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MT:Kenpo and Boxing

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  • MT:Kenpo and Boxing

    Kenpo and Boxing By MJS - 06-19-2010 07:25 PM


    In another thread in this section, I had asked what 5 things people would change in Kenpo, if they could. One member, Handsword, suggesting more realistic strikes/combos, such as we'd see with a boxer.

    So, here is my question: Do you feel that Kenpoists would benefit from boxing training? This could range from actually crosstraining with a boxer, and considering that MMA is very popular, training to deal with the types of punches, combos, etc., that are typical of a boxer.

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    "So, here is my question: Do you feel that Kenpoists would benefit from boxing training? This could range from actually crosstraining with a boxer, and considering that MMA is very popular, training to deal with the types of punches, combos, etc., that are typical of a boxer."
    Kempo training is all about combination punching, as well as take downs and joint locks. If your not already training like a boxer / wrestler, you need to be.
    Kempo teaches set combinations and rank Kempo techniques; these are just a learning tool. I equate learning martial arts to learning a new language. The Kempo sets and combinations are much like basic sentences in any language. Learn them all and you still only have a very basic vocabulary, and limited arsenal of ability. It’s not until you can tear apart those prearranged techniques, learn the dynamics and understand the mechanics of them, understand how to close the gaps and adjust for critical distance then you can scatter every part of every technique to the winds and forget them, because they only work in a perfect world. They are designed to teach you a broader aspect of martial arts, the technique is nothing, the ability to deliver a mechanically sound counter attack are what we as kempoist need to extract from our techniques. This requires a “more than basic” understanding of boxing, kicking and Jiu Jitsu theories and practical application. If you think or were told that your Kempo techniques will work against a fighter, next time you’re in class abandon your horse stance, it’s a training tool, not a fighting stance. Put your hands up and let your training partner lead with a jab…… see if you can trap it, if you don’t train for speed, against a fighter, you bought magic beans. (Your Kempo won’t work) I’ve spent the better part of my adult life learning to understand Kempo, it’s no better than any other martial art, it is the same as every other martial art in one respect. In order for it to be effective, you have to get past the colored belts and the ego that comes with rank progression, and stay the course as a humble student, learn to see things for what they are and strive to understand all there is. Fight science is Physics, plain and simple. Kempo, where the straight line ends the circle begins and vice versa. Train like your life depends on it, because it just might. If not, you’re just wasting your time.

