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Enough About Bruce Lee

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Lizard
    Haha you can't hurt me, I'm descended from the GayLord line!
    I was waiting for that one from someone.
    A bit obvious, don't you think...

    Though with a last name like that, I guess you have little choice but to get good at fighting. Hear the old man still packs a mean punch.
    Last edited by BB Wolf; 08-23-2003, 08:23 PM.


    • #17
      I'd forgotten that. Thanx for qouting it, I just made myself LOL. Good one lizard... gaylord...haha


      • #18
        ummmm dude...... Bruce Lee is considered by many to be the greatest martial artsist of modern times ok????

        wen u become the greatest martial artist and produce one of the most effective, realistic, most sought after martial arts in the world, then u can talk

        French Fri25


        • #19
          Akuma Kage,

          Actually Emin Boztepe is not that fast at least by Wing Chun standards, I've trained with him & seen all his videos, etc.

          Many in WT are much faster than him.

          Emin Boztepe has actually said the fastest person he has seen was Jesse Glover (Bruce Lee's first student) , and Glover is obviously nowhere near as fast as Bruce Lee.


          • #20
            How The !@@% In God's Name Did The Name Emin Boztepe End Up In A Post About Bruce Lee? No Blasphemy Will Be Countenanced Here!


            • #21
              I heard it one time when Emin said verbatim Jesse Glover was the man with the fastest fist he has ever seen. That was in 1989. But he also mentioned Bruce Lee was still 1 1/2 times faster. That's not "nowhere near as fast".

              A WT teacher I know told me Ed Parker Jr. considered the German-located turkish Salih Avci as about equal to Bruce Lee in terms of speed. That time Emin and Salih were still in the EWTO, and the WT teacher added that Salih Avci's speed is nothing compared to Emin's speed. Figure what ?

              You have it printed in the magazine "WT Welt", Vol. 11 (Keith Kernspecht and Leung Ting with weapons on the cover) that Linda Lee mentioned Emin was even better than her late husband, after seeing a demo of him at the Long Beach Tournament.

              You seem to be a thoughtful man, but you see, such comparisons are just words, subjective impressions at the given moment. Building a view of the world on it is not very wise.



              • #22

                If Emin was saying Jesse was the fastest he had ever seen, it naturally concurs he was faster than Emin, and if Bruce Lee was one & half times faster than Jesse , it means 'nowhere near as fast as Bruce Lee' is accurate enough.

                There are many faster than Emin in WT. Even in his prime that is, he is a bit slower now than he was.

                As for Linda Lee saying that - it was only printed in 'Wing Tsun Welt' surprise, surprise; Linda Lee has never said anyone is better than her husband was & never would , totally out of character. If anything like that was said at the event, you can be sure it was taken out of context, with Linda saying it jokingly to give praise 'wow he's better than my husband'. Have heard many commentators saying 'he's as good as Bruce Lee' regarding many individuals.

                I've seen Boztepe demonstrate & at seminars, nobody in their right mind would consider him as good as Bruce Lee. He moves well Chain punching, or in Chi Sao, but actual 'Sparring' type situations not so great (see his Vol.2 EBMAS Kicks & Multiple Attackers from Unique - he moves sloppily with multiple attackers & it is staged a bit even - they wait to attack, etc.

                As many have said his fight with William Cheung , was like two school kids fighting & showed no real skill, and according to most accounts from people who saw the full unedited video (now it is edited starts they are in clinch) at the time, Emin jumped him from behind.

                Jesse Glover could easily knock around both Kernspecht & Boztepe in Chi Sao, contact Jesse and ask him if he considers either to be as fast as Bruce Lee, or as skilled as him - he will tell you No! At one time Kernspecht wanted to appoint Glover as a Head like Leung Ting, and run an organisation under him. Remember too , Jesse considers the Bruce he knew early in the U.S. to be way better than Kernspecht or Boztepe & faster too, and Bruce became faster & far more skilled later on after he last saw Jesse.

                Naturally, for marketing purposes the EWTO - will tell you Bruce was good but we have better martial artists, he didn't complete all the system, etc. But Kernspecht knows the truth believe me nobody he has nor himself is as good as Jesse Glover even, never mind Bruce Lee.

                As a fighter - Emin Boztepe , Jeet Kune Do people like Erik Paulson & Rick Young (both seen in Dan Inosanto's 5 part series) would play with him. They are World Class, but more importantly train with many of the Worlds best in different arts - top MMA competitors, Olympic Judo champs, etc; Emin trains with - his WT guys only, and none of them are all that great.


                • #23

                  if you think "nobody Kernspecht has nor himself is as good as Jesse Glover even, never mind Bruce Lee", why did you pick up Emin Boztepe as your private instructor for three years, as you said ? I'm a bit confused...

                  Reading your last statement, you must think what Jesse does is better or is he - in your mind - just the better practitioner than the WT guys??

                  Am I right that you're giving much credit to Jesse's views? At least you do when he talks about Bruce Lee...

                  Thanks in advance!


                  Originally posted by ASHTANGA05 View Post

                  If Emin was saying Jesse was the fastest he had ever seen, it naturally concurs he was faster than Emin, and if Bruce Lee was one & half times faster than Jesse , it means 'nowhere near as fast as Bruce Lee' is accurate enough.

                  There are many faster than Emin in WT. Even in his prime that is, he is a bit slower now than he was.

                  As for Linda Lee saying that - it was only printed in 'Wing Tsun Welt' surprise, surprise; Linda Lee has never said anyone is better than her husband was & never would , totally out of character. If anything like that was said at the event, you can be sure it was taken out of context, with Linda saying it jokingly to give praise 'wow he's better than my husband'. Have heard many commentators saying 'he's as good as Bruce Lee' regarding many individuals.

                  I've seen Boztepe demonstrate & at seminars, nobody in their right mind would consider him as good as Bruce Lee. He moves well Chain punching, or in Chi Sao, but actual 'Sparring' type situations not so great (see his Vol.2 EBMAS Kicks & Multiple Attackers from Unique - he moves sloppily with multiple attackers & it is staged a bit even - they wait to attack, etc.

                  As many have said his fight with William Cheung , was like two school kids fighting & showed no real skill, and according to most accounts from people who saw the full unedited video (now it is edited starts they are in clinch) at the time, Emin jumped him from behind.

                  Jesse Glover could easily knock around both Kernspecht & Boztepe in Chi Sao, contact Jesse and ask him if he considers either to be as fast as Bruce Lee, or as skilled as him - he will tell you No! At one time Kernspecht wanted to appoint Glover as a Head like Leung Ting, and run an organisation under him. Remember too , Jesse considers the Bruce he knew early in the U.S. to be way better than Kernspecht or Boztepe & faster too, and Bruce became faster & far more skilled later on after he last saw Jesse.

                  Naturally, for marketing purposes the EWTO - will tell you Bruce was good but we have better martial artists, he didn't complete all the system, etc. But Kernspecht knows the truth believe me nobody he has nor himself is as good as Jesse Glover even, never mind Bruce Lee.

                  As a fighter - Emin Boztepe , Jeet Kune Do people like Erik Paulson & Rick Young (both seen in Dan Inosanto's 5 part series) would play with him. They are World Class, but more importantly train with many of the Worlds best in different arts - top MMA competitors, Olympic Judo champs, etc; Emin trains with - his WT guys only, and none of them are all that great.


                  • #24

                    Hello Ashtanga05,

                    You said that at one time Grandmaster Kernspecht wanted to make Jesse Glover the Head of his WT organization like Leung Ting? Just curious because I have never heard this. So is Kernspecht the head guy in WT ? Also I understand from reading your previous post that you have trained with Emin Boztepe for 5 years, what level are you under Emin Bosztepe? I have never trained in WT but have heard that Sifu Boztepe was very very good and he is not someone you would want to mess with. Is this true? Just curious, figured if you trained privately with him for that long that you would have good insight as to how good he really is. I am curious as to why you come out and kinda knock him down a little by saying that he looks sloppy when moving and against multiple attackers and that Erik Paulson( who I have trianed with personally for sevral years now) and Ron Balicki would be able to pretty much take him with no problem. Again just curious because I am not use to seeing people talk like this about their instructors.

                    Thank you


                    • #25

                      IMHO the two best wing chun guys I've ever seen are Jim Fung, who is the student of the eldest living yipman student, and Francis Fong, who is from the lineage of an elder kung fu brother of Yip Man. Francis knows several arts outside of wc and he also has uncanny chin na skill. Jim Fung has the fastest hands and the best structure. Emin is quick and I give him credit for fighting challengers, but he is not the best and not the quickest. If you could take a 220-pound NCAA-1 wrestling champion and teach him wing chun and jiujitsu, then he would be the best wing chun fighter. But you can't disrespect Emin for actually kicking ass, because I know there are many wc sifus who talk more than they fight.


                      • #26

                        your statements made me curious. Since you answer postings every time I still wait for an answer to my last one.



                        • #27
                          Originally posted by ASHTANGA05 View Post
                          As a fighter - Emin Boztepe , Jeet Kune Do people like Erik Paulson & Rick Young (both seen in Dan Inosanto's 5 part series) would play with him. They are World Class, but more importantly train with many of the Worlds best in different arts - top MMA competitors, Olympic Judo champs, etc; Emin trains with - his WT guys only, and none of them are all that great.
                          What the **** is this? I thought you just liked to talk shit on Inosanto guys, and now you're saying Sensei Paulson and Young are World Class??? Yeah, no question, Erik Paulson is awesome (he's a really cool and funny guy too), but what the ****, dude? You badmouthed the whole Inosanto camp in the last 4 threads you posted in...make up you're fucking mind, you can't say "they all suck"...and then a week later say, "except for these guys...they're cool."

                          You either hate us, or you love us...which is it?


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by ASHTANGA05 View Post

                            I've seen Boztepe demonstrate & at seminars, nobody in their right mind would consider him as good as Bruce Lee. He moves well Chain punching, or in Chi Sao, but actual 'Sparring' type situations not so great (see his Vol.2 EBMAS Kicks & Multiple Attackers from Unique - he moves sloppily with multiple attackers & it is staged a bit even - they wait to attack, etc.

                            As many have said his fight with William Cheung , was like two school kids fighting & showed no real skill, and according to most accounts from people who saw the full unedited video (now it is edited starts they are in clinch) at the time, Emin jumped him from behind.

                            Jesse Glover could easily knock around both Kernspecht & Boztepe in Chi Sao, contact Jesse and ask him if he considers either to be as fast as Bruce Lee, or as skilled as him - he will tell you No! At one time Kernspecht wanted to appoint Glover as a Head like Leung Ting, and run an organisation under him. Remember too , Jesse considers the Bruce he knew early in the U.S. to be way better than Kernspecht or Boztepe & faster too, and Bruce became faster & far more skilled later on after he last saw Jesse.

                            As a fighter - Emin Boztepe , Jeet Kune Do people like Erik Paulson & Rick Young (both seen in Dan Inosanto's 5 part series) would play with him. They are World Class, but more importantly train with many of the Worlds best in different arts - top MMA competitors, Olympic Judo champs, etc; Emin trains with - his WT guys only, and none of them are all that great.
                            Thought it was interesting that you say here that Erik Paulson and Rick Young who are both "concept" guys under Dan Inosanto would "play" with Emin Boztepe...but in a pvt. message you sent to another guy you said the following...

                            "By the way, having been private student of Emin Boztepe's , it should be warning enough , but as you clearly think things like WT is not combat effective, you will soon learn. As I said Emin would play with ANY JKD Concepts guy out there in a fight. He considers me one of the best students & fighters hes had; and he concentrates solely on making you more combat effective and pushing you beyond all known limits."

                            Which one is true Ashtanga05? Can Sifu Boztepe "play" with ANY JKD Concept guy or can some of the concept guys "play" with him?
                            Also thought it was interesting that you claim he considers you to be one of his best students and fighters he's ever had... yet I sent him an email yesterday morning telling him of all the claims you have made and all the bs you are talking and he emailed me back within an hour or so. I thought it would be cool to post a copy of that email for all of the members on here to see what Sifu Boztepe actually thinks about people like it is guys have a read and a laugh.

                            From: "DAI SIFU EMIN BOZTEPE" Add to Address Book Add Mobile Alert

                            Subject: RE: Question about Wing Tsun
                            Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2006 01:01:21 -0700

                            Dear Thomas,

                            Thank you for writing to my HQ in LA about your problem with this funny guy .. As my assistant Sifu Mike Casey already wrote you that this is some stupid idiot on the internet who is trying to make trouble.. so please don’t take him seriously and best ignore him.. I don’t have this kind of students and if I hear they behave like that I’m the first who kicks them out of my association. I have many many very good fighters and non of them would ever ever make me & EBMAS and them self look stupid as this guy is doing.
                            Thank you for not letting you go into this and writing to us before hand so we could have a chance to solve this.
                            Jerry Poteet is a nice gentlemen his wife Fran is my student and now a 1st TG in my system I never met the other gentlemen which are your instructors and they deserve a place in the Arts and they are around for a long time.
                            I wish you lots of success and in Friendship all the best

                            Dai Sifu Emin Boztepe

                            Draw your own opinion guys... I also have another email from Mr. Michael Casey who goes thru and explains the different levels in WT. He says there are 12 students levels (kinda like belts) that you must learn and pass before starting your Level 1 TG Technician. Once you reach the 12th student level you then start training for your Level 1 Technician. Ashtanga is claiming to be a Level 3 Technician under Sifu Emin Boztepe in another thread yet Sifu Michael Casey who is a level 4 Technician and has been with Boztepe for 10 + years said that "if this guy is claiming to be a Level 3 Technician and has only trained with him for 5 years, its not true".

                            Sifu Michael Casey of Los Angeles and Sifu David Lesser of El Paso,Tx. are the two highest rank students under Sifu Emin Boztepe in the U.S. So make up your own mind guys. As you can see I left the email addresses in the post in order to show that I did contact them.


                            • #29
                              man you all take this guy to seriously,

                              Best not to disturb real martial artists from the work with the likes of him.


                              • #30

