It amazes me every time i read these posts how confusing people make simple concepts. Bruce was an advocate of using what works at that moment, regardless of what style the technique is from. No style has all the answers, so dont limit your learning to one style thinking it is the answer for all situations, period. Not all techniques work the same for all people, why, because not all people are the same. Were all different heights, weight, power, flexibility etc. Well if we are all diffrent, then how can the same technique work for everyone the same way. As far enlightment....the"spirit of the thing"(to quote Mushashi) is the same wether you are a potter, painter martialist, whatever you seek to become better at, with practice, will reveal itself. You no longer think about what your doing, but rather you just do it without thought, just reaction, like walking. You dont think about walking, you just go. Thats the "spirit of the thing" im my opinion.
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a message to the martial artists on this forum
Jeet Kune Do is an art that basically takes effective techniques that Bruce Lee found effective to him and he could use to maximum effect.
Bruce Lee didnt want people to study one art only, hence Jeet Kune Do has techniques from so many martial arts that Bruce Lee integrated into one art that fit his needs.He didnt want people to study one art only, he wanted people to take what they needed from martial arts and use it for themselves.
Originally posted by mr goodcat View Postwho am i? oh im just a drifter that knows a lot. mainly. about no mind, since no mind is the right mind, i feel compelled to a life of learning outside the mold. i read the tao te ching and it has enlightened me somewhat, and i have my history with philosophy, but you can call me brian
This guy just admit that he's mindless?
I guess that's a start.
History of philosophy...??? Okay.
Where'd you get your BA from? Masters? PhD?
...okay? How 'bout a degree in Asian Studies? no...???
Have you ever studied daoism/taoism formally? (that means under a religious leader...)
Ever trained JKD from anyone directly related to Sigung Lee's line? no??
okay, then kindly be quiet, sit in back, and let the people with actual backgrounds on these topics make the judgements...m'kay.
Originally posted by Garland View PostThis guy just admit that he's mindless?
I guess that's a start.
History of philosophy...??? Okay.
Where'd you get your BA from? Masters? PhD?
...okay? How 'bout a degree in Asian Studies? no...???
Have you ever studied daoism/taoism formally? (that means under a religious leader...)
Ever trained JKD from anyone directly related to Sigung Lee's line? no??
okay, then kindly be quiet, sit in back, and let the people with actual backgrounds on these topics make the judgements...m'kay.
Originally posted by eXcessiveForce View Postby the way, you post about other people doing side kicks incorrectly, doing them high. You do realize this is a JKD forum don't you. Do you know what a JKD side kick looks like? Hell do you know how to do it? How about a TKD side kick? Kind of hard to enlighten when you don't know the way yourself.
so you want to talk about no mind, or void, fine, we will put aside that those terms are japanese origin for the moment, Bruce talked about hitting with no intention,
You read the Tao Te Ching, great it's a book on Taoism (the way and the power) but it is not specifically a martial arts book. Have you also read the I-Ching? the Tao of Jeet Kune Do, A book of five rings, Sun Tzu's Art of War? The Art of Expressing the Human Body? Hagakure? Even better can you practically apply the principles in the books?
Martial arts is not "thinking of doing"
Originally posted by Mike BrewerI calls 'em like I sees 'em.
I told you why your posts would be considered condescending. You can either accept that or you can't.
Originally posted by mr goodcat View Postno im sorry thats not how my cookie crumbles. so go ahead, study your solid martial art, and its fixed doctine, study it til you know everything in the doctrine then when that day comes when u have ''mastered'' it you can feel proud, then you will gradually stop learning, because there is no room for infinate process of learning in a fixed doctrine of whats permitted and whats forbidden, go ahead and allow some sense to tell you what u can and cannot do and practice only what he teaches as the ''right'' way. go ahead and feel powerful among your club of mindless enslaved martial artists, ending up as another mold in the ' traditional ways, unchanged for centuries. thats now i am, no i am a free thinker, thusly i cannot follow a doctrine or any sense or teacher or instructor, i have 2 arms, and 2 legs and i will learn to use them efficiently, in order to see beyond whats traditional you must train like an athlete, incorporated running and anything else not to achieve max effiency in martial arts because it is the only way to continue on the path to learning
I train in a variety of styles/systems and I also train JKD concepts and philosophies under somebody directly under Guro Dan, and have met Guro on a few occassions.
I work on blending stuff that I think fits the ranges of combat, learning all that I can, so when I need it, hopefully it'll come out. That's all, man.
Just because you read the Tao doesn't mean shit.
What do you train? Who do you train with? Are you...self taught?
Ever been in a real, honest to God fight?
Originally posted by Garland View PostI have no fixed doctrine of anything except the following; beer before liquor, never been sicker. liquor before beer, you're in the clear.
I train in a variety of styles/systems and I also train JKD concepts and philosophies under somebody directly under Guro Dan, and have met Guro on a few occassions.
I work on blending stuff that I think fits the ranges of combat, learning all that I can, so when I need it, hopefully it'll come out. That's all, man.
Just because you read the Tao doesn't mean shit.
What do you train? Who do you train with? Are you...self taught?
Ever been in a real, honest to God fight?
Originally posted by mr goodcat View Posttheres your problem, alcohol clouds the mind
Is the etiology of your problem biological or psychological I wonder?
A fixation in the oral stage of development-you were probably a pica kid- (either psychosexual stages, or even an ego person like Erikson's stages) and an incomplete transition through the Oedipal complex in the phallic stage may be why.
Is there something in your environment that is reinforcing your there some sort of secondary gain???
Maybe you've created this "uber zen Bruce Lee" complex to help build out your persona're going to have an identity crisis... and there's still hope you can pull through this, man....
Or...maybe...trauma...were you dropped on your head? Eat alot of paint chips as a kid? hope?
And I have read the Tao te Ching, and the Ching-I. I prefer Nietszche, Hegel, Jung, S. and A. Freud,Hedon, Hereclitus, and John Hollbach...among others...
as for strategy books...I prefer Machievelli and Guevara to Musashi (although I do like the concept of Mushin) and Sun Tzu.
Old school eastern thinkers... my favorite is Takuan Soho. Hands down. And Bodhidahrma/Dahruma...but I don't know anything he actually wrote aside from prayers.
I prefer modernists... Yukio Mishima was a sick, bad ass motherfucker. That was a fucking man, right mutherfuckin' there.
Originally posted by Garland View PostSo does having an extra chromosome.
Is the etiology of your problem biological or psychological I wonder?
A fixation in the oral stage of development-you were probably a pica kid- (either psychosexual stages, or even an ego person like Erikson's stages) and an incomplete transition through the Oedipal complex in the phallic stage may be why.
Is there something in your environment that is reinforcing your there some sort of secondary gain???
Maybe you've created this "uber zen Bruce Lee" complex to help build out your persona're going to have an identity crisis... and there's still hope you can pull through this, man....
Or...maybe...trauma...were you dropped on your head? Eat alot of paint chips as a kid? hope?
martial arts is like a painting, we are painting a picture, not of [what was] or [what will be]; but, of [what we are becoming]. in this sense we maintain a recent state of mind, giving no thought to the past or future, often if you think of the future you are creating limits, therefore in the present we think, then in most cases well act, what we become through these entities are not what we will become but what we are developing in the course of our day by day life. when the painting is finish we do not see results, we see an image an idea, by setting it as an idea it becomes contemporary and impermanent, leaving room for change and ''fine tuning''