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anyone care to take a look at this?

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  • anyone care to take a look at this?


    just wanted to solicit some opinions here. not sure what to make of this guy. this is a series of private messages sent between us the last few days.

    what do you think?

    Originally Posted by Tant01

    that is essentially it.


    The proliferation of posts makes the formality redundant.

    Don't you think?




    "that is essentially it". not a formality. it's usage is similar to saying "you hit the nail on the head". this was offered as an agreement to something being said... specifically the point being made.

    apologies for any confusion you may have experienced. it was unintended.


    tant01- Quote:
    I get it but with all due respect you could be a bit more selective with what you reply to. You are new so I'll kindly suggest tempering your post count.

    Read more. check dates. Quality over quantity. You know?

    "Hello", and "thanks" are redundant if you use it in every post.

    Esp in multiple posts on the same thread on the same day...

    One man's opinion. Take it as such.



    well, one man with an opinion begets one man with a question.

    was this necessary?



    figured it would be in order to mention that no umbrage will be taken to responses as long as they are in "friendly demeanor". you will of course extend the same courtesy?

    if you can't do that, don't bother posting. if you can, just concentrate on the message, not what you think of the messenger.

    not interested in a shooting match.


    tant01- Quote:

    I thought it was in your best interests.

    As I tried to explain, FROM MY perspective you have become redundant.



    what is in the best interest of this poster is to post and be left alone about it.

    however, it sounds like it bothers you considerably.

    why? this doesn't really make sense. there are numerous topics that could occupy your time, attention, effort etc. yet this is something you seek out.

    this is not to say your perspective is invalid... you are the one that deals with your perspective on a moment by moment basis.

    as a matter of perspective, lets put something out there for your scrutiny. there are a huge number of posts/posters here that are considered (by this skull) to be bothersome.

    so what? it is a forum and that is a chance we all take by being here. nothing says we have to like what we see/read here. nothing says we have to agree with what we see/read here.

    just go with it and be glad there are some interested enough in supporting this forum to come back regularly and read and write.

    do not misunderstand. not considering you "wrong" for speaking up or disagreeing or finding things redundant. you are right. what is unusual is your interest.

    there is no need for you to explain yourself as it really does not matter. if it is any consolation, be glad this skull is not one to get on these threads and indulge in "deconstructionist" tendencies at the expense of intelligent discourse.

    lastly, thank you for reading the posts. hopefully some are useful or at least amusing.


    Pardon me for taking an interest. It is my hope that you will see a need to develope and grow. When you begin and end each post with the same courtesy it becomes meaningless. Esp considering the proliferation of posts by lorenzolaramith.. Proper courtesy requires some familiarity with those you address.

    Sifu Tackett (for example) is one of a handful of the top JKD practitioners in the world. Your comments should reflect genuine appreciation (and respect) for your fellow forumites.

    We are all guests here.

    Don't wear out your welcome.


    pardon you for taking and interest? no. there is nothing to pardon. not posting on this forum in the hope that "noone takes an interest".

    see the need to develop and grow? this is an assumption you are making and imposing on another. again, this is about you.

    the same courtesy becomes meaningless? lets say that again... out loud... courtesy becomes meaningless. are you sure this is how you want to be thought of?

    the proliferation of posts by lsd? did not see in the agreement a cap on the number of posts. also, the posts are there for everyone, or noone, thier choice. you have chosen and that is fine.

    proper courtesy requires some familiarity with those you address? courtesy requires? again, this is about you. YOU REQUIRE. that is fine. YOU ASSUME a lack of familiarity.

    sifu tackett is one of a handful? agreed. his accomplishments are known by many.

    comments should reflect genuine appreciation and respect for your fellow forumites? so.... YOU ASSUME (again) this is not the case? you actually think that posts would be left if there were no interest in the posts or posters?

    we are all guests here? it is good to see you realize that.

    don't wear out your welcome? many might consider that a threat. again, this sounds like it is about you.

    glad we had this chance to clear up a few things.


    now, just wondering how things came to this. does this guy do this sort of thing often? admittedly, it is getting played out. would like to move on to bigger and better things. is this what this forum is all about? is this what one can look foreward to?

    hmmmmm. well, looking foreward to some of your thoughts if you have time.


  • #2
    No one cares. Keep your private messages private.


    • #3

      I just wasted 45 seconds reading your exchange. I want that time back.




      • #4

        Go fvck yourself.



        • #5
          Originally posted by lorenzodamarith View Post

          just wanted to solicit some opinions here. not sure what to make of this guy. this is a series of private messages sent between us the last few days.

          what do you think?

          Originally Posted by Tant01

          that is essentially it.


          The proliferation of posts makes the formality redundant.

          Don't you think?




          "that is essentially it". not a formality. it's usage is similar to saying "you hit the nail on the head". this was offered as an agreement to something being said... specifically the point being made.

          apologies for any confusion you may have experienced. it was unintended.


          tant01- Quote:
          I get it but with all due respect you could be a bit more selective with what you reply to. You are new so I'll kindly suggest tempering your post count.

          Read more. check dates. Quality over quantity. You know?

          "Hello", and "thanks" are redundant if you use it in every post.

          Esp in multiple posts on the same thread on the same day...

          One man's opinion. Take it as such.



          well, one man with an opinion begets one man with a question.

          was this necessary?



          figured it would be in order to mention that no umbrage will be taken to responses as long as they are in "friendly demeanor". you will of course extend the same courtesy?

          if you can't do that, don't bother posting. if you can, just concentrate on the message, not what you think of the messenger.

          not interested in a shooting match.


          tant01- Quote:

          I thought it was in your best interests.

          As I tried to explain, FROM MY perspective you have become redundant.



          what is in the best interest of this poster is to post and be left alone about it.

          however, it sounds like it bothers you considerably.

          why? this doesn't really make sense. there are numerous topics that could occupy your time, attention, effort etc. yet this is something you seek out.

          this is not to say your perspective is invalid... you are the one that deals with your perspective on a moment by moment basis.

          as a matter of perspective, lets put something out there for your scrutiny. there are a huge number of posts/posters here that are considered (by this skull) to be bothersome.

          so what? it is a forum and that is a chance we all take by being here. nothing says we have to like what we see/read here. nothing says we have to agree with what we see/read here.

          just go with it and be glad there are some interested enough in supporting this forum to come back regularly and read and write.

          do not misunderstand. not considering you "wrong" for speaking up or disagreeing or finding things redundant. you are right. what is unusual is your interest.

          there is no need for you to explain yourself as it really does not matter. if it is any consolation, be glad this skull is not one to get on these threads and indulge in "deconstructionist" tendencies at the expense of intelligent discourse.

          lastly, thank you for reading the posts. hopefully some are useful or at least amusing.


          Pardon me for taking an interest. It is my hope that you will see a need to develope and grow. When you begin and end each post with the same courtesy it becomes meaningless. Esp considering the proliferation of posts by lorenzolaramith.. Proper courtesy requires some familiarity with those you address.

          Sifu Tackett (for example) is one of a handful of the top JKD practitioners in the world. Your comments should reflect genuine appreciation (and respect) for your fellow forumites.

          We are all guests here.

          Don't wear out your welcome.


          pardon you for taking and interest? no. there is nothing to pardon. not posting on this forum in the hope that "noone takes an interest".

          see the need to develop and grow? this is an assumption you are making and imposing on another. again, this is about you.

          the same courtesy becomes meaningless? lets say that again... out loud... courtesy becomes meaningless. are you sure this is how you want to be thought of?

          the proliferation of posts by lsd? did not see in the agreement a cap on the number of posts. also, the posts are there for everyone, or noone, thier choice. you have chosen and that is fine.

          proper courtesy requires some familiarity with those you address? courtesy requires? again, this is about you. YOU REQUIRE. that is fine. YOU ASSUME a lack of familiarity.

          sifu tackett is one of a handful? agreed. his accomplishments are known by many.

          comments should reflect genuine appreciation and respect for your fellow forumites? so.... YOU ASSUME (again) this is not the case? you actually think that posts would be left if there were no interest in the posts or posters?

          we are all guests here? it is good to see you realize that.

          don't wear out your welcome? many might consider that a threat. again, this sounds like it is about you.

          glad we had this chance to clear up a few things.


          now, just wondering how things came to this. does this guy do this sort of thing often? admittedly, it is getting played out. would like to move on to bigger and better things. is this what this forum is all about? is this what one can look foreward to?

          hmmmmm. well, looking foreward to some of your thoughts if you have time.

          either tanto has a crush on you or tanto needs to worry about himself a bit more.

          yeah, this is common. for the most part, you will often see the same handful of people on this thread(for sure not talking about myself or triangle) on every single other thread all taking the same position, then patting eachother on the back and positive repping eachother back and forth till they all have multiple green boxes next their names while anyone who presents a different opinion or tries to chime in while they are busy jerking eachother off will be talked down to, insulted, attacked and then possibly banned. but hey, now that you know, mabye you stay here at the forum will be a bit more enjoyable.


          • #6
            Do you guys know who this LorenzoDamarith guy sounds like?

            He's sounds like AndyMurray, Nutter, Jones a.k.a Troll Virus.


            • #7
              Originally posted by DickHardman View Post
              yeah, this is common. for the most part, you will often see the same handful of people on this thread(for sure not talking about myself or triangle) on every single other thread all taking the same position, then patting eachother on the back and positive repping eachother back and forth till they all have multiple green boxes next their names while anyone who presents a different opinion or tries to chime in while they are busy jerking eachother off will be talked down to, insulted, attacked and then possible banned. but hey, now that you know, mabye you stay here at the forum will be a bit more enjoyable.
              ...I am perhaps one of the most offensive, non-conformist people on this message board...and I believe I have the MOST little green boxes.

              ...I don't remember jerking anyone off besides myself to this point either.



              something like that.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Garland View Post
                ...I am perhaps one of the most offensive, non-conformist people on this message board...and I believe I have the MOST little green boxes.

                ...I don't remember jerking anyone off besides myself to this point either.



                something like that.
                i wasnt reffering to you garland. you are one of the few on this board that is totally opposite of the description i put forth in this thread.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by DickHardman View Post
                  i wasnt reffering to you garland. you are one of the few on this board that is totally opposite of the description i put forth in this thread.
                  er...thanks buddy.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Garland View Post
                    ...I am perhaps one of the most offensive, non-conformist people on this message board...and I believe I have the MOST little green boxes.

                    ...I don't remember jerking anyone off besides myself to this point either.



                    something like that.

                    that's because you are totally f**ked in the head, but you are one of the most honest posters on this forum.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Garland View Post
                      ...I am perhaps one of the most offensive, non-conformist people on this message board...and I believe I have the MOST little green boxes.

                      ...I don't remember jerking anyone off besides myself to this point either.
                      Actually Tom Yum has the most rep points!!! (check the members list and go to reputation)

