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Is grappling apart of most JKD school?

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  • Is grappling apart of most JKD school?

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  • #2

    If grappling isn't being trained in a JKD school, it isn't a REAL JKD school.

    Adaptability is one of the main concepts of JKD, which means (among other things) having the ability to fight in all ranges.

    This should say something to many people, especially those of the "original JKD" tribe. I know many who are a part of that "Pre 73" schlock, and they don't have the FIRST clue about grappling.

    Just some food for thought.


    • #3

      Sorry "Twisted Up" but you are completely wrong. I have yet to see a JKD school, Concepts or Original, that doesn't address the issue of Grappling.

      Why must every post on this forum turn into a political piece of crap.

      Amazing, truly amazing.

      BIG Sean Madigan


      • #4
        Big Sean,

        I think you misunderstood my post.

        Re-read it please.

        It HAS been MY experience to find people who "do JKD" that don't practice grappling! I've seen this on more that one occasion and by more than one group.

        That has been my experience and I don't mind telling people that.

        I don't think that was being completely political either. I was stating my experience and personal philosophy.

        What is amazing is the fact that people can't do this without having to receive the responses from people like yourself!

        Assholes come in all shapes and sizes, right?!

        Thanks and good training!

        Last edited by Twisted up; 04-07-2001, 09:22 AM.


        • #5

          Originally posted by BIG Sean Madigan

          Why must every post on this forum turn into a political piece of crap.

          Amazing, truly amazing.

          BIG Sean Madigan

          I think Big ol' Sean got big time confused.


          • #6
            I don't normally like to respond to stuff like this, the flame rate seems to be pretty high. The Underground sucks because just this very thing.

            There is no gain from any of that. I just got a little bent from his reponse to my post.

            I just couldn't figure out what the hell that was all about. I was only speaking truth as I see it and HAVE seen it. I won't change my views.

            Big Sean needs to take a powder though!



            • #7
              Yo guys

              I'm gonna stay away from the political issue. All I'll say is that Big Sean is a buddy of mine - and I'm a JKD Concepts Instructor - work THAT one out - LOL!

              OK - Grappling in JKD. I will speak for myself and for the organisation I teach under. Sifu Marc McFann's Unified Fighting Arts teaches ALL the elements that make up the "JKD Concepts method" - and grappling is a VERY important part of that structure. In fact many people see my Sifu's name & immediately think grappling, although like I already said - he teaches the whole package to an equal level. Instructors under Sifu McFann are requitred to actively train in and teach Grappling, Jun Fan Gung Fu, Muay Thai, Silat & Kali.

              We train grappling, we train against grappling, we train to grapple by choice if we need to, we train to avoid grappling at all costs if we need to. All of that includes using and defending against weaponry.



              • #8
                Hi All,

                Ok, if I read your post wrong, then I was wrong.

                I took your post to read that OJKDers don't train in grappling. Now, if that IS what you meant by your post, I would like to know exactly what OJKDers you trained with.

                I am what you may call a "Ojkder" and we train grappling all the time, we also work with weaponry.

                Oh, and I will be happy to "take a powder" but your 'asshole' crack was out of line. I was truly hurt and offended. LOL

                The important thing is that we all agree on everything and that nobody, ever, post something that is different then what the rest of JKD thinks. Ok? I mean come on, there are only a few accepted ways of thinking and we must always stay within that paradigm.

                Now YODA, what's this nonsense about us being friends! We can't be...your a CONCEPTS guy!!!! NNoooooooo!

                Have a nice day.

                BIG Sean

                PS: All kidding aside, I really don't want to be argumentitive at all. I though twisted was making a crack at OJKDers, if I was wrong, then sorry.


                • #9
                  I met someone that was from the JKD camp(didn't call himself original or conceptual). He went to check out Burton's class, and told me he didn't like it because there were no "real" techniques (ie:nothing that he was familiar with). I told him that my "kali" classes wouldnt be much different, and that I didn't incorporate alot of the old drills or place m,uch importance on it, and that I also incorporate alot of importance on groundfighting with or without weapons, etc. He said he also incorporated grappling, so we hooked up to roll.

                  Before going further, Igan Inoye mentions in one of his tapes, something about wanting to learn all these fancy stick moves that Burton used to show, but than when he saw Burton's grappling, it was also "flashy", but he knew the difference because he was a "grappler", per se. He also states that Burton's style of grappling has changes, along with alot of other training methods.

                  Now back to the roll. I noticed immediately that this guy could do an excellent job explaining the grappling principles and movements, but he had not much experience rolling. He knew how to do some escapes and an arm bar, etc., but he obviously didn't rool hard in his training. And I am not a "grappler", again, per se.

                  I think that Twisted Up may have been talking about some of the OJKDer's, and there are also some JKDCers that do the same,(I've met both) where they study the aspects of an art, and start teaching or incorporating it, without having rolled or trained with the groundfighters that are really bad-asses. Nothing like getting schooled.

                  Of course, Sean, I wouldn't quite label you as original, myself, but I can see you use it as your base to grow from. Keep it up. Freedom is exactly that. Free.


                  • #10

                    It's no big deal really. I'm sorry if I did anything to keep it going.

                    I know how political the climate these days. I too get a little riled by much of what I see.

                    What a f'in mess, huh?

                    Good training!


                    • #11
                      I'm a JKD guy, (I guess), and just about everything I do is grappling. And knife fighting..I'm pretty into knives too



                      • #12
                        I like grappling with knives!! (just kidding)

                        Actually, it isn't a bad way to train (with rubber knives of course---had to throw that in there)

                        I like taking whatever works, whether it's old or new. If it works, it "just is" (isn't old or new)

                        I'll try to be a little clearer with my posts. Sometimes I may not be so if I'm suffering from a self-induced trauma resulting from alcohol-withdrawal. (Hangover)

                        Good training guys!


                        • #13
                          A lot of people argue about what JKD is or isnt, or what is it about... endlessly.

                          Personally, I think that if we are to use JKD as a concept, then we should refer to the words and ideas Bruce Lee used. I think that almost any argument about what JKD is, philosophically or conceptually (which is different from talking about technique and other details, which JKD relates to but does not specify), can be solved by referring to the early sections of the Tao of Jeet Kune Do, or just studying all the things that Bruce Lee said about martial arts, whether in books or interviews or whatever.

                          If you disagree with what he says, you think his way of explaining JKD are flawed, you think you have your own spin on martial arts, then fine, but I think that if that is the case, you no longer have the right to be talking about JKD, you are are talking about something else, your own thing. That is what everybody needs to do. But if the argument is about what JKD truly is or is about, look no further than what Bruce Lee said about it, what it was, what it wasn't, what is was for, and why.

                          People do their own stuff, and teach their own stuff, and make their own theories and philosophies and techniques and what not, which is great, but... they still talk about this as being JKD, or at least their JKD.

                          If you are going to teach or argue for something else, which is not guided by what Bruce Lee said, then fine, say it, but don't call it JKD and dont use JKD as a banner to put everything, and yourself, under. JKD is what Bruce Lee said it was. That's what he thought martial arts were about, and he called that JKD, although he later regretted giving it a name. He never said any technique was JKD or not JKD. If you want to study Bruce Lee's fighting method, from his students, great. Very effective, but dont pretend that it is JKD. So, if you have another philosophy, or other ideas as to what it's "about", then fine, that's natural, but give up on calling it JKD and saying what JKD is "about". Just say what you think without attaching the name of JKD to it.
                          If you want to study JKD, then you have to study what the person who made it said. You can make up your own philosophies, or take JKD and change it for yourself, whatever. But then its not JKD, it is then something else.


                          • #14
                            to answer the question...

                            it's part of ours.


                            -Paul Sharp


                            • #15
                              Well i love Jkd garppling. As we arent Judo practiotioners we dont have 2 follow their stupid little rules like no eye gouging and no bloody fish hooking. I think we're lucky.
                              PS cant wauit till my Erik Paulsen seminar

