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Wong Jak Man kicked Brue's ass.

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  • Zenophobia

    Is a crippling disease, however it seems to flourish here quite nicely!

    (and no it isnt a fear of Buddhists !)


    • Do you mean xenophobia?


      • Shit!

        Originally posted by Alex
        Do you mean xenophobia?
        Forgive me, I forgot where I was, this must be the Spelling Bee !


        • Originally posted by Lizard
          Hey thai bri you must not have seen enter the dragon, he easily beat about a hundred people without even thinking twice about it. Wong jack man? Han was the only person who ever came close to beating bruce (and having a claw hand is a bit of an advantage).

          Now post again... with emotional content, NOT ANGER!
          My how articulate.


          And on another note:

          Who gives a damn who won, pointless time wasting brain numbing speculation with no real purpose or meaning in sight. Well done gentlemen, does your life feel fulfilled now?

          Fluff thread.


          • Bruce Lee was a great martial artist not God


            • Originally posted by Lizard

              So if I make a "killzone" and some old lady walks into it then I can kill her? cool
              Only if she's waving a British flag


              • serrada, your full of it. i attended a seminar with inosanto a couple years ago and the question about the fight came up in a Q & A session. he said that bruce clearly won the fight but bruce wasnt happy at all with his performance. he felt that it took too long and was winded. after that he changed his training methods and the philosophy of JKD was born, and no bruce did not get beat.


                • okay folks!
                  enuff about the mann fight already it happened almost 40 years ago. lee dead, mann dead! virtually everyone who saw the fight dead. its time to move on Lee was a cultural icon, a dynamic person, a phenomal athlete, a phenomal martial artist and decent little scrapper! but this arguement is academic the whole jkd concept has evolved beyond this wong j mann crap. i was a disciple of the "original jkd" bunch (and i'm sure everyone can guess who i am describing) this was in 1989-1991. then i started bouncing and i got in a scrapper or two. and i gotta tell ya' most trapping is ineffective, kicks are marginally useful (most effective when aimed at nuts), the stuff that mr inansanto teaches evolves as new approaches surface, and a lot of it works, some of its crap.
                  face it you can train for 10 years, be in great shape, and still get your butt whipped by an unschooled hockey player from toronto. jkd evolved out of bruce beginning winded and unable to finish his opponent in a reasonable time. as for the analogy of gracie's not disguarding bjj. well thats apples and oranges. move on! lets argue more about which is the least effective style. and in my opinion that would be lik sum yung gui.


                  • Originally posted by breathless
                    okay folks!
                    enuff about the mann fight already it happened almost 40 years ago.
                    Amen bro...........


                    • I think Bruce Lee had alot of good ideas and I don't take sides on this subject but here is an article on it.


                      • It's spelled INOSANTO
                        DAN INOSANTO.
                        I must have seen it 4 different ways in this thread.


                        • Originally posted by Serrada
                          No one will admit it but he did why do you think Bruce found it so necessary to change his martial art? Did Royce Gracie discount Brazilian Jujitsu after his long fight with Kimo? No you only change things that much when you lose. Bruce was a number 10 athlete but only a 7 or 8 martial artist and a legend in the kung fu movies.
                          First of all Wong Jack Man did not kick Bruce Lee's ass, because he has talked about the fight himself. This is what he has said. First off the teaching only chinese shit is bs, because his students from the 60's testify that he taught anyone who wanted to pay and learn. Second he says Linda lee has fabricated the story to protect an image of her husband she created. Apparently it started like this. Bruce had a big mouth about Kung Fu, and his insults spread across China town. So a couple of instigating fellows, convince Man that he shoudl have a friendly bout with Lee. Apparently Man did not know that the situation was anything more than friendly. He claims that before the fight Bruce said to him "Your friend has just got you killed". Man still not understanding, attempted to speak to Bruce and his friend James, and say that the match should have stipulations, and that he would not use any of his lethal kicks. Bruce angered, said that they should just fight all out. According to Man, even after that he bowed and attempted to shake Bruce's hand, and Bruce acted as if he wanted to do the same, but then threw a finger jab at Man's eye. He says that Bruce came after him relentlessly for 20 minutes, and could not penetrate his defense. He also claims that more than once he got Bruce in a lock, and did not strike him.
                          Bruce has went on record only once about the issue. With out using names he had claimed to have won the fight. But in a letter to his friend directly after the fight he said the following: The guy beat me, he has no class, and I have nothing else to say about it.
                          Another friend of Man's and Lee's, that said he refused to attend the fight, claims that he he saw Man the next day working, and the only visible marks was a scratch below his eye.


                          • Originally posted by DRG
                            I’ve studied Bruce and his fighting methods for about forty years. I can tell you there is no way Wong beat Bruce. Wong believes that the Chinese Martial Arts are supreme. And I after studying Gung Fu and JKD formally for close to Twenty five years I can tell you Wing Chun Is among the best of CMAs, and that Wong’s Northern styles, Tai Chi, and Hsing I, all of which I have studied and still sometimes practice, don’t add up to a well rounded fighter. Now I know that Wing Chun, which I have also studied and continue to practice a bit, is pretty one-sided as well but it is still better than most traditional Chinese styles.

                            Get this, Bruce didn’t stop teaching in Oakland, there were witnesses that say Bruce won, Linda wouldn’t lie about it if he had lost, she would simply say he lost and came back to be better. Bruce wouldn’t have let it go if he had lost, he would have fought Wong again. And Wong and his students and others who don’t like Bruce will only talk shit because he is dead and can’t defend himself. The truth of the matter is you don’t know shit about Bruce.

                            Bri Thai,
                            You little pud, I did do a search, and just because you didn’t read my post above that came from a Judo website very well It doesn’t mean that no one else will. But what I know is Kano didn’t have a modern martial art system like Bruce, mixing Jujitsu systems together don’t quite make it, although I do like Judo and Jujitsu and continue to study both as well as BJJ. But I’m sure the majority of the people here can see how stupid you are so it really doesn’t matter.

                            And we didn’t have to help you in WW2 the Nazi's were never a threat to the U.S., but we knew you Brits were about to go under. We took a while to come to Europe’s aid but we wanted to make sure we could win before we got there, years before D-day we were ramping up the war machine and making the tanks planes, landing ship tanks, bombs in the factories we used to make cars, boats and other things in. Without the U.S. you guys would have been floating in a sea of shit. The only thing that kept you Brits from going down quicker was that we had our fliers and our planes over there keeping the Germans from crossing the English channel and wiping your asses out, seeing as you were barely hanging on. Try making your own searches on the Internet, reading a book or watching the history channel sometime idiot maybe you’ll learn something!
                            I think many people here have false info, but you really are misinformed about Bruce. Linda Lied, we know she lied because friends anf amily of Bruce, say that her and Clouses movie Dragon was full of lies. Even his brothers have been quoted as saying that. 2 Wong Jack Mans account was similar to the 3 witness interviewed by Black Belt Magazine, Linda's was way different. No one else calimed that Bruce beat Man, but Linda. And the myth you make about Racism, and the fact that Bruce was to stop teaching is Linda's story no one else confirms that. Even Bruce's friends have said that the issue happened over Bruce's big mouth. And one more thing for those of you who do not know, Man publicly challenge Bruce, after Bruce went on TV and broke their agreement not to talk about the fight, and Bruce never responded.


                            • Originally posted by RickMan
                              serrada, your full of it. i attended a seminar with inosanto a couple years ago and the question about the fight came up in a Q & A session. he said that bruce clearly won the fight but bruce wasnt happy at all with his performance. he felt that it took too long and was winded. after that he changed his training methods and the philosophy of JKD was born, and no bruce did not get beat.
                              Inasanto is taking what Linda said, he was not there. If you read Man's and the quotes from the only other witness interviewed you will see 2 things. That Man's account and the 3 party account are similar, and that Man barley threw any blows he fought defensive. The thirt party says no one was every knocked down. I guess Dan Inasanto is Bruce's second wife , if he actually said what you said he said.


                              • not true
                                dan was there and linda has confirmed this

