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Good book I found

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  • Good book I found

    The bok is written by a student of Ted Wong and it is soley dedicated to jkd's strait lead and talks about jack dempseys use of straight punching and Lee's use of it as well. It is from the jun fan/keet kune do cirruclium Lee's Daughter allowed it to be published. It als discusses the some of the rifts between the original practioners and todays jeet kune do taught by others. BTW what is the difference between jun fan/jeet kune do, jeet kune do concepts like Dan Inasanto teaches and functional jkd like sbgi does? In this bok it say jkd is not mma. But lee talks about grappling alot in the tao of jkd and he trained with Judo Gene Lebell so what's the deal?

  • #2
    The book is a polemic - a thinly veiled attack on Dan Inosanto and the "Concepts" crowd. Take everything she writes with a grain of salt.

    Then again, I'm highly pro-Guro Dan, so you should probably take everything I write with grain of salt too.

    But that said, don't waste your money.


    • #3
      If you want to know the differences between Jun Fan Jeet Kune Do that the BLF speaks of and Jun Fan Jeet Kune Do that Guro Dan teaches you can find more than enough information on this forum. Just spend a little time going back through some of the older threads in the JKD Forum.



      • #4
        Originally posted by Blue Wave Gym View Post
        The bok is written by a student of Ted Wong and it is soley dedicated to jkd's strait lead and talks about jack dempseys use of straight punching and Lee's use of it as well. It is from the jun fan/keet kune do cirruclium Lee's Daughter allowed it to be published. It als discusses the some of the rifts between the original practioners and todays jeet kune do taught by others. BTW what is the difference between jun fan/jeet kune do, jeet kune do concepts like Dan Inasanto teaches and functional jkd like sbgi does? In this bok it say jkd is not mma. But lee talks about grappling alot in the tao of jkd and he trained with Judo Gene Lebell so what's the deal?

        It's from Terri Tom.. Great Book.. She also writes a jeet kune do section for BlackBelt mag every month


        • #5
          But lee talks about grappling alot in the tao of jkd and he trained with Judo Gene Lebell so what's the deal?
          Remember theres alot in that book that are quotes he pulled from other places for his research, not neccessarily things he thought of himself and preached. That tao is a bunch of quotes from his journals, research, diaries, article cuttings. Theres things in that book he didn't actually write and took from other places (not knowing it would get published into a book indicating to the world it was a legit book of quotes from him himself). Published after he died- by others of course, so its hard to tell which ones are his quotes.

          From what i 've heard he did look into grappling, but researched alot of how to get back up from the ground a.s.a.p


          • #6
            Decent book. I don't agree with everything she says in there, and I've seen lots of very experienced JKDers disagree with what she says. But she is knowledgeable and dedicated and it does contain some good information. The political bullshit at the end kind of poisoned it for me, and its interesting that shes as smug as she is in that book when she hasn't been inovled in the art all that long.


            • #7
              The reason I bought the book was because it was entirely on one punch the straight lead I just think a boook dedicated to one move is a good idea. I preferr a boxing jab to a strsight lead but this book has atleast opened up my mind to using a straight lead I used to practice a strainght lead years ago but when I learned boxing punches in kickboxing the jab was it for me. I think it's good to cultivate both.

