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Wong Jak Man kicked Brue's ass.

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  • If Bruce were alive today he would 69 years old and probably in need of new knees, new hips, and cataract surgery.
    Does it really matter now? Maybe shaolin is better than jkd- so would you rather
    train 6 hours a day or 20 minutes a day?


    • 6 hours, definately.


      • Originally posted by jubaji View Post
        6 hours, definately.
        6 hours of diligent practice = gong fu.


        • I'd go 6 hours too.......what are we talking about again???


          • Originally posted by WildWest. View Post
            I'd go 6 hours too.......what are we talking about again???
            The 6" thrust.

            Its a magic trick of sorts, I believe.


            • For more than 6 hours, contact your physician immediately.


              • Originally posted by jubaji View Post
                For more than 6 hours, contact your physician immediately.
                Hello, doc....


                • And who is wong jak man? how come he needs to use other peoples name just to elevate his status? Is he a loser, who needs to use other people's name just to promote himself.?
                  Why don't just he be called WONG JACK Man and be recognize by people.


                  • Wong Jack Man doesn't use Bruce's name to elevate his status. Where did you get that from? Sifu Wong retired from teaching in 2005 and hasn't been seen since. Even when he was around he never did any public interviews on this subject besides the Official Karate article. I was his student at one time and I can tell you for certain that he didn't lose. Bruce was a hothead and it was in part because of him that this totally false version of what happened has been perpetuated (that was before Wong got him to shut up by publicly challenging him). Even after years of Wong being painted out to be a villain and a dishonorable coward he still never publicly defended himself. He shunned the public eye completely. He told me and my kung fu brothers that he didn't want to have anything to do with magazines or press people at all. This has always been frustrating for many of us but out of respect most of us have been silent in defending him because they're are too many Bruce Lee worshipping fanatics in the world. Bruce is a hero mainly because of his movies. It's not like he ever fought anyone of note or really proved himself as a great fighter so why do so many ignorant dumbasses like to say he was "the greatest fighter in the world." He only started getting really good after his fight with Wong Jack Man so what does that tell you?


                    • What this tells is that there's 2 side to every story and nobody seems to have Lee's and that this topic has become so incredibly boring that I can't believe all you Bruce and Wong fans are still harping on about something that allegedly might or might not have happened 40 odd years ago.

                      Build a bridge and get over it.


                      • A Few Thoughts

                        Siu: A few thoughts...

                        "Bruce was a hothead and it was in part because of him that this totally false version of what happened"

                        Bruce Lee had a massive ego and a quick temper. Even his critics, however, acknowledge that he spoke his mind and was not one to tell tall tales. He demanded the truth not only of himself, but from others as well. Your claim that Lee's brief mention of his fight with Wong Jack Man was "totally false," does not hold any water. The late James Yimm Lee was present at this fight and his reputation was above reproach. James Lee was a quiet man, but when he spoke, people listened. It was James Lee who called Wong Jack Man "The Runner," and his version of the story closely resembled the brief mention by Bruce Lee.

                        "Even after years of Wong being painted out to be a villain and a dishonorable coward he still never publicly defended himself."

                        Outside of Bruce Lee fans, this does not seem to be the prevailing sentiment among martial artists. I've read several versions of why the two men decided to duke it out, but the mere fact that they did engage in a no-holds barred fight eliminates any notion that Wong Jack Man was a coward.

                        "Bruce is a hero mainly because of his movies."

                        I could type several pages about why Bruce Lee's impact went beyond his short movie career.

                        "It's not like he ever fought anyone of note or really proved himself as a great fighter so why do so many ignorant dumbasses like to say he was "the greatest fighter in the world."

                        Your comment about not fighting "anyone of note," confuses me. Are you referring to the tired adage of Bruce Lee never proving himself because he never competed in point tournaments? I've always found that a student's skill level is a reflection of his or her Sifu. Bruce Lee's students are a literal Who's Who of bad asses. Jesse Glover, James DeMile, Leroy Garcia, Patrick Strong, Ed Hart, James Lee, Bob Baker, Howard Williams, Al Novak, Larry Hartsell, Dan Lee, and Bob Bremer are all legitimate tough guys who were in awe of Bruce Lee's talent.


                        • I think one part of this story one man lived and the other died a legend frozen in time. The man who lived wong jack man regardless of what happened had to continue living and teaching probably alwasy been asked about the time bruce lee kicked his ass, so of course he will have to counter that and say he kicked his ass etc. It doesnt matter really because bruce lee changed direction in his training and thats what happens when you fight....each fight takes you to a new place and you grow and keep growing. Most people dont fight, they just pile on more and more guesswork and analogy or whatever without practical sense.


                          • Originally posted by george stando View Post
                            I think one part of this story one man lived and the other died a legend frozen in time. The man who lived wong jack man regardless of what happened had to continue living and teaching probably alwasy been asked about the time bruce lee kicked his ass, so of course he will have to counter that and say he kicked his ass etc. It doesnt matter really because bruce lee changed direction in his training and thats what happens when you fight....each fight takes you to a new place and you grow and keep growing. Most people dont fight, they just pile on more and more guesswork and analogy or whatever without practical sense.
                            Yep thats it George


                            • Yes, but I've never seen anyone completely change their style after winning a fight. Especially against a grandmaster. I've known fighters to change their game a little bit but not as drastically as Bruce did. That's all you ever hear, that he realized Wing Chun was insufficient after this particular fight (why Wing Chun guys worship him I have no idea). Oh, and why was Wing Chun insufficient? Because you can't beat someone up who's running away from you? What kind of BS is that? There's a difference between side stepping and dodging your opponent while you're backing up and running away. Bruce realized that his head on, straight line attacks were lacking. So lacking that he wouldn't take up Sifu Wong on his public challenge I guess.


                              • Oh, did you guys notice how Anderson Silva just kept running around Demian Maia? Demian just couldn't touch him. I wasn't there but I'll bet the BL/WJM fight was similiar. Let's face it, Bruce couldn't touch him. Why else would he get so pissed off at himself and change his whole style and outlook on fighting completely? Of course, we all know he was an ego maniac and that he was likely to trash talk afterward. I heard he had to get his friend to back him up when he went to Wong Sifu's work 'cause he was so pissed about the article in The Chinese Pacific Weekly where Wong laid it out how he schooled Bruce. It was only a draw because of the unpredictable ending.

                                A lot of people don't know that after the smoke cleared it's not like they were enemies or anything. Linda Lee should take back some of the things she's said and change the JKD Foundation's official stance on this fight.

