Man there sure does seem to be alot of bitterness and hostility in the JKD world. I have seen the argumenst from both sides and in my opinion it's a waste of time and quite silly.
You may feel differently than I do. That is ok with me. You probably have different views on abortion,gun control, and capitol punishment than I do as well.Just because you have different opinions than myself does not make you correct. It does not make you wrong either. I feel as long as someones opinion is based on good research and facts than it is valid.
I mention those particular hot topics for a reason. When people care very much for something they tend to form strong opinions.As you are on a Martial Arts forum I assume it is at least interesting to you. That being said, my JKD is not your JKD nor do I want it to be. We are now and always will be different people. I have come to the conclusion that JKD is about effectiveness. what works best in any given situation for the individual that is practicing it.
I will never move like Bruce Lee. I am 6'0 180lbs and I just don't think the laws of nature will allow it. I don't neccessarily want to move and behave like Bruce Lee. I have a height and weight advantage and think it would be silly for me to not do what I can to capitolize on it. I would love to be able to strike with the power that he did or with the speed. I may someday be able to do just that.Again even if I can hit as hard or move as quickly I will not be just like him.
Jeet Kune Do as is being taught to me seems extremely practical and it just makes sense. I have no desire to wow people with my acrobatic kicks or beautiful movements.I want to defeat whomeer is trying to cause me harm.That being said I have decided to adopt what I consider the "basic philosophy of JKD" and that is to learn what I can and then apply only what works best for me. If I have to get into another fight my concern will not be to make sure I have perfect form when I kick or that I am using the stance dictated by my instructor. My ONLY goal will be to get that fight over as quickly as possible and with the minimal amount of harm done to me and/or my loved ones.
I am going to take what I feel is best from my teacher. This may not be exactly what he wants me to do so I will plainly state that he is not condoning or endorsing anything I have or will say on this forum.
If you believe that JKD at it's core is not what I believe it is and that upsets you.Then just tell yourself "He is not practicing JKD" and be respectful of my stance on this subject.Call what I am doing what you will it's just a name to me.
You may feel differently than I do. That is ok with me. You probably have different views on abortion,gun control, and capitol punishment than I do as well.Just because you have different opinions than myself does not make you correct. It does not make you wrong either. I feel as long as someones opinion is based on good research and facts than it is valid.
I mention those particular hot topics for a reason. When people care very much for something they tend to form strong opinions.As you are on a Martial Arts forum I assume it is at least interesting to you. That being said, my JKD is not your JKD nor do I want it to be. We are now and always will be different people. I have come to the conclusion that JKD is about effectiveness. what works best in any given situation for the individual that is practicing it.
I will never move like Bruce Lee. I am 6'0 180lbs and I just don't think the laws of nature will allow it. I don't neccessarily want to move and behave like Bruce Lee. I have a height and weight advantage and think it would be silly for me to not do what I can to capitolize on it. I would love to be able to strike with the power that he did or with the speed. I may someday be able to do just that.Again even if I can hit as hard or move as quickly I will not be just like him.
Jeet Kune Do as is being taught to me seems extremely practical and it just makes sense. I have no desire to wow people with my acrobatic kicks or beautiful movements.I want to defeat whomeer is trying to cause me harm.That being said I have decided to adopt what I consider the "basic philosophy of JKD" and that is to learn what I can and then apply only what works best for me. If I have to get into another fight my concern will not be to make sure I have perfect form when I kick or that I am using the stance dictated by my instructor. My ONLY goal will be to get that fight over as quickly as possible and with the minimal amount of harm done to me and/or my loved ones.
I am going to take what I feel is best from my teacher. This may not be exactly what he wants me to do so I will plainly state that he is not condoning or endorsing anything I have or will say on this forum.
If you believe that JKD at it's core is not what I believe it is and that upsets you.Then just tell yourself "He is not practicing JKD" and be respectful of my stance on this subject.Call what I am doing what you will it's just a name to me.