Actually Tommy Carruthers certificate from Gary Dill was a 'Basic' one, given for the sole purpose of having an affiliate in the UK/Europe. It clearly says the word 'Basic' on the certificate i.e. rudimentary knowledge. You know who Gary Dill is I assume, as renowned & authoritive on JKD as Jerry Beasley! If you look into both , you can judge for yourself how 'renowned' that is.
He chose Gary Dill, as he didn't want to wait a decade or more to become a Full Instructor under Dan Inosanto.
So he may or may not be cerified by Ted Wong, according to Ted's site (see above) - he is not an Instructor under him. Even if he was certified by Ted Wong, ask Tommy exactly how many hours he trained with Ted before getting the certification (as Tommy is in UK, & Ted in U.S. ; Tommy has been over there a few times, and brought Ted over a few times, thats about it)?
He is not certified by anyone else, that much is definite.
So his certification includes - Gary Dill ('Basic' , long expired, & Gary Dill speaks very poorly of him), Seminar Certificates from - Dan Inosanto/Paul Vunak/Larry Hartsell (for around 10 hours at the most for a 2 day seminar, he only attended a few), and of course all they indicate are participation in a seminar, and clearly state 'this does not authorise you to teach' on them.
Wow, thats very thorough, he seems very credible indeed (ha ha!).
Crusader very strange too you stay totally silent on Rick Young challenging him??? This can easliy be verified , and did happen.
Actually Tommy Carruthers certificate from Gary Dill was a 'Basic' one, given for the sole purpose of having an affiliate in the UK/Europe. It clearly says the word 'Basic' on the certificate i.e. rudimentary knowledge. You know who Gary Dill is I assume, as renowned & authoritive on JKD as Jerry Beasley! If you look into both , you can judge for yourself how 'renowned' that is.
He chose Gary Dill, as he didn't want to wait a decade or more to become a Full Instructor under Dan Inosanto.
So he may or may not be cerified by Ted Wong, according to Ted's site (see above) - he is not an Instructor under him. Even if he was certified by Ted Wong, ask Tommy exactly how many hours he trained with Ted before getting the certification (as Tommy is in UK, & Ted in U.S. ; Tommy has been over there a few times, and brought Ted over a few times, thats about it)?
He is not certified by anyone else, that much is definite.
So his certification includes - Gary Dill ('Basic' , long expired, & Gary Dill speaks very poorly of him), Seminar Certificates from - Dan Inosanto/Paul Vunak/Larry Hartsell (for around 10 hours at the most for a 2 day seminar, he only attended a few), and of course all they indicate are participation in a seminar, and clearly state 'this does not authorise you to teach' on them.
Wow, thats very thorough, he seems very credible indeed (ha ha!).
Crusader very strange too you stay totally silent on Rick Young challenging him??? This can easliy be verified , and did happen.