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Wong Jak Man kicked Brue's ass.

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  • destroying heroes

    I like to compare Bruce Lee to Royce Gracie. Royce was a hero to many, but his family's jiujitsu exceptionalism and cheesy marketing turned off alot of people.
    Enemies of Royce cannot be satisfied. For many years the knock on the Gracies was that not one of them will ever fight a good wrestler, Royce's one-time victory over Dan Severn notwithstanding. So, Royce returns to the UFC and gets whooped by Matt Hughes, who was beaten by GSP yesterday far worse than he himself beat Royce. So now Royce is mocked and called "Joyce" because he lost to Matt. So which is it: Royce was once a coward because he did not fight Coleman or Kerr, but now he is an overrated blowhard because Matt took him out behind the barn for a good ol' country switchin'. So Royce is a coward or a joke, and yet how many of you internet tuff guys who don't fight would fight frickin' AKEBONO for chrissakes?
    Bruce is in the same situation, he is either Captain Marvel or he is an ordinary,
    nondescript kung-fu teacher WHO NEVER REALLY FOUGHT. I believe, based on private discussions with OBLSs, that Bruce did indeed waste Wong Jak Man. But people who destroy heroes would defame Bruce if he beat King Kong or Godzilla. Maybe we should remember that at least Bruce and, to a far greater extent, Royce, had the courage to actually fight people. That is more than enough for me, though I do not worship either man.


    • I can't believe this discussion is still's time to let it go.


      • Everybody wants to talk ill of people once they are no longer popular


        • Good point.


          • Originally posted by Mike Brewer
            I know it's completely off topic, but I just loved this bit:

            Mostly because, Bri, he's completely right. Did you forget about the whole "Colonies" thing? We were Britain when we got here...
            Actually, Canada was the whole colonies thing, you guys are just the people sent to live down south because we didnt want you here....

            Then when you tried to get back into the north in 1812 we kicked your ass....

            Wow you guys really suck... alot...

            *Maniacal laughter*


            • Nope the French and British stuck it to the Natives, we've never done shit to them :P

              And we speak funny?

              Dagnammit yalls be right.... we sures aint ... durrr....



              • Gentlemen,

                I do not believe the British were at Wounded Knee or Sand Creek, neither did 5,000 of us 'fruitlessly' chase after one man through Arizona, neither did the British betray and brutally kill Crazy Horse, neither did we betray our promise to Red Cloud after he'd whipped our asses.

                As for Canada, I believe Chief Joseph headed that way, once again hounded and out numbered by the Americans, as Canada offered Native Americans a better/fairer way of life.

                I also believe the Britsh abolished slavery a long time before America.

                As to American military prowess, best check out Korea and the Fighting Gloucesters, where the Americans crumbled and ran .....

                On a final note I am also more than aware that we British too have our share of colonial guilt to bear. I'm just looking to strike a fair balance here.


                • Originally posted by Juicefree View Post

                  I do not believe the British were at Wounded Knee or Sand Creek, neither did 5,000 of us 'fruitlessly' chase after one man through Arizona, neither did the British betray and brutally kill Crazy Horse, neither did we betray our promise to Red Cloud after he'd whipped our asses.

                  As for Canada, I believe Chief Joseph headed that way, once again hounded and out numbered by the Americans, as Canada offered Native Americans a better/fairer way of life.

                  I also believe the Britsh abolished slavery a long time before America.

                  As to American military prowess, best check out Korea and the Fighting Gloucesters, where the Americans crumbled and ran .....

                  On a final note I am also more than aware that we British too have our share of colonial guilt to bear. I'm just looking to strike a fair balance here.

                  Go home you wanker, if your not CANadian how CAN your opinion count, bwahahaha,bwahahaha,bwahhaha.... ..... ...... ..... ....


                  • I'm impressed with the sheer depth and degree of thought that has clearly gone into your response Hamandpieguy

                    Check this link out. Canada's finest I believe ?


                    • Originally posted by Juicefree View Post
                      Best check out The Battle of Britain, and your grammar whilst you're there.
                      Its called shorthand, you bloody wanker. Americans, as you know, are notoriously lazy. I'm not writing a deposition, I'm in a forum. Find something else to whine about.


                      • Wanker is a funny ass word... I've never used it until today, but I'm pleased with the results. At least there's one thing British people can be proud of...


                        • Originally posted by Juicefree View Post
                          I'm impressed with the sheer depth and degree of thought that has clearly gone into your response Hamandpieguy

                          Check this link out. Canada's finest I believe ?

                          While surely that is a blunder dont make me bring up America and Britain's greatest military blunder involving sand....

                          In other news hows the war in Iraq going...

                          oh shit there it is....

                          Count it!


                          • Originally posted by kurt_myers0369 View Post
                            Wanker is a funny ass word... I've never used it until today, but I'm pleased with the results. At least there's one thing British people can be proud of...
                            I agree there, no other nation could do it, it was hard work but we finally thought of a word to sum up the Americans.

                            P.S. it is spelt *Arse


                            • Originally posted by Mike Brewer
                              Well, I don't want to get all wrapped up in acts and historical truth and all that nonsense. I'm just going to come right out and say what all you people know is true.

                              Americans are the greatest people on Earth, and this country rocks.

                              There. Now go cry in your kidney pies and salmon, or whatever you canucks eat.

                              (Hopefully, you all know I am kidding, but if not, please feel free to get all worked up and entertain us!)
                              Now now...our unwanted step brothers to the north (I don't remember Canada having to fight England for their independence) bring some good to the world...namely Kid's in the Hall, Hockey, and semi-drinkable beer.

                              But I don't know...they can NEVER attain for bringing the likes of fucking Celine Dion into our midst.


                              • It does sum up what a 'great' country it is when its most famous for, maple syrup, reindeer and due south.

