Is there a particular approach to this that JKD stylist are taught? I figured since Bruce himself was physically small he'd touch on this some.
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Dealing With Stronger Opponents?
If he is taller than you, he will likely have a reach advantage. As a shorter fighter, try to attack closer targets (his lead leg for example) while maintaining fighting measure until you can close decisively. Take the fight to him, be ready to use head movement and lateral footwork to exit. Remember, you don't have to see his head to hit it and kill the body and the head will follow.
If he is simply stronger than you, I suggest avoiding his set point. Hit and move and don't toe the line and slug. Be cognizant of his counter, so get your shots but don't get greedy.
I'd think that you would need to take into account your surroundings. I think your approach can be influenced by wether you're in an open area vs an closed area.
In an open area I can see the hit and move approach being effective,but in a closed area it seems that the clinch and takedown could be the better approach because you'll be reducing his striking power with the clinch and assumimg you know enough grappling then you can work from there.
Yes this is pretty interesting ..
They say bigger guys is slower but they also say they are tougher.
So what i would do is check
I'd think that you would need to take into account your surroundings. I think your approach can be influenced by wether you're in an open area vs an closed area.
- advice is numbers, a weapon, proper use of your enviornment, and getting into a comfortable range...which will be subjective based upon where your strong points are.
Stronger may not apply to fighting either, because they may not move their body to exert as much force as you can if you know how to throw your weight behind a hit. If they don't know what's going on, ABC, baby. Attack by combination, or hit them or feign (or fake) to make them flinch or blank out for a second and then beat the living **** out of them. I mean hit them until they drop, and then kick them over and over, so that it would be unethical to move them without a gourney and a neckbrace first.
Grappling is always tops for a smaller guy to out-manuever a strong opponent (granted you know what you're doing), but it's not always a best choice for a realistic scenario (terrain, weapons, buddies...other independent variables)
The element of suprise helps, coupled with intense and fast INTENSE violence so that they don't have an opportunity to recover. Doesn't even need to be clean as per technique, just quick and dirty bad intentions.
one thing to remember....most and i mean most big guys dont know how to fight because they never had to.....always won with intimidation only.....saying that it depends how strong he is......if a very strong man get his hands on you well you better hang on cuz hes probaly gonna try to throw you off a wall.......also big guys generally have soft guts and fold like lawn chairs when pounded there....the knee is much harder to break than people think especially a tree trunk if hes huge......go for the big 3 if your really losing.....eyes, throat and could be 8 ft tall and these all still hurt like hell......also being big means more energy used and less endurance.....dont give up......ever.......also go in with the mindset that he is gonna end your life....youll be surprised how much harder you hit and how much stronger you get when you think your gonna die.
i found these quotes from a Kelly Mcann (aka. Jim Grover) and they are quite profound in the realm of self protection....even fighting bigger guys.
1. "You're never unarmed, you can always use something as a weapon"
2. "The only dirty fight is the one you lose"
3. "There's always someone tougher than you are"
4. "If you look for trouble you'll find more than you can to handle"
5. "Keep your hands up in front of your face"
6. "Don't talk about it, hit"
7. "Never get so drunk that you can't defend yourself or the people you're with"
8. "Hand speed and power scares even big guys"
9. "Hit first"
10. "If you can touch a man you can hurt him." (this refers to the ability to touch,induce electric pain, create a reaction and then exploit that gap to a dominant position")
11. "If you want to fight men, you have to hit with your bodyweight, especially if you're light in the ass"
12. "Speed is second to power - always"
13. "There are three basic kinds of people. Small and medium guys who are dangerous - because they always HAD to fight, they've learned how to...Big guys, who are normally not dangerous because lots of them haven't HAD to fight and people naturally avoid them. Then there's most dangerous men, big guys who like to fight and hurt people. Steer clear of these guys or hurt them bad up front as fast as you can."
14. "Always start out like you mean to kill someone. You can always choose not to - but you can't always catch up to where he is mentally."
Originally posted by Garland View advice is numbers, a weapon, proper use of your enviornment, and getting into a comfortable range...which will be subjective based upon where your strong points are.
Stronger may not apply to fighting either, because they may not move their body to exert as much force as you can if you know how to throw your weight behind a hit. If they don't know what's going on, ABC, baby. Attack by combination, or hit them or feign (or fake) to make them flinch or blank out for a second and then beat the living **** out of them. I mean hit them until they drop, and then kick them over and over, so that it would be unethical to move them without a gourney and a neckbrace first.
Grappling is always tops for a smaller guy to out-manuever a strong opponent (granted you know what you're doing), but it's not always a best choice for a realistic scenario (terrain, weapons, buddies...other independent variables)
The element of suprise helps, coupled with intense and fast INTENSE violence so that they don't have an opportunity to recover. Doesn't even need to be clean as per technique, just quick and dirty bad intentions.
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I think a stronger or larger opponent is going to be more certain and is open to being supprised especially if you strike hard and fast.
His confidence or the fact he expects you to be afraid can be used.
I would personally cheat and in the olden days they would say "not a fair fight" I would defiantely go at the knees and balls. hard and fast.
If he is struck and is on his knees well you end it or leave fast.
If he is still up and eager then he may be shoocked and want to play it safe and grapple you as he will feel his strength will prevail. This is where you could be in trouble..
If you are not an expert on the mat then you better dance around and hope he plays that game. He will probably rush you if he is slow at punching so be ready to use his weight as he rushes you to redivert him into a wall or something.
If you are in serious danger then dont get his weight on you and work his groin so practise your fast or snap kicks while backing up and creating distance. If he grapples you to the floor give up and appologise before you hear your arm snap or he chokes you out.
But what do I know, I guess go with your survival instincts - or best yet make friends.
Originally posted by YINYANGMAN View PostOnce someones down and seems incapacited(and,at least,the immediate threat is over) that should be that,without resorting to near killing someone by kicking the shite out of them on the ground.Even if you think your opponent may do it to you,be a better human being and walk away at that point.Discard what isnt needed(physically and mentally)
Not only does that bullshit Kantian logic your regurgitating seem dangerous, it's also misinformed and naive to believe that somebody 1) won't have pals present. 2) won't have a weapon, and 3) will stay down or stop fighting.
I don't know what type of point fighting stuff you're used to, but I doubt you've ever even seen somebody get fucked up. I hope it stays the same for you, man, really...because your misconceptions about the world could get you really hurt.
I have no "ethical" or "moral" qualms in scuffing up some asshole with my shoes or smashing them into curbs and corners who tries to do me harm. The only issue is how to avoid legal ramifications...