I have a lot of respect for the ring skills of Joe Lewis. He certainly moved Kickboxing to a higher level. However, his comments concerning street fighting in the July 2009 issue of Black Belt magazine really reveals his lack of understanding concerning this complex subject. He does write that he has never seen a street fight stating“I’ve witnessed many fights, but to date not one has taken place on the street.” While I am sure he means he has only seen brawls in side a building and not on the street, this still weakens his point concerning a subject he has not witnessed. While I am happy for him to have been spared seeing such violence, which might be due to him residing in a small town like Wilimington, NC, but those of use that have lived or live in large cities have not been so fortunate. Many of us have that dwell in the big city ( I grew up in D.C.) have witnessed or have been subject to the physical confrontations of road rage or have been followed out to a parking lot or gang violence.
A successful street fighter has to have a different set of skills and mental attitude than that of a ring fighter. This in no way detracts from the skills of a high level sports fighter and I have the utmost respect. However, in the street you don’t have a referee to break you up if you break a rule and of course there are no rules. You have to worry about weapons, which could even be just a bottle or a rock. I have known of one instance where a guy bit the nose off the guy taking him to the ground. Believe me that can change the game plan. This is “usually” not a concern in the ring, lol. I have been in both situations and I am sorry but they are not the same and I can go on and on with similar stories.
Also, his claim that you most likely will only encounter or those claiming to have street fighting skills have fought are “some drunks, a few kids and a couple of bums” also reveals his lack of knowledge of what really can happen on the streets of major urban areas. In this day and age you never know the level of skill you are going to have to deal with. I hope anyone reading this understands the difference between fighting a skilled opponent in the ring as opposed to dealing with a 280 lbs guy cranked up on pcp with some reasonable boxing and wrestling skills you just cut off in traffic and he is pulling you out of your car in a psychotic rage.
Having said all of that, I do understand where Lewis is coming from. I am sure he is sick of people claiming high level sport fighters don’t know how to protect themselves in the real world and that somehow street fighters are better fighters. It takes years to be able to compete at a world class level and that certainly deserves respect. I also would say that the last thing I want is to be on the receiving end of a full power right hook from someone like that, lol! I just feel that he went a bit too far in his defense of his art by down playing the skills needed to survive the streets. The fighter that has the skills to deal with all the possibilities you might encounter on the street deserves the same respect as the fighter that has the skills to compete in the ring. It really does no one any good to try and diminish either one.
A successful street fighter has to have a different set of skills and mental attitude than that of a ring fighter. This in no way detracts from the skills of a high level sports fighter and I have the utmost respect. However, in the street you don’t have a referee to break you up if you break a rule and of course there are no rules. You have to worry about weapons, which could even be just a bottle or a rock. I have known of one instance where a guy bit the nose off the guy taking him to the ground. Believe me that can change the game plan. This is “usually” not a concern in the ring, lol. I have been in both situations and I am sorry but they are not the same and I can go on and on with similar stories.
Also, his claim that you most likely will only encounter or those claiming to have street fighting skills have fought are “some drunks, a few kids and a couple of bums” also reveals his lack of knowledge of what really can happen on the streets of major urban areas. In this day and age you never know the level of skill you are going to have to deal with. I hope anyone reading this understands the difference between fighting a skilled opponent in the ring as opposed to dealing with a 280 lbs guy cranked up on pcp with some reasonable boxing and wrestling skills you just cut off in traffic and he is pulling you out of your car in a psychotic rage.
Having said all of that, I do understand where Lewis is coming from. I am sure he is sick of people claiming high level sport fighters don’t know how to protect themselves in the real world and that somehow street fighters are better fighters. It takes years to be able to compete at a world class level and that certainly deserves respect. I also would say that the last thing I want is to be on the receiving end of a full power right hook from someone like that, lol! I just feel that he went a bit too far in his defense of his art by down playing the skills needed to survive the streets. The fighter that has the skills to deal with all the possibilities you might encounter on the street deserves the same respect as the fighter that has the skills to compete in the ring. It really does no one any good to try and diminish either one.