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Wong Jak Man kicked Brue's ass.

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  • #76
    Durrrrr - so where do you think you come from, dubba bubba brain?


    • #77
      Originally posted by DRG

      You’re just a little too stupid to see the light aren’t you?

      Yes, your right Mr. Knowledge I’m not able to see the light! Do you feel better now having said that?

      Since you couldn't come up with any events of the fight, I quoted some for you from one of the articles I have on the subject. My post on 10-12-03 is direct quotes from Karate Magazine, July 1980 issue, story titled "BRUCE LEE’S TOUGHEST FIGHT" ( I can quote others, but I’m not going to waste my time on it for you.

      I’m telling you, you do some intelligent research and you’ll see both sides of the story. That really was the only point I had in starting this thread b/c I felt if you guys were going to talk about Bruce Lee’s fights intelligently you should know there is more than one side of the story. My Wing Chung instructor told us both sides of the story and told us to believe which ever one we wanted.

      I know, “Men are easy to kill, but legends never die.” And idiots are easily forgotten.


      • #78
        Originally posted by IPON
        KevinHallman: It doesn't matter if what you say is correct about Serrada YOU my friend need to show some respect!! Or you should be kicked of the forum.

        I forgot to thank you.

        Thanks IPON for getting my back!


        • #79
          Bruce Lee was an excellent martial artist and an excellent athlete by all accounts. He wasn't, however, unbeatable. Nobody ever has been. Different opponents match up better with different people. Bruce was at the top of his game, but others have been there as well. Bruce made the martial arts very, very famous and was a deadly practioner, but not the only one.

          During his run there was another lesser know, though equally talented martial artist, Shihan Gordon Doversola (true Okinawa Te). Shihan Doversola was also active in movie choreography for such movies as The Manchurian Candidate. Bruce and Doversola did not particularly care for he eachother and they did have something between a fight and a sparring session. Jim Kelly and Joe Lewis told this story saying that Bruce started out winning with his incredible speed. Doversola admitted that he had never seen anyone as fast as Bruce, but that his blows didn't stop Doversola out right. On Bruce's third attack Shihan Doversola caught him and laid him down. Both masters were able to walk away...neither being the clear victor. It just goes to show that as great as Bruce was, there were and are others in his league.


          • #80
            Originally posted by Thai Bri

            You stole the entire country off the American Indian, you gormless numptified idiotic pathetic are brained wank chops tit nosed dipshit!

            Haw haw haw!!

            Y'all have a nice day now.....

            This comment solidifies his ignorance in the world's clueless hall of fame.

            Hey bub, the "you" you speak of back then were primarily Spanish, French, and BRITISH settlers.

            The amount of dick-measuring in this thread is rediculous. The facts are facts. Imperialism is not a thing all nations strive to do at all times. Its something that happens at particular points in time throughout ALL nation's history. And when it comes to the war in Iraq, let me give you people a little insight... it had less to do with oil than many people want to admit. Yes it was on Bush's mind, but the real reason was to firmly establish Western influence in the region. Now Iran and Syria are shaking in their boots. Be certain that if they don't play nice with our allies (i.e. Isreal) there will be hell to pay.

            For god's sake, some of you guys need to get your asses into some history and sociology classes. See the world a bit and get an idea of what things are like when not looking at the world through your narrow little vision of what surrounds you.

            And lastly, GROW UP.


            • #81
              Our British allies are talking out their asses.
              You fuckin' idiots. You people should be on your knees preying to us for the sacrifice we made to save your asses!!! And the sacrifices we made in Iraq to LIBERATE those people (not to take their oil, Moron, we got enough to spare!). And for the future sacrifices we are going to make for any other country that needs our help. That's what we do, that's who we are!! America, home of the free, Land of the BRAVE!!

              EEEeeeeee AAAaaaawwwww to that!!!


              • #82
                BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man - BRUCE LEE - Wong Jak Man -


                • #83
                  Serreda.......No problem yo back is got


                  • #84
                    Originally posted by Thai Bri
                    Nowadays you only seem to liberate countries where there is oil. Funny that, isn't it?

                    have you heard of alaska? the united states has more than enough oil to last us the next 100 years.

                    Originally posted by Thai Bri
                    How can you call the Pearl Harbour attack cowardly? The Japanese took you on. So they struck first? Whats wrong with that? Many people in the USA knew it was coming, but the cowardly and incompetent top brass still put all their eggs in one basket. EEEeeeeee AAAaaaawwwww.
                    Hmm, if i remember correctly the Japanese faked negotions with the United States for months, then suddenly attacked without a declaration of war, yea they're really brave.

                    Originally posted by Thai Bri
                    If Hitler invaded we would have fallen. You dick. He started the invasion with an air attack. Its called the Battle of Britain you toss pot. We repelled it. EEEEEeeeee AAAAaaaaaawwwwww.
                    Oh yea, great job repelling it..those buildings you guys used to stop there bombs were great. if you didnt hear me correctly what i was trying to get across was that if hitler would have invaded with a army, he would have succeded.

                    Originally posted by Thai Bri
                    You're led by a President you didn't actually elect, and California has just elected an all action movie star to be Govenor. And you want respect?

                    Do you even know anything about Arnold Schwarzenegger politics? probobly not, you dont know anything except he was a former actor, yea so what. doesnt mean he's retarded and that he cant run a state.


                    • #85
                      i think we're pretty much finished with lee vs. jack man. someone post this flame thread on the open access section like i was spanked for not doing.


                      • #86
                        Land of the Free? Home of the Brave?

                        More like Land of the Banjo - Home of the Interbred.


                        • #87
                          DRG - Shhhhhhhhhh - all those American history books have changed history! - love it! nice use of swearing to get your point across

                          have you heard of alaska? the united states has more than enough oil to last us the next 100 years.
                          Yeh i have heard of Alaska - one the most fragile ecosystems on earth - and mr Bush wants to drill a bunch of oil wells. Well what can you expect from a guy that held major positions in the major oil industries!

                          Hmm, if i remember correctly the Japanese faked negations with the United States for months, then suddenly attacked without a declaration of war, yea they're really brave.
                          Hey man - war is about winning - the Japanese have been some of the greatest strategists in history - they made a successful maneuver against the mighty US of A, and suddenly they are cowards? no - they are clever!

                          Do you even know anything about Arnold Schwarzenegger politics? probably not, you don’t know anything except he was a former actor, yea so what. doesn’t mean he's retarded and that he cant run a state.
                          I don’t know anything about the Arni thing.

                          But read stupid white men by Michael Moore - he makes some very 'interesting points!'.

                          You people should be on your knees preying to us for the sacrifice we made to save your asses!!! And the sacrifices we made in Iraq to LIBERATE those people (not to take their oil, Moron, we got enough to spare!). And for the future sacrifices we are going to make for any other country that needs our help. That's what we do, that's who we are!!
                          In that case so should you - you should be on your knees thanking us for our soldiers giving their lives for yours, our marines that bailed yours out. And also appologising for giving pilots licences to cowboys with no understanding of what a British tank / convoy looks like! Man o man! Funnily enough our pilots dont make that mistake - must be cause your better huh??

                          You go on about liberation? do you know what the situation is in Afganistan now? of course not - your shitty 'news' chanels wouldnt show such unimportant shite!.

                          I don’t hate the US by any means - what i do hate is the general superiority complex that they seem to have!

                          Anyways back to the thread anyone??

                          Bri - you have some seriously funny things to say - LOL



                          • #88
                            Thanks Chris!

                            I aim to please.

                            Heres another. A jape, no less. This all happened in the USA....

                            At a large gathering of Spiritualists, the guy on stage says "OK, hands up if you've ever seen a ghost?" Almost everyone put their hand up.

                            He then says "Hands up all those who have been spoken to by a ghost?" Some hands didn't go up, and there was only about 70% of people raising their hands.

                            "Right," he says"that's really good. Now hands up all those who've had a conversation with a ghost." By this time only 50% of the hands were raised.

                            "Don't worry, thats still good. Now hands up everyone who's had a freindship with a ghost". By this time only 4 or 5 people had their hands up.

                            "Right, last question" he says. "Hands up if you've ever had sex with a ghost".

                            After a bit of murmurring, only one hand was raised. A little meek chap at the back. "Tell us, what was it like to have sex with a ghostt?"

                            "What?" says the fellow. "I'm sorry. I thought you said goat".

                            Tee hee hee.


                            • #89
                              "I don’t hate the US by any means - what i do hate is the general superiority complex that they seem to have! "


                              Seriously though, this is stupid really. This arguing is like arguing that you are better because your native ball team is better. It's bullsh**. It's like saying, "We beat you!!" The fact is, you didn't do sh**!! You are arguing about who's politics are better or whose military is better, it's stupid, really. None of us have anything to do with it. We are all little insignificant pawns in THEIR little games.

                              ALL cultures have things to be extremely proud of and things to be extremely ashamed of. If we can't realize that, then we are all truly morons.

                              Let it go.


                              • #90
                                Seriously though, this is stupid really. This arguing is like arguing that you are better because your native ball team is better. It's bullsh**. It's like saying, "We beat you!!" The fact is, you didn't do sh**!! You are arguing about who's politics are better or whose military is better, it's stupid, really. None of us have anything to do with it. We are all little insignificant pawns in THEIR little games.

                                ALL cultures have things to be extremely proud of and things to be extremely ashamed of. If we can't realize that, then we are all truly morons.

                                Let it go.
                                Agreed, Well said!

                                The original thread anyone??

