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jeet kune do.....not for everyone?

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  • jeet kune do.....not for everyone?

    i have read somewhere that the people that can become successful in jeet kune do is the people that can sense the movements of an attack before it is landed by reacting to slight movements of the attackers arm. if i am not that good at this, does it mean that i will not be good at jeet kune do?

    i read this in, it is under articles and you click on is JDK for you? near the top of the page.

  • #2
    One of the aspects of JKD is the way it trains practitioners to avoid "telegraphing" a punch or kick prior delivering it. This can be done by a simple drill, such as having a partner hold a focus mitt for you and as you throw punches at the mitt, have your training partner move the mitt (making you miss) if he sees you launching your attack.

    This drill trains both the one punching and the one holding the mitt. For the one who is punching, it trains that person to greatly minimize any "set up" motion prior to the punch so it eventually snaps out like the strike of a cobra.

    For the one holding the mitt, it trains that person to read the one who is punching and see any subtle clues that the person is about to throw a punch.

    In class, the newbies almost never hit the focus mitt when a more experienced student is holding the mitt. Conversely, the new student rarely makes the experienced student miss the focus mitt.

    Bottom line, ultimately whether you become good or not is determined by how much you practice.


    • #3

      i think that website tries to sell you crap..what they are actually teaching is ''Dr Zee Lo'' interpretation of Jeet Kune the way is this guy really a doctor?
      and what the **** is Z kuen do did he just made that up?

      Applicant Prerequisites:

      Be at least 18 years of age.
      1Degree in Asian studies or physical education a plus but not essential.
      2Black belt level in any arts or the equivalent.
      3Not have been convicted of a felony in the past.
      1 Asian studies?isnt that a bit discriminatory?
      2 i taught JKD excluded ''belts'' and ''ranks'' and especially styles of arts
      3 how is this of any concern?.

      The center now offers the following:

      Private classes and seminars in the martial arts and medicine.
      medecine? we teaching how to fight or how to be a doctor?

      state examination to become a licensed Acupuncturist (primary health provider).
      Promotions and profit sharing as center expands.
      Supporting roles as an actor including stunts in major motion pictures
      oh i guess they teach you how to become an actor now?

      no doubt about this is a scam,dont let yourself be impressed by this guy's biceps

      OH AND WATCH THE VIDEO THAT IS ATTACHED TO IT..i mean sure this guy knows how to work a dummy but watch how he throws himself off balance and does not come back to his guard time and time again

      now is JKD for you??? of course it is for you!!as long as you have no health conditions,the mind, the time and the money to put it into.


      • #4
        that website was just for him to sell his videos. when i google him there are actually information about him that says he is a certified second generation jkd instructor. ..."Other featured Instructors were Zee Lo (Second Generation)," was a line in that page.

        he teaches chinese medicine as well as jeet kune do.


        • #5
          i wonder what mr tackett has to say about him..


          • #6
            so is he legit?


            • #7
              Originally posted by testbuggie
              so is he legit?
              If I'm not mistaking he was before under Sifu Ted Wong


              • #8
                so do you recommend that i take classes from him?


                • #9
                  I would say I don't know him personally, so I couldn't recommend anyone I don't know.......Plus, I don't know what you are looking for.....I was commenting only on that he train with Ted Wong....But then I would also say, if he's in your area, I would go and check him out.......Also all the other JKD people in your area, then train at where you feel most comfortable at........were you will have fun in the process of learning.

                  Take It Easy,


                  • #10
                    He used to be under Ted Wong. I've seen him move. He moves a little like Ted, but I can't say I know him or can vouch for his character. I think Lamar Davis has had him in for a seminar quite a few years ago. You might find out more from him. The best thing to do is go visit a class of his and see if you feel comfortable with him and his students. I guess I need to go look at his website.


                    • #11
                      oh i see what does everybody else think of him?

