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Looking for a training partner in Virginia Beach, VA

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  • Looking for a training partner in Virginia Beach, VA

    I just moved to virginia about two years ago and have been looking for a place to train, but haven't had much luck. Is there anyone else out here that is looking for someone to train with, or knows of a group out here that is worth talking to.


  • #2
    isn't frank cucci's school in virginia beach?


    yeah. here we go:


    • #3
      Yeah, he has a school here, but apparently he is selling it and going to work for someone as a personal body gaurd.

      I have spoken with him but i was not really very thrilled with the format he is now teaching. first 3 years is Muay Thai then you get to work on trapping. And they don't spar.

      For 120 bucks a month and no sparring I just didn't see it helping me much.

      that's why I was hoping there was somebody on here that might be looking for somebody to train with.


      • #4
        oh. i see.

        well, i'm afraid i'm nowhere near virginia beach. so, back to the drawing board.

        stuart b.


        • #5

          Hey, one of Bruce Lee's senior classmates has a school on your side of the water. His name is Sifu Duncan Lee. I can get more info on him if you can not find him. Also, I don't know how far you are from Newport News, but There is also another Wing Chun School run by Sifu Tony Massengill. I know that it is not JKD but it is something. I am from the Va beach/ Hampton roads area and know quite a bit of the MA comunity. If it has to be a JKD school, or practitioner, then I may be able to find one for you. If not give the Wing Chun schools a try, or stop by my Hapkido Dojang sometime.
          Good luck.


          • #6
            Greetings from Virginia Beach, VA

            Please visit with Guru Dennis Ocampo, a Filipino that teaches at HAMA, on Virginia Beach Blvd. and Davies St. at Scores Plaza, between Newtown Rd and Witchduck. Saturdays 8:30am to 10 or 11. and on Tuesdays at 8:00PM.

            Guru Dennis is a veteran martial artist and practices everyday Kali Silat. give him my regards, Greg let me email me if you're interested if you can, thanks,


            • #7
              Please visit with Guru Dennis Ocampo, a Filipino that teaches at HAMA, on Virginia Beach Blvd. and Davies St. at Scores Plaza, between Newtown Rd and Witchduck. Saturdays 8:30am to 10 or 11. and on Tuesdays at 8:00PM.

              Guru Dennis is a veteran martial artist and practices everyday Kali Silat. give him my regards, Greg let me email me if you're interested if you can, thanks,

