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  • Originally posted by Rudy Franco View Post
    I have not wavered in my posts though I can admit that I have responded in kind to various insults and challenges from individuals that have not identified themselves. You have read my real name, seen my real photo and have my real phone number, and still attacked me as a phony loud mouth. I have answered some of your specific questions, only to be accused of having no credibility or making unfounded slanderous remarks.
    Actually, it was you who first began "throwing out insults". Please refer to your original post on this thread.

    Originally posted by Rudy Franco View Post
    Okay let's say I play along, what can I say that will justify what I have already said in the past?
    How is it that an educated man (who stated that he is 'educated, with a degree in CJ) needs this explained over and over. You chose to make accusations on this public forum. All anyone here has asked is that you provide the details and specific examples (that can be validated by third party) of the accusations you have made in the same forum. Seems like a reasonable request, given that you began all this on this forum which really has no connection to you or the WNG. Tell us exactly what was done and by whom, when it was done, and who else was around to validate what you claim occurred.

    Originally posted by Rudy Franco View Post
    I have a question for you MB that can be answered in a PM, who have you spoken to and and what do they bring to the table?
    Again, as Mike said, it was you who chose to air your dirty laundry in a public forum. If you are brave enough, tough enough, and have such integrity, then be man enough to answer, with specific examples that can be validated by third party, the accusations you have made.

    Originally posted by Rudy Franco View Post
    I am not trying to be a wise cracking asshole, I am being truly serious, but I am not looking for sympathy or acceptance at the expense of the truth. You may not find honor in my tactics, which is your right to an opinion, but you will not meet a man with more integrity or information on this particular subject.
    A man of integrity has no need to state that he is a man of integrity. If you were a man of integrity, you wold not have brought your dirty luandry to a forum that has nothing to do with your personal life.


    • Originally posted by Rudy Franco View Post
      Thanks for your support, I knew you would come around, but I never thought you would give me a complment..

      Sarcasm and oxygen are wasted on you.
      Last edited by Tom Yum; 10-12-2007, 12:02 PM.


      • Originally posted by Mike Brewer
        Please refrain from changing the focus. I don't want Rudy feeling as though he has to defend himself here. I want him to feel free to explain the issue at hand. If you go after him, he's going to focus on refuting that, and not on getting to the meat of the issue.

        If you'll post your explanation of things - the whole story, as it were - I'll close the thread immediately so that it won't become a sharpshooting match with people picking apart your response. I'm serious. I'm not picking on you, and if you will actually explain your side of it all, I'll publicly apologize for my end here. I may still disagree with you, and I promise I'll still disagree with the way you approached it, but you'll have earned some measure of respect for your views.


        I think you have been more than fair. However, I have not changed the focus. He has seen your posts (he was last on this morning at 10:00am) and has not replied. Speaks volumes both in terms of integrity from himself and respect for you.


        • Originally posted by ncgf View Post

          I think you have been more than fair. However, I have not changed the focus. He has seen your posts (he was last on this morning at 10:00am) and has not replied. Speaks volumes both in terms of integrity from himself and respect for you.
          ncgf, I took a look at the CPSD website. It looks fishy and hastily put together...


          • Let's crytalise this.

            Rudy, what are your beefs with Tackett?


            • Rudy's True Charcter?

              While I normally do not share what goes on in PMs, and I take full responsibility for my part in the PM game that Rudy and I have been having the last couple of days (although I must say that it was initiated by Rudy, but hey, I love to play). I am also sure that Rudy has been having it with some others as well (seems he want to voice his opinion, but doesnt want others to respond to it if it isnt in agreement).

              And, while I certainly dont take his comments personally (I have been commenting to him in regards to his extremem weight), I did think some might be interested in part of his most recent vitriolic comments and that these might help shed some light on his character and his views. Perhaps you (moderator) should just put this thread down and be done with Rudy. He obviously has issues and a lack of respect for the military (apparently the Marines in particular) and those who have served.

              Originally posted by Rudy Franco
              Listen you old **** (1978), get your head out of your ass and push along.You should be a fucking E-9 by now if your still a marine, or are you some kind of homeless vet thinking about how your DI ass pumped behind the barracks, now I know why you have some much shame your one of those mucho macho sword swallowing jarheads, get the **** over it. I have plenty of disciplined. I finish the food on my plate.


              • Rudy Tooty Fresh n' Fruity sent me a similar message. He's just being an attention whore now lol.
                Last edited by Tom Yum; 10-13-2007, 02:04 PM.


                • Mike, EF...
                  I know you guys are dying for this guy to just come out with it and explain what the hell is going on...but I think his actions so far and his umbrella statements, and DIRECT statements bashing people has shown what his real character is. It's a moot point...whatever the hissy fit is about, the guy still remains a douche bag.

                  So far in his personal attacks he's insulted-
                  *the whole of the JKD community with the exception of himself and Llyod Kennedy.
                  *put down literally everyone with the exception of "the forum member who must not be named" - insisting that nobody here knows shit about shit.
                  *insulted publicly and privately anyone who has served their country in the armed forces, one by saying that he is superior, and two by stating privately that "You should be a fucking E-9 by now if your still a marine, or are you some kind of homeless vet thinking about how your DI ass pumped behind the barracks, now I know why you have some much shame your one of those mucho macho sword swallowing jarheads, get the **** over it."...and something else to Tom Yum.
                  -not to mention consistently failing to address what his beef is, and opting instead to fling mud and shit on everyone here.

                  IF his beef with Tim Tackett is justified...okay, he has a right to voice it, but at this point, it's better to hear it from somebody else, because this individual is neither credible nor does he have any room to speak. The guy is an asshole.

                  His initial post wasn't soley to announce his problem with Tim Tackett and the WNG...look at the wording!! He showed up guns blazing to get insulting everybody off the bat. **** this guy. He states exactly where his hardassed-ness comes from, selling drugs and being a fucking skel, a criminal dickhead. I'm not fucking impressed.

                  The guy is trash. He is a garbage human being. He is an immature asshole with ulterior motives, and he's not going to listen to reason and come down from his position of self allotted superiority. His words are worthless.

                  How about his behavior, it can now be said with certainty that whatever alleged wrong happened to him at the hands of Tim Tackett or WNG, or whoever...couldn't have happened to a nicer fucking person.
                  Who cares what happened to this asshole? Anyone? Beyond morbid curiosity?

