Hey folks...Here's one to chew on.
I have a student who is a high school sophomore. He just started training about two months ago, and the kid is a walking example of natural attributes. He's already a varsity player in just about every sport at his school, from football to basketball to baseball and soccer, and from what I understand, can outplay most of the seniors on his teams. My only problem (up until yesterday) with his training was teaching him how to relax and pace himself a little when he fights. Yesterday, however, I found out that he has got one of the worst bully problems I've ever heard of. I had my fair share of bullies in school, but this is unreal. Listen to what this kid has put up with:
He's been held by three guys while a fourth beat him down,
He's been thrown from the top level of the bleachers at school all the way to the bottom
He's been beaten over the head with bottles
He's been LIT ON FIRE!!
and he's regularly attacked in the halls.
Apparently, this has gone on so long that he's afraid to do anything to defend himself, and it's the reason he signed up for classes. His confidence is shot, and he says that he only feels safe here at the gym, at home, and at church. The kid is a devout and religious Christian, and he actually preaches with his father who is an evangellist. He's gone to his parents, who have gone to the school administration, and nothing has been done. The other day, a kid even pulled a switchblade on him. This is all happening, mind you, at a christian school! Up until now, I've been teaching him mainly a mix of Jun Fan Gung Fu and Brazilian Jiujutsu, but due to his age, I've kept some of the more dangerous tools away from him. Now, I'm so furious about the situation, I want to teach him nothing but elbows, headbutts, eye gouges, and knife tactics! I know that his problem is largely psychological at this point, but his self-image is shot and he won't use the stuff he's learning, even if it means an ass kicking every day. What do you guys think I should do to make him realize that defending himself is not only okay, but it's the right thing to do, and that these punks won't stop until he floors one of them? Saying it to him isn't enough, and I'm struggling to find a good way to relate it in a way that will make him attach to the idea and act next time he's assaulted. I'm not terribly religious, and with his faith, I think that may be the way to go, but I'm at a loss. Opinions are greatly appreciated.
I have a student who is a high school sophomore. He just started training about two months ago, and the kid is a walking example of natural attributes. He's already a varsity player in just about every sport at his school, from football to basketball to baseball and soccer, and from what I understand, can outplay most of the seniors on his teams. My only problem (up until yesterday) with his training was teaching him how to relax and pace himself a little when he fights. Yesterday, however, I found out that he has got one of the worst bully problems I've ever heard of. I had my fair share of bullies in school, but this is unreal. Listen to what this kid has put up with:
He's been held by three guys while a fourth beat him down,
He's been thrown from the top level of the bleachers at school all the way to the bottom
He's been beaten over the head with bottles
He's been LIT ON FIRE!!
and he's regularly attacked in the halls.
Apparently, this has gone on so long that he's afraid to do anything to defend himself, and it's the reason he signed up for classes. His confidence is shot, and he says that he only feels safe here at the gym, at home, and at church. The kid is a devout and religious Christian, and he actually preaches with his father who is an evangellist. He's gone to his parents, who have gone to the school administration, and nothing has been done. The other day, a kid even pulled a switchblade on him. This is all happening, mind you, at a christian school! Up until now, I've been teaching him mainly a mix of Jun Fan Gung Fu and Brazilian Jiujutsu, but due to his age, I've kept some of the more dangerous tools away from him. Now, I'm so furious about the situation, I want to teach him nothing but elbows, headbutts, eye gouges, and knife tactics! I know that his problem is largely psychological at this point, but his self-image is shot and he won't use the stuff he's learning, even if it means an ass kicking every day. What do you guys think I should do to make him realize that defending himself is not only okay, but it's the right thing to do, and that these punks won't stop until he floors one of them? Saying it to him isn't enough, and I'm struggling to find a good way to relate it in a way that will make him attach to the idea and act next time he's assaulted. I'm not terribly religious, and with his faith, I think that may be the way to go, but I'm at a loss. Opinions are greatly appreciated.