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  • #61
    All this posturing, name calling,and insults flying back and forth, but none of you have disproved a single word I have written. You've talked about class and what a man would do, but not one of you has disproved a single word I have written. You talked about my weight and shape but still none you have not disproved a single word I have written. You've commented that I have no convictions or mind of my own but not one of you has disproved a single word I have written. You have talked about certified and I have stated qualified but none of you have not disproved a single word I have written.You want to hear what you want but none of you have not disproved a single word I have written. You have claimed I am an asshole, egotist, tactless but not of you have not disproved a single word I have written. You have implied that I am weak minded and a hypocrite but not one of you have not disproved a single word I have written. You are all a bunch of emotional phonies who claim this isn't about what I say it is about but still none of you have not disproved a single word I have written. None of you were there in the first place to even have a clue. I know I have helped some silent individual from making a mistake about his/her training choice and for that I sleep well at night. If the rest of you want to keep believing in the wizard of JKD, just remember I pulled back the sheet.

    PS This is my final word, but you all are free to keep it going.
    Last edited by Rudy Franco; 10-05-2007, 11:06 AM. Reason: spelling


    • #62
      Originally posted by Rudy Franco View Post
      You don't know shit about me

      Great, can't we leave it that way? In other words, STFU sack-breath.


      • #63

        You stepped up to the line and started a shit storm. Then lost.

        Get over it and have another doughnut.


        • #64
          lol just spotted sometihing in your post mike there is a diaganal line in it which says this this this class class class class. sorry totally unrelated lol

          on topic, i really dont see the point of this thread, you either train with or you dont. dont need an announcement just do what you see fit and get on with it. no point burning bridges in the process


          • #65
            Originally posted by Rudy Franco View Post
            All this posturing, name calling,and insults flying back and forth, but none of you have disproved a single word I have written. You've talked about class and what a man would do, but not one of you has disproved a single word I have written. You talked about my weight and shape but still none you have not disproved a single word I have written. You've commented that I have no convictions or mind of my own but not one of you has disproved a single word I have written. You have talked about certified and I have stated qualified but none of you have not disproved a single word I have written.You want to hear what you want but none of you have not disproved a single word I have written. You have claimed I am an asshole, egotist, tactless but not of you have not disproved a single word I have written. You have implied that I am weak minded and a hypocrite but not one of you have not disproved a single word I have written. You are all a bunch of emotional phonies who claim this isn't about what I say it is about but still none of you have not disproved a single word I have written. None of you were there in the first place to even have a clue. I know I have helped some silent individual from making a mistake about his/her training choice and for that I sleep well at night. If the rest of you want to keep believing in the wizard of JKD, just remember I pulled back the sheet.
            Actually Rudy, it would be for you to prove that what you claimed was true. Becasue you stated it is not "proof" but rather, merely your perception or perhaps creation.

            One cannot, technically, prove a negative (or disprove in your mistated case). But hen again, I am sure, in your inifinite wisdom, and let us not foget, kindness (since you did this all to protect the poor,

            Again, because you perceive it to be thus, does not mean that it is. That is not proof, so there isnt anything actually to "disprove. Now is you chose to offer real, verifiable proof other than the words of a attention-starved trekkie, then we might be able to proceed to determining the veracity (that means truth, of the matter (if we even really cared about what you said). Hell, there are still people who believe the world is flat. That doesnt mean it is so. Because you have a perception of something or someone, is not "proof" it is so.

            And the only provable claim I can make about you is that you are fat and out of shape (and as en extension of the fatness, eat too much from a caloric perspective). Actually, your own website offers the initial proof of your weak-willed condition in the form of photos.

            And, while I cant prove that you sleep well at night, I can be fairly certain that you definitely eat

            Speaking of OZ (since Rudy was), Rudy makes me think of the scarecrow character...I can just see Rudy singing.."if i only had a brain"

            Til the next time, scarecrow,

            Ciao Bella


            • #66
              Originally posted by Mike Brewer
              No, assbag, you didn't leave them out of it. You said the only exception - and you mean the only exception - was John McNabney. Wasn't that how you put it? The ONLY exception? You therefore addressed all members of the Wednesday Night Group as equals, except for John McNabney. You also said no one there knew anything about real combat, military, or law enforcement. Whether those two warriors are dead or not, they did contribute, didn't they? How is it that the contributions of those two is overshadowed by your own extensive military and combat experience? What have you done

              Mike Brewer.....Please make a note for you own records.....I have never been part of the WNG....I met all of the WNG Group in Las Vegas Camp 2006....Tim wanted me to be part of his Group, which I turned it down....Now that said, I have been interested in Bruce Lee since "Kato", that I use to watch when I was a Kid....I was into Bruce Lee before many even had heard of him......The first time I heard of JKD was 1971, nine years later I started training in Old JKD.....Before that, I had already had 11 years of MA training....and was a 2nd Black Belt at the time....

              Please don't name drop my name to make your point.....I don't know you.....Lloyd does knows me as well as Rudy.....I don't play this kind of "Bullshit" or name dropping to back my case......I am a JKD man for sure, I have personlly trained with now eight of Bruce Lee's students.....If you think don't I know JKD, well hey I'm easily found here in Michigan.......Again, if this is not the case, then please disreguard the last statement....As things can be taking out of content on the net.....Because we both can't see each others body language....Please again leave me out of your post..Thank You Much, :-)

              Keep "IT" Real,
              John McNabney (2nd Gen. JKD Instructor)


              • #67
                Originally posted by Rudy Franco View Post
                All this posturing, name calling,and insults flying back and forth
                You started the posturing and name calling with your first post and now you get emo because people are firing back?

                That's a sure fire trait of a warrior....

                Originally posted by Rudy Franco View Post
                but none of you have disproved a single word I have written. You've talked about class and what a man would do, but not one of you has disproved a single word I have written. You talked about my weight and shape but still none you have not disproved a single word I have written. You've commented that I have no convictions or mind of my own but not one of you has disproved a single word I have written. You have talked about certified and I have stated qualified but none of you have not disproved a single word I have written.You want to hear what you want but none of you have not disproved a single word I have written. You have claimed I am an asshole, egotist, tactless but not of you have not disproved a single word I have written. You have implied that I am weak minded and a hypocrite but not one of you have not disproved a single word I have written. You are all a bunch of emotional phonies who claim this isn't about what I say it is about but still none of you have not disproved a single word I have written. None of you were there in the first place to even have a clue. I know I have helped some silent individual from making a mistake about his/her training choice and for that I sleep well at night. If the rest of you want to keep believing in the wizard of JKD, just remember I pulled back the sheet.

                PS This is my final word, but you all are free to keep it going.
                Anyone that says an ex-UDT, a Marine and experienced bouncer doesn't know about real combat has lost any credibility in the first place - ADD to it that he talked a lot of smack about his OWN instructor demonstrates a severe lack of class, much less tact.

                You never once explained the reason for your disagreement. If you feel you've been wronged, then state your claim otherwise your just waisting your time.
                Last edited by Tom Yum; 10-05-2007, 02:37 PM.


                • #68
                  Originally posted by Mike Brewer
                  John, I wasn't name dropping. I was pointing out that Rudy named you as the single, lone, and only exception to his tirade abotu the Wednesday Night Group, despite his claim that many others were left out of it. You were not mentioned for credibility, and you were not mentioned because of anything you bring to the table in particular. You were mentioned because Rudy chose to put your name in print to the exclusion of all others, and I could not make his contradiction clear without restating his own words. Please understand, I was quoting, not "name dropping." The difference is pretty elementary.

                  And while we're on the topic, how is it that someone who feels no need to name drop, what's this look like to you?

                  Followed quickly with:

                  John, I have no beef with you whatsoever. You're right. I don't even know you. But I'm sensing a common theme in this thread. The first element in the thread is the tendency for everyone involved to get all personally wrapped up in the idea that this is somehow about your martial arts ability. It's not, and it never has been. You can be the best fighter in the world and still be a tactless asshole. The second element is that each of the people on - and forgive me for using this term - "your side" of the argument seems to feel some primitive need to challenge anyone who doesn't agree to come out to wherever you live and fight about it. Rudy is calling for people to come to California, and now you're saying we should come find you in Michigan? What kind of kindergarten nonsense is coming out here?

                  I rather imagine that if someone took any of you guys up on the offer and came out to where you lived and just stomped the unholy living shit out of you, you'd also "invite" them to join you in court, or "invite" the police over to the scene.

                  The posturing is really tired, completely empty, totally transparent, and beneath someone who says he's had the kind of experience he has.


                  Nice post. Youre right on about Rudy and John.

                  I have read other posts by John and it is interesting that he deosnt defend tackett when he has often dropped his name to boost his cred. I suppose loyalty doesnt run deep in JKD guys (no I am not JKD). He also tends to do the internet allout BS. Rudy used to use Tacketts name for cred too. It funny, cause I dont think anyone would even have any idea of Rudy or his teacher if it werent for Tacketts promoting them. Perhaps he and Rudy deserve each other.

                  Again, great post.


                  • #69

                    Personally, I think the best young JKD guy out there is BJ Penn, who may go to jail because he shoved an off-duty cop who either had not identified himself properly, or was engaged in something that was none of his business.
                    Penn is a world class jujitsu expert who has developed a lethal right hand. He is the only man to totally dominate Matt Hughes on the ground. Penn destroyed the highly touted Jens Pulver without even breaking a sweat. I think if Bruce were alive today, he would send people to Hawaii to work with Penn. To me, Penn is jkd for real; he is arguably the best in the world at one aspect of fighting, and he is competent-to-great in all others. To me, that is jkd, to be your best, and, if possible, to be better than anyone else in the whole world. I read that Penn liked Bruce movies as a child, and even tho' Penn is bjj, he embodies jkd. Side notes: penn was destroying hughes in the
                    but penn tore intercostals while taking matt's back, the only reason matt won #2. 2nd, when penn worked with Couture in Oregon (this was b4 Couture opened his new Vegas gym) Randy had a hard time taking Penn down, in spite of A 30-60 LB WEIGHT ADVANTAGE. A guy Penn's size giving Couture trouble? that is jkd to me. And that's not politics.


                    • #70
                      fenwick wins the "least relevant post in a thread" award.


                      • #71
                        Originally posted by Thai Bri View Post
                        fenwick wins the "least relevant post in a thread" award.
                        init lol, no idea what that had to do with it.


                        • #72
                          I like this bit best -

                          "Personally, I think the best young JKD guy out there is BJ Penn, who may go to jail because he shoved an off-duty cop who either had not identified himself properly, or was engaged in something that was none of his business."

                          In other words "I am a fan of BJ Penn, so any trouble he has with the police must be their fault, not his." Haw haw haw!


                          • #73
                            last post

                            I am a mature and educated man who has no time to getting into a messageboard pissing match.
                            First, I was not there when Penn shoved the cop. I do
                            not know what happened.
                            But I do know that the media is full of stories warning citizens
                            not to fall for "blue light bandits." If an off-duty cop intervenes in a situation, he may be mistaken for a phony cop, especially if it a confused affair and he does not call for back-up. A real cop moonlighting as an extra for Ashton Kutcher's retarded Punked show was with phony cops when he got decked by some rapper. A real cop posing as a phony cop posing as a real cop, now tell me, in the heat of the moment, how a citizen could make the right decision? In the heat of the moment,could you tell a phony cop from an off-duty cop who is acting like king shit? Wrong decision, then a real off-duty cop arrests you, but a phony cop might draw and kill you. You are obviosuly not from Chicago, where all off-duty cops are gods above all laws.

                            Second, **** jkd. There are people out there who are better than Bruce ever was. If jkd is "whatever wins a streetfight," then Penn or Couture is better jkd than Bruce, or any of his students' students' students'.
                            And if you still think my pt. about Penn is irrelevant, then so be it. I have a
                            1st amendment right to say something irrelevant. To hell with all this jkd crap anyway, when you can get the same or better results from other sources.


                            • #74
                              What, in the name of Judas Priest, is this thread actually about??


                              • #75
                                Originally posted by fenwick99 View Post
                                I am a mature and educated man who has no time to getting into a messageboard pissing match.
                                First, I was not there when Penn shoved the cop. I do
                                not know what happened.
                                But I do know that the media is full of stories warning citizens
                                not to fall for "blue light bandits." If an off-duty cop intervenes in a situation, he may be mistaken for a phony cop, especially if it a confused affair and he does not call for back-up. A real cop moonlighting as an extra for Ashton Kutcher's retarded Punked show was with phony cops when he got decked by some rapper. A real cop posing as a phony cop posing as a real cop, now tell me, in the heat of the moment, how a citizen could make the right decision? In the heat of the moment,could you tell a phony cop from an off-duty cop who is acting like king shit? Wrong decision, then a real off-duty cop arrests you, but a phony cop might draw and kill you. You are obviosuly not from Chicago, where all off-duty cops are gods above all laws.

                                Second, **** jkd. There are people out there who are better than Bruce ever was. If jkd is "whatever wins a streetfight," then Penn or Couture is better jkd than Bruce, or any of his students' students' students'.
                                And if you still think my pt. about Penn is irrelevant, then so be it. I have a
                                1st amendment right to say something irrelevant. To hell with all this jkd crap anyway, when you can get the same or better results from other sources.
                                but what on earth has this got to do with the thread.

                                i agree with michael this thread is so bizzare its unreal. fenwick, read the first post in this thread, then tell us what your post has to do with this. and then if you can tell us what the first equally unclear post in this thread means too please.

