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Straight Blast?

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  • Straight Blast?


    Can someone explain how the "straight blast" works, and when i would use it etc

    I'm too lazy to wait for Nino to tell me.


  • #2
    While you are waiting for someone to give you a detailed response (Nino?), you might want to check out Wing Chun's "chain punching", just to get started. Knowing chain punching will help you understand the straight blast.


    • #3

      Sorry, i was refering to Nino Pilla, and would have to wait till friday to ask him.


      • #4
        I meant to write (Nino perhaps?) instead of (Nino?). My bad!


        • #5

          All becomes clear


          • #6
            Re: Straight Blast?

            Originally posted by Batman

            Can someone explain how the "straight blast" works, and when i would use it etc

            I'm too lazy to wait for Nino to tell me.

            In a nutshell you sprint down someone's centerline while punching. Simple, but extremely effective. However, there is a time and place for it--usually off of a good solid hit and/or with them off balance. Otherwise you may find yourself with your side, legs, or back exposed.


            • #7
              Can someone explain how the "straight blast" works, and when i would use it etc
              Best place to use it is on video.


              • #8
                Do the strikes have to be alternating left/right straights? or is the idea just to strike at the guy with whatever kind of punch while running him down? or is it something else entirely?

                anyone have a link to any diagrams or pictures? Paul Vunak talks about it on his web site but no details (surprise).


                • #9
                  Check out the vids linked in Dani Barbitos post. There are some good examples of the SB in there.


                  • #10
                    yes the punches need to alternate. you need a hand or fist in your opponents face constantly as you run him down. the idea is to overwhelm him and not alow him time to react or even see what is coming in. i prefer to do it with open hands smacking into the face .

                    and yes it does work and not just on video. you need to find your entry thou. i'm fight south paw and i'll usually slip it over my opponents jab and explode into it.


                    • #11
                      Whoa whoa whoa!! Who's been teaching you guys? The Punches don't need to be alternate in fact it don't need to be punches. You can do whatever you want. Just hit the guy you go totally ballistic. Soon as he stops you can knee him, take him to the ground whatever. He's at you disposal.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Hunter P
                        Whoa whoa whoa!! Who's been teaching you guys? The Punches don't need to be alternate in fact it don't need to be punches. You can do whatever you want. Just hit the guy you go totally ballistic. Soon as he stops you can knee him, take him to the ground whatever. He's at you disposal.
                        While true that the strikes could come from anywhere, not everyone will be able to bring it from that close of a range. IMO the SB works best from centerline rapid fire punches (open or closed--your choice). The basic premise is to just overwhelm your enemy with a flurry of an attack and get him/her into a position where you can just unload on him/her.


                        • #13
                          Straight blast?

                          Check out Vitor Belfort to see a modified version of this in action.


                          • #14
                            Ah thanks,

                            i'm getting some kind of clear picture now.

                            So the basic idea, when appropriate, is to go nuts with punches down their center line.



                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Batman
                              So the basic idea, when appropriate, is to go nuts with punches down their center line.
                              More or less, yeah that's the basis of it. Don't forget that this technique works best after some sort of disturbance to the enemy where their balance is either broken or they're head has just gotten snapped backwards (balance has gotten distrubed). Also, you're pretty much going to be doing a 100 yard dash as well (i.e. sprinting). That fast running-type action compounds the punches and is really makes the SB so effective (IMHO).

