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Wong Jak Man kicked Brue's ass.

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  • #61
    Originally posted by chris davis 200

    Get it into your heads guys, the US are no more superior than anyone else. The huge American Ego is what causes most of the problems in this world - not what solves them! IMO.

    'have a nice day'

    It's funny how all the problems in the world get blamed on the USA.

    Problem: Starving countries in Africa.
    Cause: American Ego
    Problem: Muslim extremist committing acts of terrorism.
    Cause: American Ego.
    Problem: Guerillas in South America Kidnapping innocent people.
    Cause: American Ego.

    Let me guess, The SARS problem in Asia is our fault too, right?

    Come on, people!

    I have to admit I do agree with Chris on one thing. This WW2 stuff is getting boring.


    • #62
      Yeah we need to get back on track.



      • #63


        • #64
          Originally posted by Thai Bri
          What abouyt the Enigma code, cracked by British Intelligence, until the Americans make a film about it..... Then its the US who did it.......
          if you would have stayed around to the ending of the movie you would have seen that it said clearly that the Enigma code was first cracked by British Intellegence in 1942 or whenever.

          Originally posted by Thai Bri
          Pearl Harbour made me laugh out loud. Basically the Japanese caught the Americans napping, through the typical non intervention and cowardly incompetence of their leaders. So they make a film about getting battered, and add a mythical bit on about some great brave air attack in return. An attack that never happened.
          uh wrong buddy, the doolittle raid was real. And its stupid to say that the attack on pearl harbor was because of the "cowardly incompetence" of the united states leaders at the time. Pearl harbor was nothing more than a desperate sneak attack by another coward country that knew it couldnt stand up to the United States Pacific Fleet.

          Originally posted by Thai Bri
          We would all have German accents but for the British who held out long enough against the greatest army in the world at that time.
          the British didnt do nothing, but sit there and wait for there demise. if Hitler would have invaded the UK he would have been successful.

          ya know im not saying that America single handedly won the war, but give respect. without the United States Europe would have fallen.

          And i dont see how it makes the United States a coward country because they had to be 'dragged' into the war. America didnt want to fight Europes war, but were coward because of that? Even now, America will go and liberate other countries(like we did europe), but now were not helping people now were "bulling the world around" yea makes a lot of sense doesnt it?

          also without the United States technology a lot more europeans and americans would have died when they invaded japan.

          just give some respect.


          • #65
            I've nothing against the American people, but your leaders leave much to be desired. As do ours.

            Nowadays you only seem to liberate countries where there is oil. Funny that, isn't it?

            How can you call the Pearl Harbour attack cowardly? The Japanese took you on. So they struck first? Whats wrong with that? Many people in the USA knew it was coming, but the cowardly and incompetent top brass still put all their eggs in one basket. EEEeeeeee AAAaaaawwwww.

            If Hitler invaded we would have fallen. You dick. He started the invasion with an air attack. Its called the Battle of Britain you toss pot. We repelled it. EEEEEeeeee AAAAaaaaaawwwwww.

            You're led by a President you didn't actually elect, and California has just elected an all action movie star to be Govenor. And you want respect?

            F uck off.


            • #66
              perhaps i should have said "if some people from england" instead of england sorry.

              And Harriman was the same Harriman, who acted to put Hitler into power in Germany in 1933; who, together with the former head of the Bank of England, funded Hitler's being put into power.
              Your one-stop-shop for Judaica, including yarmulkas, tzitzis, mezuzahs, kosher cookbooks, seforim, Jewish music & DVDs and so much more. Free shipping on orders $79+!

              Many of Germany's top industrialists and financiers who secretly funded Hitler's regime were rewarded with multi-billion dollar returns on their investments. After each invasion, they met to divvy up the spoils of Hitler's war: seized factories, machinery, and raw materials. Sympathetic foreign bankers, journalists, and politicians gave Hitler vital support, event to he point of betraying their own countries. But no two foreign figures were more important than the future King Edward Vlll of England, and his companion, Wallis Simpson, who may have been a Nazi collaborator.

              The problem we face in war was a result of the same kind of situation. Montagu Norman, who was for a period of time the head of the Bank of England, who was a controller of the Averell Harriman interests in the United States, was the man behind Hitler. It was Montagu Norman who brought Hitler to power in Germany, with the support of Averell Harriman, of the Harriman clan
              these are just portions of the larger related subject like the harriman clan are george bush's relatives and other americans that pushed and pulled the political career of the madman. anyway back to the topic.


              • #67

                its commmon knowlege that Wong Jak Man was multilingual, High German being one of the languages. He loved BMW and strudle.......and at the age of 56yrs he became the secret advisor to Hiltler and liason to the japanese.

                Bruce Lee was addicted to sake, icecream floats, catholic school girls and loved McDonalds fries so he defected to the US. He became The US secret agegent captian US

                The cowardly, rulers of teh world decided to end the war before they miss another episode of American they agreed to a final battle between there top operatives.

                The batlle was fought over many days with each getting the upper hand....on teh 4th day each collaspsed from fatique. There was no vitory. The world leaders conceded the victory to the US after getting drunk and showing teh germans the power of Hooters and strip clubs.

                Hitler did not die in fact he lives in california and has been the driving force behind the porn industry.

                Please see:


                • #68
                  Originally posted by Thai Bri
                  I've nothing against the American people, but your leaders leave much to be desired. As do ours.

                  Nowadays you only seem to liberate countries where there is oil. Funny that, isn't it?

                  How can you call the Pearl Harbour attack cowardly? The Japanese took you on. So they struck first? Whats wrong with that? Many people in the USA knew it was coming, but the cowardly and incompetent top brass still put all their eggs in one basket. EEEeeeeee AAAaaaawwwww.

                  If Hitler invaded we would have fallen. You dick. He started the invasion with an air attack. Its called the Battle of Britain you toss pot. We repelled it. EEEEEeeeee AAAAaaaaaawwwwww.

                  You're led by a President you didn't actually elect, and California has just elected an all action movie star to be Govenor. And you want respect?

                  **** off.
                  Fucking Class

                  These yanks really make me laugh, they assume they invented everything and everyone owes them a living coz they're saviours of the free world etc etc. It took several years for them to get in on WW2 yet they attacked Iraq before they even did anything. Oil scrounging bastards.

                  Bush is only in power coz his brother rigged the recount in Florida. As for Arnie, well that really does explain the american mentality doesnt it. An all american movie star running the fucking state.

                  Whatever next


                  • #69
                    “Nowadays you only seem to liberate countries where there is oil. Funny that, isn't it?

                    How can you call the Pearl Harbour attack cowardly? The Japanese took you on. So they struck first? Whats wrong with that? Many people in the USA knew it was coming, but the cowardly and incompetent top brass still put all their eggs in one basket. EEEeeeeee AAAaaaawwwww.

                    If Hitler invaded we would have fallen. You dick. He started the invasion with an air attack. Its called the Battle of Britain you toss pot. We repelled it. EEEEEeeeee AAAAaaaaaawwwwww.”

                    Yeah Brittany

                    We’ve liberated what oil along with our British allies? Who we helped keep from going under by sending them planes and flyers in WW2 that repelled The Nazi air attack. We don’t sneak attack dipshit we don’t have to. If we think that something isn’t right we tell the world and then give the people like the Taliban and the Iraqi’s time to give it up before we attack. We don’t want anyone’s oil, melon head we haven’t sold off anyone’s property we leave it to other people to conquer and reap the goods.

                    Off course most Brits won’t think this way because they’ve been brought up hero-worshiping their ancestors who created Imperial Britain by overrunning small countries and Islands that couldn’t do anything but capitulate. Where’s the good old British Empire now? In the toilet with Bri Thai’s Brain! Yeah you’re a jackass keep making those jackass sounds Brittany my girl!

                    Wrong Chris

                    ”the US played 'a' role in europes WW2 - but by no means 'the' defining role.

                    the US were not the noble saviours they like to believe they were.

                    They helped out with some handy conditions!”

                    WE played the defining role dickwad. We have history books written by European and the British as well many others we have real films dipshit, we have archives, we know what happened. We had many times the amount of men and machinery that Britain had. We have this thing called natural resources you know those things you make other things with like tanks and ships and such, the very things Britain tried to take from everyone else when they invaded India, Hong Kong, the Islands in the Caribbean, and misc other places all over world.

                    The Russians were starving and would have went under if we hadn’t kept the Germans busy on the Eastern front The British had less then one fourth the total force on the Eastern front you guys would not have done shit without us.

                    ”Like the removal of all british air bases in the US and the insertion of a bunch in the UK otherwise no help. Etc Etc.”

                    Total bullshit Chris the Brit’s never had an airbase in the U.S.!

                    ”The battle of Britain, the D-day landings, it all would have been successful weather the US were there or not. The planning and brilliance of the british Statergists were what won the war.”

                    Wrong again Chris , we were three fourths the force and machinery in the landing. Why wouldn’t you have invaded before we got there? Because you guys would have been slaughtered that’s why.

                    ”In general Americans have NO idea what WW2 in Europe was about, like or entailed - except what they saw on 'saving private ryan'. Which incidentally was based on a british rescue!! The news, the history lessons the education in the US - is - funnily enough about the US! No wonder they know nothing of the world!”

                    Bullshit we have some of the most admired College and Universities in the world! We have teachers from all over the world! They must all be influenced by our torture chambers, oh no wait, that was the guys we fight.

                    ”man o man the WW2 argument is tired and Hugely boring!

                    Get it into your heads guys, the US are no more superior than anyone else. The huge American Ego is what causes most of the problems in this world - not what solves them! IMO.”

                    We don’t have that big an ego my fiend we are just the freest country in the world and we won’t have people coming here and blowing our buildings up without reprisal and we won’t allow dictators like Hitler/Hussein to stay in power. We like the world free that’s why we fight for freedom dipshit even yours!

                    Have a nice day


                    “These yanks really make me laugh, they assume they invented everything and everyone owes them a living coz they're saviours of the free world etc etc. It took several years for them to get in on WW2 yet they attacked Iraq before they even did anything. Oil scrounging bastards.

                    Bush is only in power coz his brother rigged the recount in Florida. As for Arnie, well that really does explain the american mentality doesnt it. An all american movie star running the fucking state.

                    Whatever next ”

                    Hello dickface,
                    I’ve got news for you we don’t think we’ve invented everything we give credit where credit is due and we think those little white wigs the Brits invented to wear are just dandy.

                    And no one owes us a living we do just fine producing goods right here in the U.S. We don’t take any ones property; again that’s always been a British thing. We again aren’t after oil but freedom but we know all lot of people in the world too stupid to see the truth if we want oil we just go to Alaska and Texas we’ve plenty there.

                    And Arnold he’s from Austria simpleton!


                    You’re just a little too stupid to see the light aren’t you?


                    • #70
                      I couldn't even be bothered to read that. You should have the words "Easy to wind up" on your forehead.

                      But you still wimped out in the war. Dick Wad.


                      • #71
                        Originally posted by DRG
                        We don’t take any ones property; again that’s always been a British thing.

                        You stole the entire country off the American Indian, you gormless numptified idiotic pathetic are brained wank chops tit nosed dipshit!

                        Haw haw haw!!

                        Y'all have a nice day now.....


                        • #72
                          God help you if the US ever actually lived up to it's reputation as an Imperialistic Super Power what doesn't care for anything or anyone else...

                          I'd be eating my chocolate in Bri Thai's easy chair wearing is gay bobby hat after the 2 day war to invade Manchester!


                          • #73
                            Two whole days just for Manchester?

                            You Evil Imperial Anti Everythin Capitalists would take about 3 minutes. A few years ago our left wing pinko council declared Manchester a "Nuclear Free City", whatever that was supposed to mean.

                            The Cold War was still on. I'm sure the Russians scrubbed us off hteir target list......


                            • #74
                              It would take a bit for the Idaho National Guard to get there...


                              • #75
                                "You stole the entire country off the American Indian, "

                                ummm, let me think...where did those thieving, murdering settlers come from again? I'm sure it will come to me soon.

