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Bruce Lee was a Beanpole Midget

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  • Bruce Lee was a Beanpole Midget

    Bruce Lee was a little guy who had small man complex.
    I knew him personally and he was a little prick who threatened to kill me when I caught him in a triangle choke that I learned from a Judo book.

    He may be good in theory, on paper and the cellulite of movies, but in reality he was a wimp. Just ask Dan Inosanto about that time when Ricky, Danny and Bruce were sparring.

    Danny Inosanto was rocking Bruce with uppercuts. Bruce lost hims temper and started fighting Danny for real. But Danny was too nice so instead of beating the crap out of Bruce, Danny bowed down as if Bruce was some kind of a God.

  • #2
    Re: Bruce Lee was a Beanpole Midget

    Originally posted by knifer
    Bruce Lee was a little guy who had small man complex.
    I knew him personally and he was a little prick who threatened to kill me when I caught him in a triangle choke that I learned from a Judo book.

    He may be good in theory, on paper and the cellulite of movies, but in reality he was a wimp. Just ask Dan Inosanto about that time when Ricky, Danny and Bruce were sparring.

    Danny Inosanto was rocking Bruce with uppercuts. Bruce lost hims temper and started fighting Danny for real. But Danny was too nice so instead of beating the crap out of Bruce, Danny bowed down as if Bruce was some kind of a God.
    ROTFLMFAO!!!!!!!!!! This has got to be the funniest damn post I have EVER read on Mousels! And I used to be here in the old days!! LOL!

    You knew him personally????? How old are you old timer?

    Did you get to use your LA knife on him?



    • #3
      I'm about the same age as Bruce Lee.

      One time, I gave Bruce $50 to pick up some weights for me at the local sport shop.

      Back then $50 was a lot of money. Well, that little jerk didn't get my weight set, and I never got my money back! When I asked him to give back my $50, he just laughed and winked at Danny!


      • #4
        I remember the good old days in the 70's when 50 bucks could buy you 8 pairs of denim blue jeans, a week's supply of groceries from the downton city market, a haircut from the town barber, 10 copies of Mr. District Attorney, and 6 bottles of brand new Coca Cola!

        Man, suddenly the good old days are gone.



        • #5
          The 70's?

          I'm talking about the 60's!

          Bruce was really into keeping up with fashion, so one time me and Danny wanted to play a trick on Bruce....

          So we found these Gawd Awful clothing designs on Melrose in Los Angeles, and told Bruce they were latest fashion.

          Well, Bruce being the impulsive jerk that he is, took some money from Linda's wallet, and he practically bought everything in the store!

          I miss that little basturd.

          Yeah. I used my knife on him. In fact he told me not to use my knife because he believed that it meant I only had one weapon because I was concentrating solely on the knife.

          But I told that little know it all...

          Bruce my little buddy, all it means when I have a knife is not only can I kick, and punch, but I can also stab and scare the **** out of people.

          He didn't agree and then went on to cast some guy In Return of the Dragon. The guy looked just like me! Bruce showed how knife can lose to nun chaku and little do people know, but Bruce made up that sceneto prove a point to me.

          Then i told him, Burce, that fat guy with the stick hit you in the hand when you did the nunchaks. He denied it.
          Last edited by knifer; 08-10-2002, 10:36 AM.


          • #6
            Hey wait a minute, Knifer!!

            On your profile you listed your birthday as January 1st, 1976

            Awwwwwwwww! You lied to us!!



            • #7
              It doesn't matter.

              It's still the year of the dragon.

              To gragons it doesn't matter what year you put down, as long as it's a dragon year.


              • #8
                Originally posted by knifer
                It doesn't matter.

                It's still the year of the dragon.

                To gragons it doesn't matter what year you put down, as long as it's a dragon year.

                aaahhh, I see.... My mistake.



                • #9
                  Yeah, knifer. Remember the good ol' times? When you, me, and Jose were growin' up in the hood?

                  Bruce always wanted to be part of our gang. Maybe we should have let him in. I think the pressure got to him . . .

                  I miss that dirty little gringo too.


                  • #10

                    Bruce was a legend he proved it in karate tournaments in one of my videos I bought he fought full contact with a guy he was too fast for him and he was also doing things like two fingers push-up on ONE hand and your telling me he is a wimp no offence but it seems untrue


                    • #11
                      Uhm,Well Lightning

                      I think they're 'buffalo'ing' you. Ya know 'strokin' ya'; 'takin' ya deep';'leading ya down da broken path'. Basically, it's all in fun--sometimes. I really liked Bruce too. Don't take offence too deeply.


                      • #12

                        Yeah I remember those days. You wanted to join our gang so badly that you were Jose's slave for a few years. I remember how he would kick you around echo park, and shoe you in the ass whenever he felt like it. Those were the good old days. sigh

                        Bruce always wanted to be a part of our gang... I even wanted him in, but what could we do?!

                        If Bruce had joined our gang he would have told everybody what kind of sh it went down, just like how he betrayed his brothers by teaching Westerners. So obviously, Bruce had a loyalty problem and could not be trusted.

                        It's too bad his real dream was in Hollywood. Imagine how great a Martial Artist he would be if he spent more time with his family and friends instead of mingling and shaking his fist with the likes of Coburn, McQueen, and Polanski.


                        • #13

                          Oh, God, it's true . . . What will Mum think of me?

                          All those years in leather straps and Mom thought I was in the carney.

                          Poor old Dad. The blind b ugger never knew what you and Jose were really doing in the corner. Dad would be like: "What's that smack-smacking sound, Macey?" And I'd be like: "Oh, nothing, Dad. It's just knifer and Jose buttering the biscuts."

                          He believed me, bless his soul, he believed me.


                          • #14

                            uh.... sorry but please don't place any blames for your crimes. Remember, when you got initiated into our gang, you swore to secrecy.

                            So please, don't take the unloyal Bruce Lee path.


                            • #15
                              Sorry, I don't know what I was thinking.

                              It must be all this coke, valium, nicotine pills, yellow jackets, nodoz, meth, horse tranquilizer, mushrooms, smack, Sunday Tellitubbies . . .

                              Oh, God! The bugs! Get them off! They're everywhere!

