Well, guys, I have an update on the situation... I met with his Dad last Friday, and we worked on a lot of repetitions of ballistic, fight ending tools. Gavin (the young man's name) did really well, and trained with a lot of focus. He seems to be getting more serious about making these assholes stop picking on him, and it's good to see. But something a little strange happened when I started talking to his Dad.
Gavin got really nervous when I brought it up to his dad, and his dad mentioned that Gavin had told him about our conversation...that I knew all about what was going on, and that I was taking things very seriously. However, hid father treated the whole thing with a lot less concern than I would have expected. He basically dismissed it all, saying that these guys were picking on him out of jealousy because he is so good at sports, and "all the girls like him." He didn't think it was "serious enough" to get the police involved, and that it was just boys being boys. I told him what I thought the reality of it was, and I let him talk to one of my students who is a cop. Even at the officer's advice, his dad just didn't think it was all that serious. Now, maybe he doesn't see what's happening, and maybe Gavin has blown a few things out of proportion, but I have seen the scars this kid has from being burned, having his head split open and stitched shut again, and various other attacks he's faced, and I don't care what anyone thinks about boys being boys...that shit ain't okay. So, I talked to the police officer and asked for advice, and he said that without specific names and grievances, the police are limited, but that he'd personally visit the school and talk to the administration. Also, he recommended that Gavin start defending himself when attacked, and that he do so with as much force is necessary. His next lesson is Wednesday, and I'm planning on seeing how the week has been. If it's bad, me and the cop are both going to visit Gavin's school. I'll keep you all posted, and thanks for the input. It's really helped both of us. BTW, Skul, your grandpa sounds like a mean s.o.b.!! Much Respect!
Well, guys, I have an update on the situation... I met with his Dad last Friday, and we worked on a lot of repetitions of ballistic, fight ending tools. Gavin (the young man's name) did really well, and trained with a lot of focus. He seems to be getting more serious about making these assholes stop picking on him, and it's good to see. But something a little strange happened when I started talking to his Dad.
Gavin got really nervous when I brought it up to his dad, and his dad mentioned that Gavin had told him about our conversation...that I knew all about what was going on, and that I was taking things very seriously. However, hid father treated the whole thing with a lot less concern than I would have expected. He basically dismissed it all, saying that these guys were picking on him out of jealousy because he is so good at sports, and "all the girls like him." He didn't think it was "serious enough" to get the police involved, and that it was just boys being boys. I told him what I thought the reality of it was, and I let him talk to one of my students who is a cop. Even at the officer's advice, his dad just didn't think it was all that serious. Now, maybe he doesn't see what's happening, and maybe Gavin has blown a few things out of proportion, but I have seen the scars this kid has from being burned, having his head split open and stitched shut again, and various other attacks he's faced, and I don't care what anyone thinks about boys being boys...that shit ain't okay. So, I talked to the police officer and asked for advice, and he said that without specific names and grievances, the police are limited, but that he'd personally visit the school and talk to the administration. Also, he recommended that Gavin start defending himself when attacked, and that he do so with as much force is necessary. His next lesson is Wednesday, and I'm planning on seeing how the week has been. If it's bad, me and the cop are both going to visit Gavin's school. I'll keep you all posted, and thanks for the input. It's really helped both of us. BTW, Skul, your grandpa sounds like a mean s.o.b.!! Much Respect!