in major stricking tournaments such as K-1? If not is it because of the rules? I seem to see alot of kicks to the knee in JKD and i think it is against K-1 rules...
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Are there any JKD guys
Jeet Kune Do, as well as Ving Tsun, are rarely seen (to my knowledge) in sport competitions such as K-1 or UFC. Namely because both rely on many moves illegal in sport fighting tournaments, such as finger striking to the throat or eyes or armpit, kicks and strikes to the groin. Also, some see going in such sport competitions as degrading to the art: limiting its evolution with rules and regulations, which neither are designed for. Thus they are not in such tournaments, or are seen very rarely.
ithink todd medina claimed jkd in his first ufc fight, but he has adapted to the fight stlye of nhb. another big problem as far as k 1 goes is the boxing gloves, a jkd guy would greatly reduce his useable tools by putting closed gloves on. to go from working both open and closed hand skills to fighting someone who just trains closed hand in a k1 fight would be hard.
well yeah theory of interception ..but jkd has freedom. Freedom to strike anywhere and keep on striking. although the point about open and closed strikes isn't as strong as it used to be. A lot of JKD schools tend to use more boxing gloves than typical sparring gloves
Why you don't see JKD people in K-1 is that they are not good at K-1 and would have their asses handed to them even with their illegal strikes. The training for competitive kickboxing is more intense, requires more dedication and more heart than what the vast majority of JKD guys are willing to put in. If a JKD fighter really wants to compete in kickboxing, point fighting, Olympic TKD, MMA or any other ring sport he will not use the "deadly techniques" excuse but train to fight by the same rules as everybody else, put his time in and get into the ring. Don't insult sport fighters by even suggesting that you are at their level in their sport and the only thing keeping you out are eye jabs and kicks to the knee.
BTW, that goes for just about any other martial art or system so replace JKD with karate, Wing Chun, TKD, kali, etc.
Most all of the guys that you see in vale tudo are JKD guys. They just don't call it that. Unfortunately most of what is labeled JKD has no real aliveness and has evolved into back slapping, certificates and patty cake. Check out Matt Thornton's straightblast gym. Check out the street tough gym from south africa etc. These guys are kicking ass. Incidentally I noticed that both of these guys have dropped the name JKD from what they do. I think they have evolved beyond the politics of the name JKD and have earned a reputation that doesn't need the name to sell what they do.
I think if you explained to most vale tudo guys what JKD is they would say that that is exactly what they do.
Most all of the guys that you see in vale tudo are JKD guys. They just don't call it that.
I agree with brokenelbow... Certain people train for specific reasons... An athlete who trains to become a fighter learns skills needed to fight in that particular event. Simply saying a JKD guy cannot compete in K-1 is a moot point, because neither can a karate guy, boxer or any other martial arts system if the fighter involved is not a serious athlete.
A guy who intends to compete in K-1 will learn skills that work well within the rules of K-1... He's got nothing to do with JKD unless he intends to street fight too... Get a clue.
Actually, there was a JKD Full Instr. who fought in NHB tournaments, and also was the Shooto Light Heavyweight Champ. Guro Dan Inosanto also was in his corner at the NHB event (Extreme Fighting1). His name is Erik Paulson, on hell of a JKD guy and one hell of a submission fighter.
OK I'm scratching my head. Do you guys really know what JKD is? Working on being effective in all ranges. Able to adapt to your opponent. Near full out sparring etc. All of these things describe Vale Tudo guys. They are actually the only real JKD that you see out there now! If you aren't athletic enough or don't have the skillset to fight nhb then you aren't doing JKD! Jules, if you think that JKD is about intercepting then you need to check it out a little more thoroughly. It is about using whatever works and developing your own way. If a so called JKD guy can't compete with the limited rules of NHB then what makes you think he will be able to compete if there are no rules? This is always just an excuse for not training athletically against resistance and doing real sparring in all ranges.
JKD isn't doing your own thing, that's mixed martial arts. JKD has a structure to build upon. It has specific types of footwork, stance, punches, kicks, traps, and locks. It also has principles that if you go against, then shouldn't be considered JKD. Do they fight with their strong side forward? Do they utilize longest weapon to nearest target? Do they utilize non passive movements, daily decrease? Do they stress non intention? I can go on and on about this , but for those that think that JKD is just doing your own thing, it's not. Especially if you violate the principles of JKD.