I agree Excessive, but thought it would be funny if someone actually emailed one of the guys he claimed to have trained with for a change. He seems to like doing that with everyone else on here so I turned the tables. Thats my last post for Ash "Yoga Master" Tanga05. I have better things to do with my times than reply to him. I think all of our points have been made as to who the real fraud is on here.
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Enough About Bruce Lee
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JKD Guy,
You're a complete A-Hole but I guess everybody already knew that.
I trained with Emin when he was in the EWTO, not when he started his own EBMAS, after he left to form EBMAS - it was basically you're with me or against me & he broke off all contact with anyone in the EWTO that did not go with him. I said I trained under him in private lessons, etc; I did not say I did TG grades under him - get your facts straight!
Emin had many private students that trained with him for years in the EWTO, students in classes & seminars, many remained in the EWTO & did not go with EBMAS.
The fact you would go email Emin over something in a forum indicates you are basically a sad bast*** with a heck of a lot of time on his hands.
JKD Guy ,
By the way as Emin is trying to portray the 'Mr Nice Guy' , & saying all his students would never challenge anyone, etc. Email him again & ask Emin about how he crapped his pants when Bas Rutten went round to his LA HQ to fight him (someone with Bas Rutten filmed it, I've seen it, Emin shat himself & looked terrified!). The reason Bas went round Emin being a big mouth. Several other instances too have occured with Emin ducking direct challenges.
Ask him too about Jesse Glover? And how good he regards him in comparison to himself , Kernspecht or Leung Ting.
Originally posted by ASHTANGA05 View PostJKD Guy,
You're a complete A-Hole but I guess everybody already knew that.
I trained with Emin when he was in the EWTO, not when he started his own EBMAS, after he left to form EBMAS - it was basically you're with me or against me & he broke off all contact with anyone in the EWTO that did not go with him. I said I trained under him in private lessons, etc; I did not say I did TG grades under him - get your facts straight!
Emin had many private students that trained with him for years in the EWTO, students in classes & seminars, many remained in the EWTO & did not go with EBMAS.
The fact you would go email Emin over something in a forum indicates you are basically a sad bast*** with a heck of a lot of time on his hands.
Here is another one of your quotes from another thread that is now closed where you were responding to Mr. McFatridge asking you Ash about your training background:
Tim McFartidge,
My experience :-
Tae Kwon Do 2nd Degree Black Belt 4 years.
Non Classical Gung Fu / Novo 2 years with Mike Lee (Jesse's Glovers brother)
Wing Tsun 3 year private student Emin Boztepe
Wing Tsun Formal Classes (EWTO) 5 years (was doing private lessons with Emin at this time) 3rd Degree TG Technician.
Seminars :-
General Choi & son Choi Jung Hwa - Tae Kwon Do / Hee Il Cho Tae Kwon Do / Eyal Yanilov Krav Maga / William Cheung (Wing Chun) / Keith Kernspecht WT / Leung Ting WT / Dan Inosanto (various BS mainly 1001 techniques type seminars) / Paul Vunak / Jesse Glover / Ted Wong / Patrick Strong / Ted Wong.
This is so funny because you just told me that you never claimed to be a TG Technician under him but yet here in the above post you clearly stated that you were a 3rd Degree TG Technician. Not only that but it seems that several of the people you bad mouth are people that you have trained with.
Lets see on here you are bad mouthing Emin Boztepe and Keith Kernspecht and said they are no where near as good as Jesse Glover. On another thread you bad mouthed Mike Lee saying that was not a good martial artist by any means, and you have bad mouthed Patrick Strong as well saying that he is not really that good. Oh yrah, you have also bad mouther Dan Inosanto and Paul Vunak after training with them at seminars....man and you are calling me an asshole...thats really funny.
Please keep posting on here and on other forums...it seems everytime you post you just give all of us other guys more ammo to use against you.
And you called me the a hole that is rich....thanks though I needed a good laugh today. Well I am off to eat an early lunch guys I am sure when I get back that Ash "Yoga Master" Tanga05 will have posted some snappy comeback for all of us to read...
LMMFAO (that stands for Laughing My Mother F******* Ass Off)
Originally posted by ASHTANGA05 View PostJKD Guy,
Where exactly does it say I was a 3rd TG under Emin? I missed it so did everyone else.
I am 3rd TG in WT with EWTO, I was not under Emin nor did I do TG grades with him, I was private student of Emin's - all clear?
You know the history of EWTO? Well then you will know it is true when he broke away , he broke of contact with basically everyone that did not go with him.
I never went with his EBMAS group for several reasons - he left a huge trail of evidence for all the WT world to see, and only those very loyal & very in denial went with him. Besides as many commented at the time & actually long before - his actual knowlege of WT was nowhere near 6th TG they gave him , that was more for figurehead status as he was popular & was put in charge of U.S., Norway, etc. He never learnt the Knives form at all, and admits this, he missed out a great deal of chi sao training, and more. This was not propaganda from the EWTO it was actually fact.
He copied Kernspecht's 'Blitz Defence' , in his 'Street Defence' video , after Kernspecht's book was out, and this was one of the reasons that led to the split. He never acknowledged Kernspecht or Leung Ting in the video, and worse refused to distribute Kernspech't book 'Blitz Defence' which would reveal all his supposed own program 'Street Defence' came direct from Kernspecht's 'Blitz Defence'. Funny too that now Emin says 'Blitz Defence' is BS.
He also was not paying franchise fees to Leung Ting , etc , and did seminars on other peoples 'turf' without their permission. Many other reasons too.
As I said he trained many people in EWTO , had private students too , he never spoke to any again that did not go with him to EBMAS.
I didn't talk about Emin, but about a widespread kind of European WT mentality you display here. I just addressed a clear question - Am I right you give much credit to what Mr Jesse Glover sais? Who is more credible in terms of speaking about Bruce Lee and JKD - Jesse Glover or Gary Dill?
Hey AssmunchTanga05, the only thing that is all clear here is how you continue to bad mouth most of the people you trained with. Regardless of who they may be sooner or later you always say something bad about them. I bet next week you will say something bad about Jesse Glover, you have to he is the only one left on your list of "instructors" that you have not said anything about but we will all wait because we know it is coming. Now are you really mad about what I posted or are you mad because you are the one who is being proved a fraud? I believe you have probably trained with everyone you said you have. I also believe that you are one of these guys that goes into a martial arts school and find out about the classes they offer and you even sign up as a student and start going to class. I also believe that once you have been training there for awhile that the instructor starts to realize that he let a freaking nut job into his class and now has to find a way to get you to leave because you are delusional and a nut job. You then spend your time jumping from one art to another having the same thing happen over and over and over again. Pretty soon you are going to run out of places to train and run out of instructors to try out. Thats ok though as you are using the screen name Ashtanga which is a form of Yoga you can always run away to the beautiful snow covered mountains (which ever ones are closest to you) and make your way tothe top build you a little hut and live among the wildlife and drink your own urine and reach that level of higher consciousness that we all strive for. Then once you do that you can come back on line and tell us how everyone else in the history of yoga has been doing it wrong and give the reasons why.
Dear Ashtanga05,
you seem to like attacking, compromising and insulting people via private message or on the forum, without having the decency to tell anything about you...
Therefore I promise to drop my pants on this forum when you tell us your real name and in what EWTO school you attended your "five years of formal training" (location, Sifu)?
That's not much I want to know, don't you think ?