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do you have favorite, or least favorite training tapes? tell us about them..

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do you have favorite, or least favorite training tapes? tell us about them..

Hey, if any of you guys have some favorite videos, let us know.. I'd like to know, anyway. I tend to post a thread saying "has anyone heard of this video, and what did you think of it"..well, rather than doing that, how bout anyone that cares to, tell us your favorite videos.. and why.. I'm always interested in a decent tape series about fight applicable skills.. especially if they are well taught.. So what are your favorite training vids, and why?

I'm currently looking for a good series on learning boxing skills.. drills and concepts so our contact fighting can evolve..

also, personally, i'd like a good tape on combat throwing.. something that spends serious time telling how to maneuver the opponent to set up a throw..not just how to DO the throw mechanics itself.. i'm not even looking for a maximum number of throwing much as a few good throws with many concepts to set up the throw..

but don't limit it to these areas. i'm just curious what videos you guys own that impressed you.

  • #2
    I think I may have recommended some of these to you already, but:

    1. Sperry Vale Tudo Series #1
    2. Roy Harris BJJ 101
    3. Dog Bros. I & II stickfighting
    4. Just about anything by Vunak, seriously, has been so well done
    5. Dion Riccardo's tape (only one right now)

    I have many others, but these really stand out.


    • #3
      Sperry vale tudo 1 & 2

      Marco ruas streetfighting vale tudo series

      Bob breen's JKD & kali

      I haven't too many tapes; right now I'm waiting for the dogbros series; just can't wait!


      • #4
        I have forgotten to mention Rob Kaman's kickboxing tapes: he teaches the REAL kickboxing; i.e. Muay Thai without headbutts. He's very methodical and his boxing is world class; also every tape is at least 90 mins with some approaching 180 mins. The tape about bagwork is oystanding.



        • #5
          right on to elaborate on why you like these tapes, and where they might improve. I realize not everyone has time to go into excruciating details about a tape and what happenned on it..but I was thinking it might be interesting to get a thread (or two) going about this subject..

          I've been relying on finding reviews on the net, and it's annoying the hell out of me. then I come back here, and ask the people here to comment on it, especially the experienced guys.

          I figured, kill two birds with one slash, and all anyone care to say what it was about these tapes that made you feel they filled some instructional niche?

          and anyone else have any to suggest?


          • #6
            • Matt Thornton's Functional JKD (a must have!)
            • Erik Paulson's Killer Leg Locks & Mount Tapes
            • Warriors of Negros
            • Contradas


            • #7


              I agree that these are must haves!

              Matt Thornton's Functional JKD
              Sperry vale tudo
              Dog Brothers

              I thought that Marc "the Animal" MacYoung's Surviving a Knife Attack is one of the better deals out there.

              SURVIVING A STREET KNIFE FIGHT (video) Realistic Defensive Techniques by Marc "Animal" MacYoung Real knife fights are characterized by lightning-fast ambushes, vicious gang attacks and multiple stab wounds. Here are hundreds of effective techniques and tips that will keep you alive if you ever must face a crackhead, barroom brawler or any other dirty fighter who's aiming to shank you. Color, approx. 70 min., VHS only. ISBN 0873646967 $19.95



              • #8
                stuart: who did warriors of negros, and what's on it? is it fighting styles from africa? (just a guess)

                also, what is Contradas?


                • #9
                  Dwayne, Warriors of Negros is a FMA tape, it shows some of the old masters doing their thing.

                  Contradas is a Pekiti-Tirsia tape featuring Leo Gaje, Jr. and Nene Tortal, talk about awesome body mechanics.

                  Another tape I really like is The Dog Brothers 6 tapes, shows Top Dog kicking some a**.


                  • #10
                    Fave tapes

                    Mine would be (in no particular order)

                    -Vu's tapes.
                    -Tom Cruse's tapes. (Hey, I'm a PFS guy, what can I say?)

                    -Guy Chase's Mande Muda tapes (ESPY?). These aren't very well organized, but there is a ton of info on these tapes. Plus I love anything Silat-oriented. I would have like to seen more weapons work though.

                    -Rick Tucci's Maphilindo Silat tapes (ESPY?). Great Kali-Silat blend.

                    -Randy Williams' Wing Chun Combat Drills tapes (Vol 1, 2), The guy has a twisted sense of humour.

                    -Duck Soup. There's a great fight between Chico and Harpo with some low-line kicking. Join the army and see the navy!

                    I really miss my video collection. I'm stuck here in Asia, and my tapes are all back home in Canada.



                    • #11
                      Demi Barbito Tapes and Training

                      I trained at Demi Barbito's Center for self preservation training (CSPT) yesterday. I've been training off the tapes for a month and I had many other tapes of other people and I have purchased several other series since I bought his. He has the most stuff on his tape of any other series I've seen. He covers it all accross the board in one series. I was training in wrestling and boxing before Demi's tapes, now I'm full on into it all. I did a four hour program at his place yesterday afternoon. It was a three and a half hour drive from O.C. The guy blew me away. He is a PFS guy who has developed his own training methods and stepped ahead of what alot of people are doing. He has his own programs and certifications. I'm on a cert program now. It will take me about a year to get where I want. In one day we did Counter Assault Tactics, long range stick/knife fighting, Close quarter combat, ground fighting and firearms. He is a interesting guy as well.

                      The other tapes that I have to reccommend are-

                      Any dog bros
                      Any Vunak
                      Walt Bayless
                      Jim Keating



                      • #12
                        How about -

                        Vunak's stuff - great for concepts

                        Mike Jen - very good series for BJJ basics/intermideiate, very detailed

                        Sperry's Vale Tudo I

                        Paulson's Mount tape

                        I find myself watching these most of the time


                        • #13
                          How about -

                          Vunak's stuff - great for concepts

                          Mike Jen - very good series for basics, very detailed

                          Sperry's Vale Tudo I

                          Paulson's Mount tape

                          I find myself watching these most of the time


                          • #14
                            Stand up - Anything by Voo and Blauer
                            BJJ - Jen, Harris and Sperry/Bustamante
                            Submission grappling - Tony C., Paulson and Sak
                            Stick fighting - Dog Bros and Sulite
                            Knife fighting - Keating and Mac Young
                            Sambo - Yakamow and Mayo
                            Also very good : Mc Fann, Bass/Williams, Hockheim, Couture and Balicki


                            • #15

                              dog bros., & sperry vt tapes


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