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Multiple Attackers

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  • Multiple Attackers

    A picture of one person against multiple attackers. Here she's doing the defense against a simultaneous jab and cross while preparing for the other two attackers. I suppose it doesn't help she's a female too.

    If I can find the video it has other fights with multiple attackers Vs single defender I'll post it. But I think the conclusion is to RUN SCREAMING!

  • #2
    She needs to get out of the circle. Deflect the punch on the guy with the white shirt, elbow him in the face as you move thru. Stay to the outside. My next target would be the guy in the silver jacket. Easier said then done I know. Good picture though. Is the guy in the white shirt closing his eyes? Interesting.Ed


    • #3
      the bigger question is how the hell did she get into that situiation.

      p.s. sorry my spelling sucks


      • #4
        She needs to get out of the circle. Deflect the punch on the guy ...
        If you insist. I still say RUN!

        the bigger question is how the hell did she get into that situiation.
        That was Mardi Gras in seattle a couple years back. These guys were "randomly" attacking people. Another guy there got killed; fatally beaten by the group. I've seen video which showed another guy doing a takedown, and someone getting kicked in the face while down. It was pretty brutal, but a good document of the severity of multiple attackers with cruel intentions.


        • #5
          Are you sure that is a chick or not a guy with long hair? I find it rather hard to believe that a bunch of guys would be pounding a chick in the face at Mardi Gras--even if she didn't flash her tits. Also, why would all the guys behind her be bailing out and not trying to defend her? Guys do a lot of dumb things, but its pretty rare that a group of guys will single out a girl in a crowd and start hitting her in the face.

          In any event, best defense in that situation? Don't get into the middle of drunken crowds. Something bad is always going to happen if you are in a crowd of young, very, very drunk guys.


          • #6
            If she/he were going to fight his/her way out, I think that "it" should turn to the right and attack the guy in the black coat. This would align the rest of the group behind him and force them to re-surround "it".

            If that felt impossible, then grab the smallest one and make sure he dies. If you are going to die, then take one for the road. Mybe then more young people would think twice about the safety in numbers concept when attacking. They would be thinking, Oh man, one of us could die too!

            I have been in similar situations, and the attackers are concerned with getting hurt, generally. They are also easily distracted and confused. They aren't a tactically trained fighting unit, they are punk thugs who want to inflict damage for fun.

            So to sum up,

            1. Run if you can
            2. attack to one end of the line, preferably the retreating line.
            3. If you cannot escape or defend/attack effectively, Grab and ensure death to one.

            The last resort is to urinate and deficate on the spot. I cannot say it enough, no one wants to touch you if you are covered in your own urine and feces. Not even to hit you. LOL!

            "Every day spent training is one day closer to learning something."


            • #7
              She needs to get the hell out of there! ****ing cowards! Only cowards would attack like that.

              We use to practice this one drill for multiple attackers where you always keep one guy in front of you and you keep him in between you and the other attackers. You grab one guy pull him in front while you popped him with the other hand and you keep swinging him around pulling and pushing and punching kinda’ in a circle. If some one got between the two of you or the shield got out of the way then you’d grab the next guy. You kept this up until you could escape. This drill is pretty tough to perform it takes some practice.

              Anyway I didn’t explain it well due time but you get the just of it. Also like many things it doesn’t work all the time but it can and does work a lot of the time. The best thing is to keep out of the situation in the first place or run if you find yourself in this situation.


              • #8
                You can tell who trains with resistance against live opponents and who doesn't by looking at their responses. Those who train in an alive manner know there is no answer to this situation other than run or don't put yourself in a possition for this to happen. The theory geeks all have complex answers with "first you strike the guy in the ........, then you kick this guys........"etc. Those of us with actual fighting experience know that your training will help you little against 5 agressive attackers and all the theory in the world won't be worth a hill of beans!


                • #9
                  there's no answer to this situation at at all. of course you want to run , but 5 guys are punching you in the face and three more are blocking your back door. so alive training or not you have two options, stand there and get destroyed or killed, or fight for your life. that being said, anybodies theory or guess is as good as mine. a have had different instructors who would give different thoughts.

                  1. become part of the circle then zone away.
                  2.grab the guy behind you in the black jacket( the one not fighting you) and spin him into the circle switching places with you, and let him get pounded while you run like hell.
                  3. pull your blade and start slicing until there down or your out.
                  4.just start farting until they all pass out


                  • #10
                    It's probably a guy with long hair.

                    No woman would be caught dead in that dreadful jacket.

                    Anyway RE: running. How many of the people who advocated running actually PRACTICE it? I don't mean going for a jog in the park. I mean practicing all out sprints, cutting corners, jumping over obstacles (things like fences, etc.)?


                    • #11
                      Multiple attackers...Ahem, why not train in group tactics and have multiple defenders working as a group. Buddy system, works for marines it will work for you.



                      • #12
                        Incredibly interesting picture... Is it a woman or a long-haired man? Is this a racial thing or a rape thing? Why are all the white guys behind the victim bailing out? Could they actually be dancing, not fighting? Did I feed the cat?

                        Anywhoo, as my old man used to say, "Anything that happens to you in this life is basically a result of your own actions. It's all your fault! No matter what!" - She shouldnt have been there!

                        Having said that - ok you ARE there and not only are you outnumbered you're physically weaker than the weakest one of them. What do you do? Running is not always feasible. I humbly propose the following course of action only as a last resort (which looks like what the person in the photo is facing).

                        Remember always that while you may seem weaker than your opponent there are parts of you that are stronger than parts of him. His arm may be stronger than your arm but his eyeball is weaker than your fingernail, his throat weaker than your thumb, his groin weaker than your knee.

                        My recommendation is to grab the nearest attacker to you and go totally feral on him. I mean forget all the stuff you've been training for years on and grab him, scream your bloody head off (Something like "RAPE!!! HELP!!! POLICE!!! FIRE!!!") while gouging his eyes out (and I do mean ripping the eyeballs out of their sockets and tossing them onto the pavement) biting pieces of his face off (the Mike Tyson defense)and any other way to get your point across that you are not worthwhile prey.

                        While you are thus occupied the others may be also attacking you (maybe not with as much zeal). Ignore them if you can. Focus on your one target. If he gets away, grab the next one and repeat the process. Let their blood flow freely. This whole thing should look apallingly wet and sloppy and lethal and insane to them.

                        You may not win, but neither will they. Hopefully, the police will show up before you kill anyone.

