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  • #91

    let me know. I'll be damn sure to pick the place with the cheapest drinks.
    The local chapter of the VFW does nicely.


    • #92
      Originally posted by John McNabney View Post
      Mike Brewer read again

      Please don't name drop my name to make your point.....I don't know you.....Lloyd does knows me as well as Rudy.....I don't play this kind of "Bullshit" or name dropping to back my case......I am a JKD man for sure, I have personlly trained with now eight of Bruce Lee's students.....If you think don't I know JKD, well hey I'm easily found here in Michigan.......Again, if this is not the case, then please disreguard the last statement....As things can be taking out of content on the net.....Because we both can't see each others body language....Please again leave me out of your post..Thank You Much, :-)

      Keep "IT" Real,
      John McNabney (2nd Gen. JKD Instructor)
      This John dude is too funny. I have seen him and Rudy on other forums.

      He, like his "firend Rudy" are full of sh*t hyopocrites. First, Rudy and john only just met and the reason John is defending Rudy is becasue Rudy said John is the only place that he will go is johns place (the funny thing is, John would never have even heard of this Lloyd/Rudy if he hadnot gone to the WNG camp.). And while I dont know tackett or anyone in the WNG, I would love to get his take on whether they really "asked" John to be part of their

      Hell, if not for the WNG, no one would even have inkling of who the lloyd/rudy thing is.

      As to John not name-dropping, just go back a couple of threads on this forum to the one called "Seeking Pure JKD teacher" In, John posts the folowing (thank god he isnt into name dropping to back himself):

      From the thread Seeking Pure JKD teacher:

      Here is my school

      I have trained with Steve Gloden - Jerry Poteet - Jesse Glover - Bob Bremer - Jim Sewell - Larry Hartsell - Dan Inosanto - Tim Tackett - Ted Wong - Herb Jackson......Just to name a few.

      Check Us Out.


      Sure seems like name dropping to And interetsing that one of those names is Tacketts (also notice he drops Jesse Glovers name - he went to one seminar with him; once with Sewell; once with Bremer; once with Golden; ad nauseum; makes you wonder who he has trained with for any real time...real JKD Makes you wonder how insecure a man is that cnstantly has to tell you how good he his and what he has done. Glad to see he is "keeping it real". Too bad he just isnt keeping it honest.

      Mike, I love what you


      • #93

        Check out the pics too lolol. "I don't play this kind of "Bullshit" or name the way....heres some pics of me with....and talking about....."

        is how it should have read. also whats up with the karate kid standing on a rock kicking pose and the stormtrooper shin guards. niceeeee


        • #94
          Name dropping rocks...
          Rudy ain't about politics at all...
          Attached Files


          • #95
            Originally posted by Mike Brewer
            I can't see the attachments, garland. Do you have 'em in another format?
            sorry bro...I worked hard just to get them into THAT out of photoshop.

            For those of you that can't see them...

            one is a picture of the last supper with Rudy's head on one of the apostles.
            I figured he could put it in his file for references.

            the other is one of Rudy and Osama standing infront of a truck marked "explosives".
            Must be why he doesn't like to talk politics.


            • #96
              Originally posted by fenwick99 View Post
              I And if you still think my pt. about Penn is irrelevant, then so be it. I have a
              1st amendment right to say something irrelevant. To hell with all this jkd crap anyway, when you can get the same or better results from other sources.
              What Ammendment gives you the right to be a fukkin idiot?

              Haw haw haw!

              ps - I love that guy who wants to remain nameless "Purple Dragon" name. It conjurs up images of some Kung Fu fighters pet name for his penis.


              • #97
                Originally posted by Mike Brewer
                I just got a lovely e-mail from Rudy. He apparently really wants me to call him. I called both he and Lloyd to get clarification on this stuff and left them messages. They called back and left messages, too. Then it turned into the weekend, and I really didn't want to waste a lot of time talking to someone that full of hot air. Rather than just call me back, he sent me a nasty e-mail. It was pretty good, but he asked that it be kept confidential, and so I'm going to leave out any specifics. Apparently, he's got lots to say on this topic, but he doesn't want to do it here in the open where everyone can see.


                He'll talk shit in private and request that it not be shared, but when it comes to answering questions out in the open, it's all about ducking, dodging, and running to his Instructor.

                Assuming he doesn't mind, I'll post the content of the phone call tomorrow or the next day. Of course, I will (as promised) keep it confidential if he wants me to do so.

                Well, isnt that special. Rudy will come on all tough and post the original BS, but want the specifics kept secret?

                All I want to know, and you dont have to reveal the specifics of either the call or email, is are his claims provable or are they accusations that he is making and did not back up?

                Although, maybe Rudy is just a "very sensitive" kind of guy. I mean he does seem to have a "unusually close" relationship with his teacher. Not that there would be nothing wrong with that, mind you, but certainly would expalin a number of things wouldnt


                • #98
                  Why does this sound so close to the posts and tactics from Ashtanga05?

                  You obviously feel comfortable talking smack to people like Mike, whom you know will go above and beyond to respect others, when you think others can't hear you - why is that, Rudy? Come on out in the open and say what you said to Mike.

                  Where's the high horse now?

                  I give you credit for having the balls to actually put your derrogatory words in writing and deliver it to Mike, rather than back tracking and having to BS what you were saying to protect your own ego.

                  I'm still amazed that you have the tenacity to call the founders of the group, an old-school UDT, a Marine and two bouncers as guys who "don't understand combat!"

                  Hey, if you think you got wronged by some folks at the WNG, you should have made your case from the beginning but you've been nothing but a prick to everyone here who might have helped you!

                  and it started here...

                  Originally posted by Rudy Franco View Post
                  The rest of you have shown no knowledge of the military, police, corrections, and have shown absolutely zero knowledge about real street situations. You would be better off teaching tetherball.

                  -CPSD Head Coach Lloyd "Snooks" Kennedy
                  -CPSD Instructor's Rudy Franco
                  Last edited by Tom Yum; 10-08-2007, 01:28 PM.


                  • #99
                    As a newbie to all things military, I'm interested myself to see what Rudy has to say. I know I've got a lot to learn.

                    Boot and indoc are coming up - I'm a little scared, but I'm more excited than scared. Should I be?
                    Last edited by Tom Yum; 10-08-2007, 02:05 PM.


                    • Until he makes an ass out of himself again, mum's the word.

                      For some reason, I'm a little skeptical that he'll even come back. People don't like being called on their shit the way that you did with him. He might not even bother trying to defend his actions, which at this point, are pretty damned transparent.


                      • Be fair guys. He's just finishing his dinner.

                        He'll be here in a week.


                        • Thanks for the good words, Mike.


                          • Hey Rudy,

                            Thanks for the colorful compliment in the PM, that's very compassionate of you. You're such a charming fellow. lol.
                            Last edited by Tom Yum; 10-11-2007, 06:17 PM.


                            • Originally posted by Tom Yum View Post
                              Hey Rudy,

                              Thanks for the colorful compliment in the PM, that's very compassionate of you. You're such a charming fellow. lol.

                              Thanks for your support, I knew you would come around, but I never thought you would give me a complment..

                              Last edited by Rudy Franco; 10-11-2007, 07:38 PM.


                              • Originally posted by Mike Brewer
                                So Rudy,
                                I have heard from several people (ironically, none of them have been you) regarding why your falling out with Tackett went the way it did.

                                Allow me to say that if there is any credibility to any of it, you actually have reason to be upset, and a good foundation for your actions. I would find your actions justifiable if still a little ham-handed if what I'm hearing is actually true, and it would make my image of you change somewhat. Which begs the question:

                                If you really do have a legitimate beef, why the hell would you start such a mud-slinging row and not fill everyone in on your side of things? You've made yourself look like a total jackass, and you've embarrassed yourself, your instructor, and virtually anyone who would publicly associate with you. You've drawn all kinds of fire, and you've changed the focus of the argument from what it should have been all along to what has come across an an unmitigated adolescent temper tantrum.

                                So I'll ask again, politely this time. Since it sounds like there's a much deeper story, and it sounds like you may have a truly legitimate complaint, would you please explain your side if the falling out with Tim Tackett in a little bit more detail?

                                I'm not asking so that an argument will ramp up again. I'm asking because I'd like to air out both sides. If you'd be willing to do that, and to discuss it honestly and openly, I'd be willing to apologize for being so confrontational myself. If not, I think the entire thread needs to go away, since it really only represents you hurling unjustified insults at Tim Tackett and his group. Until you provide some justification, we'll err on the side of fairness.

                                Hoping for your input,
                                I have not wavered in my posts though I can admit that I have responded in kind to various insults and challenges from individuals that have not identified themselves. You have read my real name, seen my real photo and have my real phone number, and still attacked me as a phony loud mouth. I have answered some of your specific questions, only to be accused of having no credibility or making unfounded slanderous remarks.

                                Okay let's say I play along, what can I say that will justify what I have already said in the past?

                                I have a question for you MB that can be answered in a PM, who have you spoken to and and what do they bring to the table?

                                I am not trying to be a wise cracking asshole, I am being truly serious, but I am not looking for sympathy or acceptance at the expense of the truth. You may not find honor in my tactics, which is your right to an opinion, but you will not meet a man with more integrity or information on this particular subject.
                                Last edited by Rudy Franco; 10-12-2007, 12:14 AM.

