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MT:Horrible Kenpo Clps

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  • MT:Horrible Kenpo Clps

    Horrible Kenpo Clps By Atlanta-Kenpo - 01-29-2008 09:16 AM


    OK, I know that I am going to get a lot of crap for this one but I want to get the opinions of you all on this.

    I am so freaking tried of all the bleeping crapy a^* videos/clips/youtube stuff out there showing a EPAK black belts doing techniques on someone who just stands there and lets he/she hit him 2,134 times. I am not just talking about 1st, 2nd or 3rd degree black belts either. We can all beat the living crap out of anyone who just stands there and lets you whale away on them and yes I do agree that that is stage in the learning process. But if your a super duper black belt who can leap tall buildingsin a single bound then why not show the world. Is everyone hiding all of the secret information?

    Is, it me? Maybe I am just not looking at the right people or maybe I have lost my way. Someone please show me the light here. If you have a clip of someone please send it to me.

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    You really have started a lot of threads here in the kenpo forum. I do appreciate you at least trying to keep the forum alive. I wish there was a larger number of replies. The crappy demonstrations of kenpo in the videos that you mention are representative of what I've seen at every kenpo school I've been to and of just about every demonstration of kenpo I've ever seen anywhere. I honestly don't think you've lost your way, I think kenpo has lost its way. While Ed Parker was indeed a true innovator and gifted individual with regard to motion and other important aspects of the martial arts, I really don't like the way the combative aspects of the system are locked into prescribed responses to single(sometimes more) attacks. So much emphasis has been placed on these self-defense techniques, either for their flash or for the belief that memorization and correct execution of these techniques alone will make one an effective street fighter, that many prominent kenpoists have used the techniques in videos to demonstrate and to represent the system. Whether or not the demos truly do represent the system is the question. The problem with the videos presented in this way and put on websites where they can be widely diseminated is that now they're at the mercy of critical and sometimes experienced martial artists in systems emphasizing realism(UFC type stuff). So what do you think?

