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single strike fight enders

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  • single strike fight enders

    If there were a group of people about to attack you, and someone right in front of you with the intent to kill you and you wanted to do a pre-emptive strike to end the fight as quickly as possible, what one strike would you do. As you would want to be very sure that that one strike (even if they guy was pumped up on drugs) would put them down immediately. A ridge hand to the throat, a verticle elbow under the chin, an eye gouge with the thumb, a chop to the side of the neck, horizontal elbow to the face, a chinjab with your palm or what?

  • #2
    bullet between the eyes.


    • #3
      i wouldn't chop or ridge hand. I think those strikes are over-rated and hard to pull off fast enough without getting blocked or something. I would aim a punch straight at his chin. If he raises up you hit the throat. If he goes down, you break his nose. If not, you knock him out (hopefully). Then you do Thai kicks on the other guys and run the hell out of there.


      • #4
        the elbow is also a nice option.

        Eye gouges and stuff are cool, but against multiple opponents I wouldn't do that. They are annoying but against a strong attacker it might just piss him off more without doing extreme damage.


        • #5
          Straight punch into his face as many times as possible. Nothing fancy, just pound his face.


          • #6
            The chances to stop a drugged person immediatly through punches are low....the best chance is a choke (of course this one is the worst one in a mass attack...)

            And so i agree with the others...just hammer the guy with several straights to facial tissue and throat...then run!


            • #7
              I suppose

              it depends on what opportunity exposes itself, and at what range he becomes exposed, and what your own strengths are.
              For some people the old straight forward right cross works wonders, IMHO I reckon thats a great place to start from


              • #8
                kick him the the scrotum then run. grab his balls and make him plead for mercy.


                • #9
                  I would either KO him with a horizontal elbow to the face,or grab his balls and squeeze them hard OUCH!!!!!!! or take his head and knee him in the face.
                  I'm an adept of bar brawls.I'm not looking for trouble but when you piss one drunk guy off,all the others come at you.The best thing to do is to elbow everyone as if you were a tornado,hook punch,straight right,low round kick,you have to be fast,especially if your surrounded by them.


                  • #10
                    what about punching solar plexus, or his adams-apple ? or kicking his knee from the side, then a quick punch with all your weight to his temple ?

                    either way, it's all down to reflexes in a situation like that...but with a group of people the best is to run, swallow your pride for a moment and live another day...


                    • #11
                      wouldn't punching give you the risk of broken hands? Would it be safe to say that strikes using the hands to places above the shoulders (head, throat etc) that would disrupt their central nervous system(doesnt rely on pain) would be the most effective in a situation like this rather than kicks, as a drugged up person wouldnt feel a kick to the balls.


                      • #12
                        yeah, straight punch(es) to face.

                        broken hands? don't know.. haven't punched someone bareknuckled yet, thank god.


                        • #13
                          That's why form is so depends also where you hit the guy.If you don't hit at 90° then chances are you'll get your hand broken.Also striking at a right angle give you more power than any other angle.
                          I also agree with stealthx,slapping him will overwhelm the nervous system and it will shut down,resulting in a possible unconsciousness?Ever see Bas Rutten fight???? That's how it should be,though i don't really like the way he fights,but if it works,it's OK.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by BadgerFu57
                            the elbow is also a nice option.

                            Eye gouges and stuff are cool, but against multiple opponents I wouldn't do that. They are annoying but against a strong attacker it might just piss him off more without doing extreme damage.
                            by what experience do you base this? In my time as a bouncer no single unarmed technique (other than a samoan body slamming you) drops a man faster than a finger in the eye.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by sercuerdas
                              bullet between the eyes.
                              This is the only logical response to a multiple attacker scenario I've seen posed yet.

                              Can you beat multiple with unarmed skills alone? Maybe. Probably not though. If you do have to use unarmed skills, there are a couple things to keep in mind...

                              1) Your tactics suck. Next time get your head out of your fourth point of contact and avoid it before it starts.

                              2) Hit the dude once....throat, eyes, kness or nuts, and run like the Hounds of Hell are nipping at your heels. THey are.

                              3) IN situations like cocoy's where your job is to stay and fight....Attack, and trust your partners to help withe the other bad guys...If you don;t trust your co-workers...find a new place to work.


