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  • #16
    He's right, I don't want some crack head junkie with AIDS bleeding all over me either. I'd probbably find a pole to poke or wack them with to keep them at a distance. You know they got lice too man.


    • #17
      If i want the other guy to bleed, there are much more effective ways to accomplish that than punching him.

      But for the most part i dont want you bleedin all over me.


      • #18
        personally i voted palm strike its my most favoured, alot of people voted for knuckles hey? personally i would say i dissagree with that, i condition my knuckles and my palms but i definatley would say ive never injured my palm by striking anybody, but i ave inhured my knuckles and fingers with close fisted strikes,


        • #19
          I personally think correct allignment will create the least amount of pain regardless of what type of strike it is. Correct allignment + strong ligament strength = efficient striking


          • #20
            i noticed that a few years ago. asked my karate sensai about it, he agreed but said stick with the big two and you get used to it.
            muay thai and boxing both agree on the big two. between them i figure theyve got it right, so since those three all go for that i do to.

            press ups on the smaller knuckles do hit less but thats a different thing to punching. smaller ones also sharper, but if im gonna hit something vaguely hard (e.g. face) ill use the bigger two. with shots to the stomach say, doesnt matter much if you hit hard. only time i hit with the smaller ones is when ive caught a leg.. then hit the thigh sometimes. recently changed that to an elbow tho, turns out that works really well if you can get the inside of the thigh.. and still better than a punch on the outside of the leg.

            punching things hurts, deal with it. and dont hit concrete cos that hurts for days

            i wish people would stop trying to use really basic, confused ideas in physics to make a point. thats only valid if your actually right (f=ma does not apply to punches very well at all)


            • #21
              Originally posted by EmptyneSs
              just look at your fist. look how much more your front 2 knuckles protrude and how much bigger they are compared to the rest. common sense will tell u these are more effective. immagine how easily u can cut people using the very tips of these against enemys eyes and forehead.

              hitting with the last 3 can cause injury and broken hands since they are weaker. my boxing instructer hit someone in a real fight on accident and broke his hand; some of the bone popping through the skin. use the front 2.

              I've done that. Boxers break. Metacarpal tip breaks downward. Pinky still work but you won't be punching anything for a while. Last three may be better aligned, but they are way weaker.


              • #22
                The human body wasn't really designed for punching. Humans push and manipulate with their palms. Your palm is tougher than your knuckles. Therefore, the fastest way to strike with safety is with the palm, because it requires much less conditioning. Hammerfists are good for similar reasons. Hammerfists also take better advantage of angular momentum than, for instance, a cross. I can do extremely viscious things with a hammerfist...

                However, there is nothing wrong with punching to the softer parts of the body, like the stomach, kidneys, or groin. You really should avoid punching the cranium or teeth, though. Still, a hook to the mandible is good.

                As for physics, the equation for force involves more than just mass and acceleration. The full equation is F=ma+cv+kx. This equation takes other variables into consideration, such as wind resistance, gravity, friction within joints, muscle tension, and energy lost through heat. This longer equation for force contains 6 parts: (mass x acceleration) + (velocity x displacement) + (damping x stiffness). But you know what? F=ma is good enough. Why? Because for the most part it's all the stuff you have control over, apart from muscle tension (stiffness).


                • #23
                  either way, no matter what arguments u wanna come up with the fact is the boxing style punch has been and still is used in full contact barenuckle mma matches all the time and has already proven to be effective without gloves.


                  • #24
                    I didn't say it wasn't effective. Punching is very effective. I said it wasn't as good as a palm. "Good" isn't simply what hurts the opponent the most. "Good" is what hurts the opponent and has the lowest percentage chance of hurting you.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Brokenmace
                      I didn't say it wasn't effective. Punching is very effective. I said it wasn't as good as a palm. "Good" isn't simply what hurts the opponent the most. "Good" is what hurts the opponent and has the lowest percentage chance of hurting you.
                      haha are u kidding? its pretty easy to **** up your wrist using palm strikes. your hand is already bent back, at least with boxing style punches your wrist is properly aligned with your fist.


                      • #26
                        I'm glad you got a laugh out of it.I think you mean "it's" or "it is" not "its". Do you think robots can do to **** up your wrist using palm stikes.A lot of robots are like that.


                        • #27
                          If you hit with the palm-heels rather than the fingers, then your wrists will be fine. Your palm-heel is already perfectly aligned with the wrist, and it cannot move, unlike a fist. However, it is more dangerous to strike teeth or skull with your knuckles. All the opponent has to do is move or twist in such a way as to force a near-miss with the last three knuckles. It happens all the time.

                          Look at this: Palm Vs. Punch

                          For quotes like this: "'The skin on the Dorsal side (top of the hand) is easily cut because it is very thin. The opposite is true of the skin on the palm,' says O.T.R. Faye Grant."

                          Also, any instructor will tell you that wearing gloves during either training or a match is just as much to protect the puncher as the one being punched.


                          • #28
                            Yeah you hit with the heel of your palm that dosen't apply any pressure almost, take it like physics in moments, if your hitting something close to the pivot it will hardly move you need lots of extra force for injuring it from that point.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Brokenmace
                              If you hit with the palm-heels rather than the fingers, then your wrists will be fine.
                              no shit. however, not everything always goes as u want it. people mess up, especially in a fight.

                              Originally posted by Brokenmace
                              All the opponent has to do is move or twist in such a way as to force a near-miss with the last three knuckles. It happens all the time..
                              doesnt the same go for palm? all the opponent has to do is move is move in such a way that causes u to bend your wrist back and injure it.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by EmptyneSs
                                no shit. however, not everything always goes as u want it. people mess up, especially in a fight.
                                The problem here is in degree. Yes, you can always injure yourself doing anything in a fight. Here's the thing: you are much more likely to injure yourself punching someone correctly with a fist, whereas the chance of this happening with your palm is very very small.

                                Originally posted by EmptyneSs
                                doesnt the same go for palm? all the opponent has to do is move is move in such a way that causes u to bend your wrist back and injure it.
                                Again a problem of degree. The chance of someone moving their head in a way that will hurt your fingers curled back in a palm strike are much less than the chance of injury to the wrist, because of body mechanics.

