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This is a video of Bruce Lee's 1 inch Punch

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  • This is a video of Bruce Lee's 1 inch Punch

    in the last part of this video u will see bruce throws his legendary 1 inch punch to the guy.....I just want to know, how can bruce express a power and even throws his opponent in just 1 inch distance? is it the training that he has done or the gifted punching ability?

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  • #2
    I would say it was....

    wait for it...

    wait for it...

    wait for it....

    his willing partner.


    • #3
      nope, i've had a lot of fun with the 1 inch punch, it is synergy of motion.

      when all the muscles work together with proper timing you can generate a lot of force. the power is not coming from the hand so it doesn't make much differenct where the hand is placed.


      • #4
        Simply amazing. I've always loved Jeet Kune Do. It's just a shame I can't advance in it anymore here in Corpus Christi. Looks like I've gotta move to Houston.


        • #5
          The one inch punch Bruce Lee demonstrates in the vid is based on the Wing Chun punch. Part of the secret is the way weight is transferred from the rear foot to the fist as contact is made with the target.

          Bruce Lee's senior instructor Dan Inosanto was asked about the one inch punch. He said for demos, the power of the punch is modified so that it becomes more of a push, instead of a punch. However, he did say that in real life, if he needed to use this punch, he would use full acceleration on contact so he could drop the opponent where he stands.


          • #6

            Ok if thats what you think. I wouldnt go by DAN he dindt really know the man. Take care

            Originally posted by m_calingo
            The one inch punch Bruce Lee demonstrates in the vid is based on the Wing Chun punch. Part of the secret is the way weight is transferred from the rear foot to the fist as contact is made with the target.

            Bruce Lee's senior instructor Dan Inosanto was asked about the one inch punch. He said for demos, the power of the punch is modified so that it becomes more of a push, instead of a punch. However, he did say that in real life, if he needed to use this punch, he would use full acceleration on contact so he could drop the opponent where he stands.


            • #7
              Originally posted by ecamd1025
              Ok if thats what you think. I wouldnt go by DAN he dindt really know the man. Take care
              Another Bruce Lee student, James De Mille, wrote a book on the one and three inch punch if you're interested in further info on the subject.


              • #8
                Originally posted by akio123
                in the last part of this video u will see bruce throws his legendary 1 inch punch to the guy.....I just want to know, how can bruce express a power and even throws his opponent in just 1 inch distance? is it the training that he has done or the gifted punching ability?


                Jusy to be clear, while BL made popular the 1 inch punch he did not create it, it belongs to wing chun. Wing chun has both 1 and 3 inch punch. The punch has nothing to do with BL fighting gifts it is a demonstration of power I would not say the punch itself is functional for fghting.
                just my 2 cents


                • #9
                  Originally posted by IPON
                  Jusy to be clear, while BL made popular the 1 inch punch he did not create it, it belongs to wing chun. Wing chun has both 1 and 3 inch punch. The punch has nothing to do with BL fighting gifts it is a demonstration of power I would not say the punch itself is functional for fghting.
                  just my 2 cents
                  It "belongs" to Wing Chun. how do the other short fist styles feel about that?


                  • #10
                    Research Kinetics, Biopsychophysics, Hsing Yi, Pa Kua, Tai Chi, Liu He Ba Fa, Wing Chun And Jun Fan. Above All Remember That He Was Just A Man. You Can Do The Same, Or Even Better If You Put In The Effort And Time.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by shen lao
                      Research Kinetics, Biopsychophysics, Hsing Yi, Pa Kua, Tai Chi, Liu He Ba Fa, Wing Chun And Jun Fan. Above All Remember That He Was Just A Man. You Can Do The Same, Or Even Better If You Put In The Effort And Time.

                      HmM letS seE thE shaoliN monkS froM thE secreT templeS iN gA usE a similiaR codE iN thieR writinG....


                      Oh yeah i can read it now....its says "IRONPALMARTS SUCKS."


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by nutter
                        It "belongs" to Wing Chun. how do the other short fist styles feel about that?
                        I did not state that other styles do not have similar punches. I was making a point that the one inch puch was not developed by BL and that he learned it from WC.


                        • #13
                          The 1 inch punch is all about weight transfer from the rest of your body into your fist while keeping it relatively stationary. Anyone can do it if you apply the right technique (and practice enough to get the weight transfer thing down). The principles are the same as any other kind of punch, or even any type of strike. I have no doubt you can knock a man on his ass (legitimately) with a 1 inch punch in a demonstration (when he's stationary and you use proper technique), of course it wouldn't be at all effective in a real or even sportive fight, when there are many more variables and you need techniques that work in a dynamic environment.

                          All martial arts are basically just science applied to human physiology, of course when TMA's were developed people used some interesting conjecture (for instance trying to describe their methods as supernatural or religious allows them to hook their students into their system, give them confidence and willing spirit, as well as create fear in their opponents) to try explain their methods (most of it bullsh!t).


                          • #14
                            This is one of the "own goals" that Bruce scored in my opinion. There is nothing fantastic or mystical about the one inch punch at all, and there is no real fighting application. It is a party trick, its as simple as that. Note how he placed the chair so close to the guy that he fell over the thing! All part of the trick.

                            Now theres nothing wrong with tricks but, when someone still; trying to add it to the mysterious brilliance of Bruce Lee 40 odd years later, it does get tiresome.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by ecamd1025
                              Ok if thats what you think. I wouldnt go by DAN he dindt really know the man. Take care
                              I am guessing Mr. Inosanto knew Bruce Lee better then you slick.

