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Effective Immediately

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  • Effective Immediately

    Lloyd Kennedy and the CPSD are no longer affiliated with the “Wednesday Night Group” or any other JKD group or organization for the following reasons:

    1. We are not sport.

    2. We are not ring format.

    3. We have nothing to prove, other than that we are solid instructors.

    4. We are not trying to change anyone's way of training.

    5. We don't train anyone under 18, sometimes 21, depending upon

    the person's mental state.

    6. We don't boast.

    7. We don't answer political questions.

    The only exceptions to this, and we do mean the only exceptions, are Sifu John McNabney in Detroit, Michigan, and Sifu Carl Lewis in Wales, UK.

    The rest of you have shown no knowledge of the military, police, corrections, and have shown absolutely zero knowledge about real street situations. You would be better off teaching tetherball.

    -CPSD Head Coach Lloyd "Snooks" Kennedy
    -CPSD Instructor's Rudy Franco


    Last edited by Rudy Franco; 10-01-2007, 02:09 PM. Reason: spelling

  • #2
    Originally posted by Rudy Franco View Post
    Black panthers party?


    • #3
      Originally posted by Rudy Franco View Post

      6. We don't boast.

      7. We don't answer political questions.

      The only exceptions to this, and we do mean the only exceptions, are Sifu John McNabney in Detroit, Michigan, and Sifu Carl Lewis in Wales, UK.

      The rest of you have shown no knowledge of the military, police, corrections, and have shown absolutely zero knowledge about real street situations. You would be better off teaching tetherball.
      1) you ARE boasting
      2) this has become a political conversation...and you crossed the line.

      Well...ok...Mike Brewer knows nothing...Burton Richardson...Larry Hartsdell...all of these guys are fucking inferior to you to self appointed pricks.

      I'm just a kid, and I'm not very well versed in anything...but you guys are obviously just a bunch of self-promoting assholes who just want to rip on other people. Okay...let's say the whole Inosanto group knows nothing. Well we're at it, let's talk shit about the TBA and Ajarn about Ray Floro? I think Tuhon Gaje has posted here before...I know Kit Cope has...but, hey, they know nothing either. You guys are the be-and-end-all of combatives.

      If you disengenious assholes were the last martial arts instructors on the face of the earth...
      I'd take up fucking Tae Bo.

      Learn some respect and fucking give your roots their due. I think you owe our distinguished members a nod and an appology, at the very least.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Garland View Post
        1) you ARE boasting
        2) this has become a political conversation...and you crossed the line.

        Well...ok...Mike Brewer knows nothing...Burton Richardson...Larry Hartsdell...all of these guys are fucking inferior to you to self appointed pricks.

        I'm just a kid, and I'm not very well versed in anything...but you guys are obviously just a bunch of self-promoting assholes who just want to rip on other people. Okay...let's say the whole Inosanto group knows nothing. Well we're at it, let's talk shit about the TBA and Ajarn about Ray Floro? I think Tuhon Gaje has posted here before...I know Kit Cope has...but, hey, they know nothing either. You guys are the be-and-end-all of combatives.

        If you disengenious assholes were the last martial arts instructors on the face of the earth...
        I'd take up fucking Tae Bo.

        Learn some respect and fucking give your roots their due. I think you owe our distinguished members a nod and an appology, at the very least.
        We are speaking on the WNG. No one is inferior to us, just some need more training and we are inferior to no one, maybe a little too direct for some. We made a statement, which you can take the way you want, but do not interpret our words for us. If any of those persons you mentioned want to contact us, be our guest. It's obvious you have no clue of what you are attempting to defend. How long have you been part of the WNG and when did you train with them?

        Thanks for the laugh.


        • #5
          Not marketing, just information...

          Originally posted by eXcessiveForce
          My question is why did you need to post this here at this forum? Doesn't the WNG have it's own forum
          We have posted it on the WNG forum.

          We are suggesting other instructors who know and teach all aspects of JKD as substitutes to the WNG.

          Hope this helps..


          • #6
            Bremer is the real deal...

            Originally posted by eXcessiveForce
            Ahh I see, that was not clear in your original post.

            Don't you think it would have been possible to simply recommend those instructors without slamming the WNG?
            This has zero to do with Bremer, he is a genuine bad ass from the old school on that you can count. The other jokers and newbies can do what they gotta do to move up the line. We respect Bremer and only Bremer. Bremer knows how we feel about him and nothing can ever change that, oh some may try, but they will never succeed.


            • #7
              i didnt know Carl Lewis taught JKD.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Rudy Franco View Post
                “Wednesday Night Group” or any other JKD group or organization for the following reasons:
                I'm not defending the WNG...I'm standing up for the "other" JKD group/organization. You want to bash Guro Dan?


                • #9
                  Rudy, is your full name "Rude?"

                  Fook off ya boring bastage!


                  • #10
                    My opinion on these guys.....Let me a sure everyone here my friends Lloyd Kennedy and his friend/student Rudy are some of the koolest people I ever met in the martial arts world....."Free Thinkers" at that, like my self...One of the main reasons I went to WNG Camp last year was to meet Bob Bremer & Lloyd Kennedy.....I have heard of Lloyd since 1989, I knew one day our path would cross...I approach martial arts with the same mentality, no "BULLSHIT" as Lloyd has said to me on many times....I respect this man totally as a human being, his back ground and character which is second to none....To me he is a modern day samurai...One of the things that standed out about this man was how kind he was to my students and me....Rudy is a Big Bear, that you what to be on your side, he knows what he is talking about and can back it for sure guys...Rudy is a "Free Thinker", like my self....He isn't going to kiss up to anyone, when he has something to say...

                    Lloyd was very humble when he came to Detroit, he didn't try to make me think he was "Entitled".....Matter of fact he turn the lights off so that it wouldn't cost more for his seminar he did at my school, he didn't wanted to be treat like he was "KING SHIT" neither....I like him alot and he will always be welcome at Purple Dragon Studio, he was the first Japanese Ju Jitsu or a person ever to wear a GI teaching a seminar at my school of the 12 years I've been open.......He said that when I need his help for a fund raiser he's there to help out.....How kool is that....When he does a seminar he's not watching the clock neither....Just for the records, both Lloyd and Rudy made it over to my house....We even shot a little hoop, if I didn't like these guys they would have never made it to my house....They are even welcome to stay there if they like in the future...

                    Keep "IT" Real,
                    John McNabney


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Mike Brewer
                      I don't think anyone is talking about kissing up. I think we're just asking why go out spreading sh!t in other people's houses?

                      This may come as a shock, but many other people are "no bullshit" people, and they don't take kindly to random acts of ego, puffing up, and strutting.

                      When someone comes out to someone else's board and takes it upon himself to insult people like Dan Inosanto and Tim Tackett for no reason at all, they're going to draw fire.
                      I never mentioned Dan Inosanto and since when has he been a member of the WNG. If you spread enough enough fertilizer (sh!t), thing will grow from it. This has nothing to do with ego and everything to do with being a public service announcement. If you find value in the statement great, if not we will all remain alive to train another day.


                      • #12
                        Bad form...

                        Originally posted by eXcessiveForce
                        Or since Mr. tackett is the only person I know for the WNG that posts on the forum regularly, why come here to disrespect him.

                        Sorry Mr. F. I'm sure you are quite capable of keeping your head above water but the maelstrom is not partial to your ability.

                        Sink or swim, eh? All the best.



                        • #13
                          It looks to me like egos are still alive and well in martial arts.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Rudy Franco View Post
                            The rest of you have shown no knowledge of the military, police, corrections, and have shown absolutely zero knowledge about real street situations. You would be better off teaching tetherball.

                            This is offensive and rude.

                            The only thing you look like you know how to do is eat. And since I have seen your repsoenses on another forum, I find this statement both humorous and hypocritical since you yourself have never served in the military (let alone in Afghanistan, Iraq, Kosovo, Gulf War I as some of us on this and the other forums you felt the need to spread your peacock wings on, have). Yes, I know your teacher may have served , but you yourself chose not to serve your country. And havinge a few holes in you doesnt mean you have experienced combat. Try taking a few holes in the freakin desert and then talk to me.

                            Nor have you served as either a Law Enforcement or Corrections Officer. So exactly how is it you have any knowledge of those things? Oh, your teacher, right, but not you? And if you really trained that hard with your teacher you sure would not look as you do.

                            Until you actually experience those things you criticize others for not having experienced, perhaps you should worry more about yourself than others. What kind of role model are you? Not much of one, but rather an example of poor health and an arrogant attitude. Obesity is the number one health threat to Americans. More calories out and less calories in equals weight loss. Perhaps you should work on your own flaws before you prance around the Internet trying to point out those of others.


                            • #15
                              Heel UBU (Down BOY)

                              Originally posted by ncgf View Post

                              This is offensive and rude.

                              The only thing you look like you know how to do is eat. And since I have seen your repsoenses on another forum, I find this statement both humorous and hypocritical since you yourself have never served in the military (let alone in Afghanistan, Iraq, Kosovo, Gulf War I as some of us on this and the other forums you felt the need to spread your peacock wings on, have). Yes, I know your teacher may have served , but you yourself chose not to serve your country. And havinge a few holes in you doesnt mean you have experienced combat. Try taking a few holes in the freakin desert and then talk to me.

                              Nor have you served as either a Law Enforcement or Corrections Officer. So exactly how is it you have any knowledge of those things? Oh, your teacher, right, but not you? And if you really trained that hard with your teacher you sure would not look as you do.

                              Until you actually experience those things you criticize others for not having experienced, perhaps you should worry more about yourself than others. What kind of role model are you? Not much of one, but rather an example of poor health and an arrogant attitude. Obesity is the number one health threat to Americans. More calories out and less calories in equals weight loss. Perhaps you should work on your own flaws before you prance around the Internet trying to point out those of others.
                              MR. No name,

                              Before you lecture me on what my problems are, please Identify yourself. How long have you been a member of the WNG and when did you train in the garage? Anyone, who has actually trained with me knows what I am able to do and I know what I can't. It is punk asses like yourself that have the problem, if you think I am a hypocrite, what about your sifu/god that you
                              claim to know. Mater of fact, how any instructor's meeting have you been to at the WNG? Don't give me grief over something you don't know zip about. Go pound sand or arrest a perp. How's that for humor? Anyway, I am easy to get in touch I don't use funny meaningless names to hid behind.

                              Thanks for your concern secret agent man,


                              PS: I was willing to let this die out but from the phone calls,emails and responses, more positive than negative I might add. I can keep it going as long as you would like it to continue.

