I'm looking for a couple of the cheapest online sights for MA books and DVD"s et cetera.
I'd like to take into account price,shipping, selection and service.
I tried a web search but I keep getting little rinky dink companys with bad selection,price, or only 2-5 dvds compared to the vast majority of VHS Instructional Tapes out there.
Help,I really don't want to go back to VCR's or pay crazy prices buying direct from a schools website either.
Also a good online source for MA supplies would be appreciated as well.
I'd like to take into account price,shipping, selection and service.
I tried a web search but I keep getting little rinky dink companys with bad selection,price, or only 2-5 dvds compared to the vast majority of VHS Instructional Tapes out there.
Help,I really don't want to go back to VCR's or pay crazy prices buying direct from a schools website either.
Also a good online source for MA supplies would be appreciated as well.