All this posturing, name calling,and insults flying back and forth, but none of you have disproved a single word I have written. You've talked about class and what a man would do, but not one of you has disproved a single word I have written. You talked about my weight and shape but still none you have not disproved a single word I have written. You've commented that I have no convictions or mind of my own but not one of you has disproved a single word I have written. You have talked about certified and I have stated qualified but none of you have not disproved a single word I have written.You want to hear what you want but none of you have not disproved a single word I have written. You have claimed I am an asshole, egotist, tactless but not of you have not disproved a single word I have written. You have implied that I am weak minded and a hypocrite but not one of you have not disproved a single word I have written. You are all a bunch of emotional phonies who claim this isn't about what I say it is about but still none of you have not disproved a single word I have written. None of you were there in the first place to even have a clue. I know I have helped some silent individual from making a mistake about his/her training choice and for that I sleep well at night. If the rest of you want to keep believing in the wizard of JKD, just remember I pulled back the sheet.
PS This is my final word, but you all are free to keep it going.
PS This is my final word, but you all are free to keep it going.