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A little Garage Fu in Houston, Tx

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  • A little Garage Fu in Houston, Tx

    Hey Guys,

    I'm one of those guys with a rough training schedule. I work nights so training is done on the weekends with my instructor and I train alone during the week. If anyone is interested in a weekday training partner let me know (once or twice a week). We can do some bag work, mitt work, pad work, stretching, light lifting etc...

    Just looking for someone wilth at least some experience so we can push each other to get better. My background is primarily Kenpo, but I've been exposed to a lot of JKD concepts over the years so I'm open to different things.

    If you interested, drop me an e-mail @

  • #2

    We've got a Saturday class if you can make it. You can access the schedule at

    Hope to meet you sometime,

    Tim Mousel


    • #3
      Hey Tim,

      I'd like to meet you one day as well. I actually signed up and attended a few classes at your place, but you weren't teaching at that time. I also had a chance to workout with Stanley (I think that was his name) during the day (as my schedule dictates), but his day schedule didn't allow him to consistently make it to train so I discontinued making that long trip only to find him not there. You were very honest and returned my money once you found this out (even though you had to deal with Brown's Gym to get it). I'll always remember and appreciate that.

      I'm sure we'll cross paths one day, Houston's not that big. If you know of any of your guys that are looking for a training partner during the day have them drop me a line at my e-mail.

      Yours in the Arts, jbugg

      p.s. I have a really good Paul Erickson seminar video. He is a really bad dude. Up top as well as on the ground.


      • #4

        I meant Erik Paulson.


        • #5
          Originally posted by jbkenpo

          I meant Erik Paulson.
          LOL :-)

          Check the first posting currently in this folder. Mousel is having Erik in for a seminar in Houston in February :-)



          • #6

            Hey Guys,

            Still looking for a dayside training partner....

            If your interested e-mail me @


            With 1.9 million people in the Houston area I know there has to be one person out there that's looking for someone to workout with.



            • #7
              Delaney left but returned minutes later, saying he had forgotten his glasses. He apparently used her room key to get in,

