Originally posted by Ghost
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Resident Groaner
- Jun 2003
- 2118
There are no second chances.
“Anyone can give up, it's the easiest thing in the world to do. But to hold it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart, that's true strength.”
Originally posted by Tom YumGhost, you are like rogue from x-men but with a willy.
Originally posted by Hardball View PostI think he is trying to tie into the true meaning of JKD. In other words he feels that BJ Penn uses anything thus he is actually practicing JKD. On the other hand he lost me talking about the cops other than he lives in a "Police State" and is fed up with "Dirty Cops" and Police impersonators.
yeah i know what he meant mate, and in that sense i agree with him, but what im asking (and others) is what it has to do with the thread.
Originally posted by Mike BrewerAnd if you've never been sent away to another country by your government (and I mean in any capacity, let alone for three years) then you have no right - none whatsoever - to run your mouth and slander the service of those who have
Oh, wait...that's right, you'd have to learn humility and respect. That could be difficult for a bumbling dumbshit.
Originally posted by Mike BrewerMake mine a Killian's tonight, Tom.
I believe Rudy's drink will be a Dixie cup of that Special Kool-Aid.
Originally posted by Mike BrewerJohn, I wasn't name dropping. I was pointing out that Rudy named you as the single, lone, and only exception to his tirade abotu the Wednesday Night Group, despite his claim that many others were left out of it. You were not mentioned for credibility, and you were not mentioned because of anything you bring to the table in particular. You were mentioned because Rudy chose to put your name in print to the exclusion of all others, and I could not make his contradiction clear without restating his own words. Please understand, I was quoting, not "name dropping." The difference is pretty elementary.
And while we're on the topic, how is it that someone who feels no need to name drop, what's this look like to you?
Followed quickly with:
John, I have no beef with you whatsoever. You're right. I don't even know you. But I'm sensing a common theme in this thread. The first element in the thread is the tendency for everyone involved to get all personally wrapped up in the idea that this is somehow about your martial arts ability. It's not, and it never has been. You can be the best fighter in the world and still be a tactless asshole. The second element is that each of the people on - and forgive me for using this term - "your side" of the argument seems to feel some primitive need to challenge anyone who doesn't agree to come out to wherever you live and fight about it. Rudy is calling for people to come to California, and now you're saying we should come find you in Michigan? What kind of kindergarten nonsense is coming out here?
I rather imagine that if someone took any of you guys up on the offer and came out to where you lived and just stomped the unholy living shit out of you, you'd also "invite" them to join you in court, or "invite" the police over to the scene.
The posturing is really tired, completely empty, totally transparent, and beneath someone who says he's had the kind of experience he has.
Look Mike, all I asked you to do is leave my name out of your post....As far as you thinking I don't know shit you better think again....I don't want to argue with you, but it sems you want to with me.....If you think your insults are hurting my feelings, than think again.......
It seem you don't practice what you preach, bro......Just look what you wrote.....I know you have a image here in this forum to up hold, for your people around here......Leave me out of it
John McNabney
Mike Brewer read again
Mike Brewer.....Please make a note for you own records.....I have never been part of the WNG....I met all of the WNG Group in Las Vegas Camp 2006....Tim wanted me to be part of his Group, which I turned it down....Now that said, I have been interested in Bruce Lee since "Kato", that I use to watch when I was a Kid....I was into Bruce Lee before many even had heard of him......The first time I heard of JKD was 1971, nine years later I started training in Old JKD.....Before that, I had already had 11 years of MA training....and was a 2nd Black Belt at the time....
Please don't name drop my name to make your point.....I don't know you.....Lloyd does knows me as well as Rudy.....I don't play this kind of "Bullshit" or name dropping to back my case......I am a JKD man for sure, I have personlly trained with now eight of Bruce Lee's students.....If you think don't I know JKD, well hey I'm easily found here in Michigan.......Again, if this is not the case, then please disreguard the last statement....As things can be taking out of content on the net.....Because we both can't see each others body language....Please again leave me out of your post..Thank You Much, :-)
Keep "IT" Real,
John McNabney (2nd Gen. JKD Instructor)
Originally posted by Rudy Franco View PostLloyd Kennedy and the CPSD are no longer affiliated with the “Wednesday Night Group” or any other JKD group or organization for the following reasons:
1. We are not sport.
2. We are not ring format.
3. We have nothing to prove, other than that we are solid instructors.
4. We are not trying to change anyone's way of training.
5. We don't train anyone under 18, sometimes 21, depending upon
the person's mental state.
6. We don't boast.
7. We don't answer political questions.
The only exceptions to this, and we do mean the only exceptions, are Sifu John McNabney in Detroit, Michigan, and Sifu Carl Lewis in Wales, UK.
The rest of you have shown no knowledge of the military, police, corrections, and have shown absolutely zero knowledge about real street situations. You would be better off teaching tetherball.
-CPSD Head Coach Lloyd "Snooks" Kennedy
-CPSD Instructor's Rudy Franco
OK this is really silly...John why are you targeting Mike when it was your "friend" (?) Rudy who brought your name into the thread. Mike simply reiterated Rudy's statment. For you to ask someone to "NOT USE MY NAME" is silly. newpapers would be very thin if we could never use or reference a name.
The question I have is what is your issue. Your name was not used out of context, in fact there was no context except, again, what Rudy Rudy provided. Had he not included your name (and with such emphasis) it would not have been referenced. So yes you are posturing. It seems that you only responded to Mike just to argue and then you complain when people defend themselves.
Sorry to bust you bubble but the world doesn't revolve around you, Rudy and the WNG.
So now I have also used your name and now I am scared,frighted, terrified that you have warned the forum not to use your name. However, if the warning was just for Mike then you are REALLY strange and I don't have fear for my life...so that's cool.
Originally posted by Garland View PostIf only it were so. Hey Rudy...there's a war on...why don't you prove to everybody just how big of a badass you are...join the fucking Marines.
Oh, wait...that's right, you'd have to learn humility and respect and aerobics. That could be difficult for a bumbling dumbshit.
A few of you already said it. It's a personal beef ...against him or a member of his "group" and he sipped the kool aid.
Couldn't agree more with your assessment. It's easy to talk and hard to step up ...especially when you're staring down a keyboard instead of the person(s) on the other end.
Originally posted by Rudy Franco View Postbut none of you have disproved a single word I have written.
You are all a bunch of emotional phonies who claim this isn't about what I say it is about but still none of you have not disproved a single word I have written. None of you were there in the first place to even have a clue. I know I have helped some silent individual from making a mistake about his/her training choice and for that I sleep well at night. If the rest of you want to keep believing in the wizard of JKD, just remember I pulled back the sheet.
PS This is my final word, but you all are free to keep it going.
Did whatever-the-****-his-name-is hit you in the head too hard?
No one needs to prove shit...and nobody gives a shit about your relationship with Tim Tackett. Emotional phonies? **** you buddy, you're the idiot that decided to make whatever private bullshit beef you had with somebody a public issue.
I don't care about what Tim Tackett does or who he is, I don't care about your little hissy fit, I don't give a shit who your instructor is, I don't give a shit about you, I don't want to fucking hear about your little issue.
What I want to know is why you decided to disrupt our otherwise happy little forum with your melodramatic crap. If you want to be a drama queen, take it up with Tackett privately, or whine to your instructor...or somebody else that might give a shit.
Here, let me paraphraze everything you've said so far:
"We're no longer part of the WNG, **** Tim Tackett, and all of you guys don't know shit. Everyone in the JKD circle can eat a dick, because nobodies as cool as my buddy Lloyd Kennedy."
And you expect us not to jump on you? Most people here are from a JKD Concepts background through Inosanto lineage. Nobody here, to my knowledge, except for Tim Tackett is a part of the WNG. When pressed you respond:
"Oh, well...still, **** you guys, I don't need to appologize to anyone. I didn't mean YOU pussies, just the WNG. I'm pissed because Tim Tackett isn't certified or something and he made a couple racist remarks- jiga-boo-hoo-hoo."
And then you try and what? What are you trying to accomplish by coming here to talk shit on people who aren't involved in your sophmoric little feud? If you want sympathy, buddy...check a dictionary; you'll find it between shit and syphallis. If he made a racist comment, cry about it to the NAACP...because WE DON'T CARE!
Originally posted by Mike BrewerIn that respect, I give "the Forum Member Who Has Requested He Remain Nameless" props. Props for being the last rat on a sinking ship. Props for sitting there like a man after a friend farted in his face. And props for picking one galactically stupid argument to divert attention from another. "Forum Member Who Has Requested He Remain Nameless," we salute you.
Oh, and in honor of your request, "Forum Member Who Has Requested He Remain Nameless," I added a little something to your signature line. Just seemed fair to warn others so they don't make the same mistakes I have made.
Mike...how about this, you bastard, you come and fucking meet me in SLC if you ever drop by...and I'll buy you drinks the whole goddamned night!