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weight training for JKD

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  • weight training for JKD

    I'm looking to start a serious weight training regimen for Jeet Kune Do and I've read I should be doing more olympic-style, esplosive lifts, but I don't really know where to start. This is what my training schedule looks like:

    Sunday- skill training/ strength training/ plyometrics/ core training
    Monday- skill training/ anaerobic conditioning
    Tuesday- skill training/ core training
    Wednesday- skill training/ anaerobic conditioning
    Thursday- skill training/ strength training/ plyometrics/ core training
    Friday- skill training/ anaerobic conditioning
    Saturday- rest

    If anyone could offer up some suggestions or examples of a good routine, I would greatly appreciate it.

  • #2
    How long are you thinking of doing each of these for?


    • #3
      I currently do my skill training for 1/2 hour to 1 hour, strength training for 1/2 hour, core training for 20 minutes, and running (jog 1 mile, sprint 1 min./ rest 1 min. 4X, cool-down 1/2 mile) or jump rope (6x3-min. rounds) for 20-25 minutes. As far as duration goes, I plan to keep things pretty much the same.


      • #4
        I trained explosive style lifts for my JKD for a while (the deadlift/clean and jerk are great exercises to develop explosive power throughout the body). However I recently started training with kettel bells and I don't think I have ever had a better workout. Free weight exercises that not only add a good amount of weight, but work felxibility at the same time

        From what I understand the kettle bell was originally an old soviet olympic team training method that was later ditched in favor of exercises to develop more raw power for lifts alone rather then an overall increase in strength.


        • #5
          What are some specific routines or maybe links to that I can use to create one?


          • #6
            I was just wondering what is a good weight routine for JKD is? I work out 3 days a week and want a workout that will benifit my JKD the best. I am currently doing circuit training and cardio. I also do Kali and Submission Wrestling twice a week. I have read that doing high weight low reps is good for hard strikes but I dont want to bulk up. I am new to the whole MA area so any info would be great.

            Thank You


