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Intrested in Jeet Kune Do

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  • Intrested in Jeet Kune Do

    Hey guys. I'm new here. For it seems like a while, Ive been interested in training in Jeet Kune Do. Now, I looked up info on it, and that got me even more excited to learn JKD.

    Been working out since freshmen year of HS, been wrestling ever since, and have been boxing for 2 years.

    I'm about 180 lbs, bench is 275 squats 320 and DL is 345. I'm a kind of big guy(not fat, but no 6 pack). Im pretty flexible, and have quick hands Is this fine for JKD? Basically, I mean, can a bigger guy do this?

    Now, I understand JKD is basicaly what you want it to be. A mix of fighting techniques that fit your style. Is this correct?

    Im in Las Vegas. So far, Ive only found one place(Las Vegas Kung Fu Academy) that trains in JKD. Anyone know any place else, or can reccomend some place?

    Tips/help/advice welcome! Thanks guys.

  • #2
    Whether you study "original" or "concepts" JKD,it is a process,not a product. As such,there is a progression of training (drills,basic techniques etc). So while it CAN be "a mix of fighting techniques that fit your style",you will spend quite a bit of time training until you develope your "style". Then you will try to forget your "style" and simply "be".

    Confused? You should be...

    There are many fine MMA schools in your area,I suggest you begin with boxing and/or MMA,so you have something to compare other training to.


    • #3
      I have been boxing, and know basic MMA, if you read my post


      • #4
        You mentioned wrestling. I didn't know that was basic MMA. What gym do you box at?


        • #5

          Its probably worth clarifying the notion of JKD, which I think may help. The primary reason I mention that is because, to the very best of my knowledge and research, the Las Vegas Kung Fu Academy teaches a mix of traditional Chinese Martial Arts, they don't offer any instruction in JKD.

          Originally posted by Titansman192 View Post
          Now, I understand JKD is basicaly what you want it to be. A mix of fighting techniques that fit your style. Is this correct?
          Jeet Kune Do has a base system - Jun Fan Gung Fu. This was the method developed by Bruce Lee over years of constant research and experimentation in many different martial arts. The key thing is that Bruce Lee didn't just cobble together bits and pieces from different arts, he had a very clear understanding of how the various component parts needed to work together in synergy. Therefore, if a crosstraining approach is what you are looking for, then the base art of Jun Fan Gung Fu is a very popular system, because an exceptional martial artist has already done the hard work for you. The only caveat is what worked very well for him may not work well for you. However, some people find it does and this is all that they study - which is fair enough.

          Another group of people in JKD also study this base system of Jun Fan. However, what they then do is take the concepts and philosophies Bruce Lee was applying to Jun Fan, and use these to build further in a wider study of other arts. Therefore they take the base of Jun Fan, the concepts of Jeet Kune Do, and go on to develop their own path.

          Now, back to your point. Some people believe that JKD is whatever you want it to be, and they go off and study a bunch of martial arts, put it all together and call it JKD. I'll just give you my opinion on that which is as follows: If someone wants to pursue their own path, inspired by Bruce Lee but they don't actually study his base art, and they find what fits them in martial arts then no problem. If they want to call that JKD then why not, if it makes them happy it doesn't bother me, and I'm sure Bruce Lee wouldn't care. However, the only time I have a problem with that is when that person decides to call themself a JKD Instructor. They put up a website with Bruce Lee pictures and logos, and charge people money to learn Jeet Kune Do without really being honest about what they teach. For me, if you really want to go on your own path then call it your own thing and put pictures of yourself on your website.

          So what I'm saying, in response to your question is as follows:

          - There is a genuine base physical system to Jeet Kune Do, which if you like it you can study on its own

          - There is a method that also goes through this base system, but then experiments further by applying the concepts to other arts

          - There is just your own experimentation in martial arts crosstraining, which you may or may not want to call JKD

          My advice? If you really want to study JKD, find a qualified school with an instructor who has been through the training in Bruce Lee's method. Its a great foundation for crosstraining in the martial arts, and then you can grow in your own path from there. Either way, it sound like you have a solid background - Wrestling, Boxing and Weight training is a good foundation for anyone.

          I hope that helps


          • #6
            It doesn't get any better than that! Well put Mr Wright...

            I did traditional martial arts for years. I began in PFS/JKD in about 2001 (I think). I've branched out ito MMA and grappling recently (last 3-4 years),but right now I'm going back and learning Jun Fan Kickboxing/Gung Fu to strengthen my overall knowledge. I like the "progression" it uses. It plugs up some holes in my knowledge because of the way the foundation is presented. The MMA academy I trained at had a very good instructor who had a background in traditional arts before MMA. I'd still be there if not for the fact that he trains fighters only,no "weekend warriors". The workouts would kill me!

            I wish you luck in your quest for JKD,I still don't understand why in a town like Vegas you'd be interested in Gung Fu,but to each his own. Good luck!


            • #7
              JKD is more a set of concepts than an art itself, and in order to train in JKD concepts it's best if you get a solid base in one art first. I guess your training in boxing will suffice. Wing Chun would be another good place to start as that is how bruce lee himself started and most of the concepts in JKD are also in WC (economy of motion, simultaneous attack and defend, centerline principle, etc).


              • #8
                The way some folks teach it I thought JKD stood for was Just Kidding Dude! I mean as far as something for the street. The first thing I recommend is to read everything you can that Bruce Lee wrote himself. There is plenty of material available. If you never have taken the time to read Bruce then you might develop a great front kick by kicking yourself as to why so many “original” people don’t get it. To me the greatest value from Bruce Lee was that he was a thinker and was always experimenting. Dan Inosanto once said that he got a little frustrated with Bruce early on when he was first going to study with him because he wasn’t sure if he was studying with a martial artist or a philosopher! Seems like Bruce would use up their time just talking about ideas or “concepts”. Later on he began to appreciate the way Bruce’s mind worked.


                • #9
                  I am a newbie in this forum, so i would like to make a new member and contribute my ideas and improve my knowledge from the others.I was registered at your forum. I have printed the test message. Do not delete, please.Gee! this thread will attract many people to give more info.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Michael Wright View Post

                    Its probably worth clarifying the notion of JKD, which I think may help. The primary reason I mention that is because, to the very best of my knowledge and research, the Las Vegas Kung Fu Academy teaches a mix of traditional Chinese Martial Arts, they don't offer any instruction in JKD.

                    Jeet Kune Do has a base system - Jun Fan Gung Fu. This was the method developed by Bruce Lee over years of constant research and experimentation in many different martial arts. The key thing is that Bruce Lee didn't just cobble together bits and pieces from different arts, he had a very clear understanding of how the various component parts needed to work together in synergy. Therefore, if a crosstraining approach is what you are looking for, then the base art of Jun Fan Gung Fu is a very popular system, because an exceptional martial artist has already done the hard work for you. The only caveat is what worked very well for him may not work well for you. However, some people find it does and this is all that they study - which is fair enough.

                    Another group of people in JKD also study this base system of Jun Fan. However, what they then do is take the concepts and philosophies Bruce Lee was applying to Jun Fan, and use these to build further in a wider study of other arts. Therefore they take the base of Jun Fan, the concepts of Jeet Kune Do, and go on to develop their own path.

                    Now, back to your point. Some people believe that JKD is whatever you want it to be, and they go off and study a bunch of martial arts, put it all together and call it JKD. I'll just give you my opinion on that which is as follows: If someone wants to pursue their own path, inspired by Bruce Lee but they don't actually study his base art, and they find what fits them in martial arts then no problem. If they want to call that JKD then why not, if it makes them happy it doesn't bother me, and I'm sure Bruce Lee wouldn't care. However, the only time I have a problem with that is when that person decides to call themself a JKD Instructor. They put up a website with Bruce Lee pictures and logos, and charge people money to learn Jeet Kune Do without really being honest about what they teach. For me, if you really want to go on your own path then call it your own thing and put pictures of yourself on your website.

                    So what I'm saying, in response to your question is as follows:

                    - There is a genuine base physical system to Jeet Kune Do, which if you like it you can study on its own

                    - There is a method that also goes through this base system, but then experiments further by applying the concepts to other arts

                    - There is just your own experimentation in martial arts crosstraining, which you may or may not want to call JKD

                    My advice? If you really want to study JKD, find a qualified school with an instructor who has been through the training in Bruce Lee's method. Its a great foundation for crosstraining in the martial arts, and then you can grow in your own path from there. Either way, it sound like you have a solid background - Wrestling, Boxing and Weight training is a good foundation for anyone.

                    I hope that helps
                    IMO, well said.


                    • #11
                      The concept of the group is simple. This is a venue to meet and train with other martial artists. Spar, drill, talk, share ideas, whatever. It is recommended that interested members have some training before attempting to come to a sparring sess…


                      • #12
                        Jeet Kune Do is just a name, your training and expressing yourself in fighting is the most important factor in JKD.
                        The instructor is just like a compass, pointing the direction, but you are the one will be directing your own development. JKD is unlike other systematized martial arts. Wherein there is a way to do this and that.

