the rest. common sense will tell u these are more effective. immagine how easily u can cut people using the very tips of these against enemys eyes and forehead.

                hitting with the last 3 can cause injury and broken hands since they are weaker. my boxing instructer hit someone in a real fight on accident and broke his hand; some of the bone popping through the skin. use the front 2.
                There was a reason this thread was placed in the JKD forumn. Doesn't jkd advocate the bottom three knuckles with the vertical punch?


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Hardball
                  There was a reason this thread was placed in the JKD forumn. Doesn't jkd advocate the bottom three knuckles with the vertical punch?
                  "jkd" guys do that cause wing chun advocates punching with last 3 knuckles. however boxing, advocates punching with first 2. its your choice, but boxings punches have been shown to be more effective and can generate more power.


                  • #10
                    boxers train to hit with gloves on. JKD is training for punching without gloves on.

                    Cutting someone isn't necessarily the thing you want outside the ring


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by eXcessiveForce
                      depends on what I'm hitting.
                      I'd have to go with this. What are you striking, and from where? Slipping a jab and driving a shovel hook up to the floating ribs when you're squared up, first two knuckles. Not squared up and striking for the carotid, brachial, or windpipe, ridgehand. Striking at the ear, palmheel. Strikes are like golf clubs; which one you use depends on where you are, what your preference is, and what you want to accomplish.

                      While we're on it, striking the opponent with a golf club is good, too. Golf carts are even better.


                      • #12
                        I agree with those that say it depends on the situation; the idea is to pick the right tool for the job. I'm most comfortable using my first two knuckles though. I know that when I hit the bag with the lower part of my fist it hurts like hell so I'm inclined to agree with Emptyness too. I'd be very interested to hear the reason behind using the lower part of the hand.


                        • #13
                          Golf clubs....i like that...


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by eXcessiveForce
                            boxers train to hit with gloves on. JKD is training for punching without gloves on.

                            Cutting someone isn't necessarily the thing you want outside the ring
                            that argument might have been ok except that boxing is used as one of the top striking arts in mma, ufc, pride, etc and has proven to be effective without gloves on.

                            also there may be times when cutting somene is good. it can scare them, or u can make them bleed large amounts of blood into their eyes and blind them. if they bleed alot they will lose energy as well.


                            • #15
                              Palm strike are a hell of a lot safer without gloves, taping or wraps. Seems I've seen quite a few broken hands in MMA.

                              And in real life I'd just rather avoid getting somebody elses blood on me. It may be unavoidable but most people don't quit because they are bleeding from that type of wound.

                              Since I switch between them it doesn't much matter to me.

