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Enough About Bruce Lee

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  • #46
    You're online, writing private messages to me, and now I'm waiting about 20 minutes for an answer...

    Ashtanga ???


    • #47
      Just a "Yes, here it is..." or "No, I don't want to tell my name", not something fancy...

      Come on, man, it's late, I want to go to bed...

      Ashtanga ? ?


      • #48
        Messaged Crusader to enquire why he was defending 'big mouth ' Tommy Carruthers so much? Was he a student of his? He replied No ( could be cryptic & he is making very lame attempt at trying to be smart - that he previously trained with him & does not currently but we will assume it meant he never has trained with him).

        He refused point blank to answer why Bruce Lee No. 2 Tommy was scared & visibly shaking when confronted by Rick Young? With hero worship many are clearly in denial.

        Nor did he comment on Tommy being a big mouth & pretend tough guy - even Tim Tackett said it on this forum - he is outspoken & it pssses people off!

        Nor did he offer any explanation or rationale on Tommy's character - that he bad mouths people behind their backs, but has not got the courage of his convictions to say those things to the faces of the people concerned; Rick Young is not the only one who directly challenged & confronted him face to face, I can name several others.


        • #49
          Yoooooouuuuuur naaaaaaammmmme, pleeeeeeaaaaaaasssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss


          • #50
            Crusader ,

            Take your Crusade & ram it up your poop shoot!

            I asked you several questions FIRST you ducked them all but one & you gve cryptic ambiguos answer to that, you answer them, I will answer what you want no problem.

            If you never trained with Tommy Carruthers, why the interest in him & the need to defend him? You're gay, saw 'Braveheart' and fantasise about men in kilts from Scotland / you think he is amazing / you think he talks a lot of sense & he speaks the truth when he badmouths people?


            • #51
              You have seen through me, what can I say anymore? If you wear a kilt, I would even like a coward and fraud like you !


              • #52

                Least you are honest!


                • #53
                  Originally posted by ASHTANGA05 View Post

                  Least you are honest!
                  While you remain a spineless cheater. Well, I think I must accept it.


                  • #54

                    Originally posted by ASsHostTANGA05 View Post
                    Crusader ,

                    Take your Crusade & ram it up your poop shoot!

                    I asked you several questions FIRST you ducked them all but one & you gve cryptic ambiguos answer to that, you answer them, I will answer what you want no problem.

                    If you never trained with Tommy Carruthers, why the interest in him & the need to defend him? You're gay, saw 'Braveheart' and fantasise about men in kilts from Scotland / you think he is amazing / you think he talks a lot of sense & he speaks the truth when he badmouths people?
                    Have I mentioned yet that you need to STFU, you steaming pile of dung?


                    • #55
                      I'm waiting the next 20 minutes for your name and where you allegedly learned WT?


                      • #56
                        Too good to be lost :

                        Originally posted by JKDGUY View Post
                        Hey AssmunchTanga05, the only thing that is all clear here is how you continue to bad mouth most of the people you trained with. Regardless of who they may be sooner or later you always say something bad about them. I bet next week you will say something bad about Jesse Glover, you have to he is the only one left on your list of "instructors" that you have not said anything about but we will all wait because we know it is coming. Now are you really mad about what I posted or are you mad because you are the one who is being proved a fraud? I believe you have probably trained with everyone you said you have. I also believe that you are one of these guys that goes into a martial arts school and find out about the classes they offer and you even sign up as a student and start going to class. I also believe that once you have been training there for awhile that the instructor starts to realize that he let a freaking nut job into his class and now has to find a way to get you to leave because you are delusional and a nut job. You then spend your time jumping from one art to another having the same thing happen over and over and over again. Pretty soon you are going to run out of places to train and run out of instructors to try out. Thats ok though as you are using the screen name Ashtanga which is a form of Yoga you can always run away to the beautiful snow covered mountains (which ever ones are closest to you) and make your way tothe top build you a little hut and live among the wildlife and drink your own urine and reach that level of higher consciousness that we all strive for. Then once you do that you can come back on line and tell us how everyone else in the history of yoga has been doing it wrong and give the reasons why.


                        • #57
                          Crusader, you follow a somewhat obvious pattern here;


                          The great Tommy when confronted crapped himself , surprising as he trains solely for the street. Even Tim Tackett in this thread - said he has bigmouth & pisses people off with hat he says. Others have got tired of Tommy's bigmouth as well not just Rick Young, the fact you support someone like that is rather sad.
                          Would it not be more relevant to the forum if you yourself were to 'get the gloves on' (or leave them off) with the people you diss at will?
                          I'd like to see you get your clock cleaned.
                          I'd do it myself with one arm behind my back.

                          Having trained with Tommy, I know he can look after himself.
                          I don't know that I'd put him up against any pro MMA fighter, as he's simply not in their weight class, but on a dark night up an alley in Glasgow???

                          I suspect you'd be home playing on your gamecube.........

                          For the record, I don't like what Tommy does, or how he does it, but I respect the guy for the right reasons.
                          You however, are just a mouthpeice!


                          • #58

                            As I asked you first explain your interest in Tommy Carruthers & why you've got his back? You say you are not a student of his?

                            Like I said, will answer your questions no problem, but as I asked first at least have the decency to answer mine. Said that too when I messaged you, you then ignored my questions & went on a 'crusade' on the forum - funny stuff.

                            You have not said your interest in Tommy Carruthers , as you are not a student of his?

                            Nor why the great Tommy was shaking & scared in front of Rick Young whom he bad mouthed a lot? As he is meant to be Bruce Lee No. 2.

                            Nor explain the great mystery - why you feel the need to defend Tommy Carruthers , a person whom most describe as an 'arrogant asswipe', and of very limited skill & knowledge, even Tim Tackett on this very forum said he pisses people off & is very outspoken.

                            I wouldn't even attempt to defend that sort of individual, and I certainly would never be a student or associated with him, thats just asking for trouble. More than Rick Young have told he face to face to shut up or else, believe me, and he backed down at them all!


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by ASHTANGA05 View Post

                              As I asked you first explain your interest in Tommy Carruthers & why you've got his back? You say you are not a student of his?

                              Like I said, will answer your questions no problem, but as I asked first at least have the decency to answer mine. Said that too when I messaged you, you then ignored my questions & went on a 'crusade' on the forum - funny stuff.

                              You have not said your interest in Tommy Carruthers , as you are not a student of his?

                              Nor why the great Tommy was shaking & scared in front of Rick Young whom he bad mouthed a lot? As he is meant to be Bruce Lee No. 2.

                              Nor explain the great mystery - why you feel the need to defend Tommy Carruthers , a person whom most describe as an 'arrogant asswipe', and of very limited skill & knowledge, even Tim Tackett on this very forum said he pisses people off & is very outspoken.

                              I wouldn't even attempt to defend that sort of individual, and I certainly would never be a student or associated with him, thats just asking for trouble. More than Rick Young have told he face to face to shut up or else, believe me, and he backed down at them all!
                              You really shouldn't be taking Rick Youngs name and putting comments after it without quoting sources.
                              You're using two highly respected names in MA and attempting to manufacture an issue between them.
                              You're a Dick!

                              You're not just a dick though are you?
                              You're the same sad dick who's been trolling on here fore a while now.
                              In fact, you're such a sad dick, I suspect you and crusader are actually the same poster, pretending to be different people.
                              You're a sad ****, both of you/you.

